Our Little Concordance

‘Beast’ in the Bible – All 239 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Beast’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Beast’ occurs 239 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 1:24 God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became.Genesis 1:24

Genesis 1:25 And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species, and the cattle, and every animal on the land, according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.Genesis 1:25

Genesis 1:26 And he said: “Let us make Man to our image and likeness. And let him rule over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and the wild beasts, and the entire earth, and every animal that moves on the earth.”Genesis 1:26

Genesis 2:20 And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself.Genesis 2:20

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed among all living things, even the wild beasts of the earth. Upon your breast shall you travel, and the ground shall you eat, all the days of your life.Genesis 3:14

Genesis 6:20 from birds, according to their kind, and from beasts, in their kind, and from among all animals on earth, according to their kind; pairs from each shall enter with you, so that they may be able to live.Genesis 6:20

Genesis 7:21 And all flesh was consumed which moved upon the earth: flying things, animals, wild beasts, and all moving things that crawl upon the ground. And all men,Genesis 7:21

Genesis 8:17 Bring out with you all the living things that are with you, all that is flesh: as with the birds, so also with the wild beasts and all the animals that move upon the earth. And enter upon the land: increase and multiply upon it.”Genesis 8:17

Genesis 9:5 For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind.Genesis 9:5

Genesis 9:10 and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth.Genesis 9:10

Genesis 31:39 Neither did I reveal to you what was seized by the wild beast. I replaced all that was damaged. Whatever was lost by theft, you collected it from me.Genesis 31:39

Genesis 37:20 Come, let us kill him and cast him into the old cistern. And let us say: ‘an evil wild beast has devoured him.’ And then it will become apparent what his dreams will do for him.”Genesis 37:20

Genesis 37:33 And when the father acknowledged it, he said: “It is the tunic of my son. An evil wild beast has eaten him; a beast has devoured Joseph.”Genesis 37:33

Genesis 42:27 And one of them, opening a sack to give his beast of burden fodder at the inn, looked upon the money at the sack’s mouth,Genesis 42:27

Genesis 44:28 One went out, and you said, “A beast devoured him.” And since then, he has not appeared.Genesis 44:28

Genesis 45:17 And he told Joseph that he should command his brothers, saying: “ ‘Burden your beasts, and go into the land of Canaan,Genesis 45:17

Number of the word / term Beast in Genesis: 16

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 8:17 And they did so. And Aaron extended his hand, holding the staff, and he struck the dust of the earth, and there came stinging insects upon men and upon beasts. All the dust of the earth was turned into stinging insects through all the land of Egypt.Exodus 8:17

Exodus 8:18 And the sorcerers, with their incantations, did similarly, in order to bring forth stinging insects, but they were not able. And there were stinging insects, as much on men as on beasts.Exodus 8:18

Exodus 9:9 And let there be dust upon all the land of Egypt. For there will be sores and swelling pustules on men and on beasts, throughout the entire land of Egypt.”Exodus 9:9

Exodus 9:10 And they took ashes from the oven, and they stood in the sight of Pharaoh, and Moses sprinkled it in the air. And there came sores with swelling pustules on men and on beasts.Exodus 9:10

Exodus 9:19 Therefore, send immediately and gather together your cattle, and all that you have in the field. For men and beasts, and all things that will be found outside, not gathered in from the fields, and on which the hail will fall, shall die.’ ”Exodus 9:19

Exodus 9:22 And the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand into the sky, so that there may be hail in the entire land of Egypt, on men, and on beasts, and on every plant of the field in the land of Egypt.”Exodus 9:22

Exodus 9:25 And the hail struck, throughout all the land of Egypt, everything that was in the fields, from man even to beast. And the hail struck down every plant of the field, and it broke every tree of the region.Exodus 9:25

Exodus 11:5 And every firstborn in the land of the Egyptians shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the handmaid, who is at the millstone, and all the firstborn of the beasts of burden.Exodus 11:5

Exodus 13:15 For when Pharaoh had been hardened and was unwilling to release us, the Lord killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of man, even to the firstborn of beasts. For this reason, I immolate to the Lord all of the male sex that opens the womb, and all the firstborn of my sons I redeem.’Exodus 13:15

Exodus 19:13 Hands shall not touch him, but he shall be crushed with stones, or he shall be pierced through with darts. Whether it be a beast or a man, he shall not live. For when the trumpet begins to sound, perhaps they might go up toward the mountain.”Exodus 19:13

Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work in it: you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, your beast and the newcomer who is within your gates.Exodus 20:10

Exodus 21:34 then the owner of the cistern shall repay the price of the beasts, and what is dead will belong to him.Exodus 21:34

Exodus 22:13 If it has been eaten by a wild beast, let him carry what was killed to him, and then he shall not make restitution.Exodus 22:13

Exodus 22:31 You shall be holy men for me. The flesh, from which beasts will have tasted, you shall not eat, but you will throw it to the dogs.”Exodus 22:31

Exodus 23:11 But in the seventh year, you shall release it and cause it to rest, so that the poor of your people may eat. And whatever remains, let the beasts of the field eat it. So shall you do with your vineyard and your olive grove.Exodus 23:11

Exodus 23:29 I will not cast them out from your face in one year, lest the land be reduced to a wilderness and the wild beasts increase against you.Exodus 23:29

Number of the word / term Beast in Exodus: 16

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 5:2 The soul that will have touched anything unclean, either that which has been killed by a beast, or that which has died on its own, or any other creeping thing, and will have forgotten its uncleanness, he is guilty and has committed a transgression.Leviticus 5:2

Leviticus 5:7 But if he is not able to offer a beast, let him offer two turtledoves or two young pigeons to the Lord, one for sin, and the other for a holocaust.Leviticus 5:7

Leviticus 7:21 And whoever will have touched the uncleanness of man, or of beast, or of anything which is able to defile, and who will have eaten from this kind of flesh, shall be cut off from his people.Leviticus 7:21

Leviticus 7:24 The fat of a carcass that has died on its own, or of an animal that has been seized by a wild beast, you shall have for various uses.Leviticus 7:24

Leviticus 7:26 Likewise, you shall not take as food the blood of any animals at all, whether of birds or beasts.Leviticus 7:26

Leviticus 17:13 Any man at all from the sons of Israel, or from the newcomers who sojourn with you, whether by hunting or bird-catching, if he seizes a wild beast or a bird, which is lawful to eat, let him pour out its blood and cover the earth with it.Leviticus 17:13

Leviticus 17:15 The soul who eats what has died on its own, or what has been caught by a beast, whether he is native born or a newcomer, shall wash his clothes and himself with water, and he shall be contaminated until evening. And by this means he shall be made clean.Leviticus 17:15

Leviticus 18:23 You shall not commit sexual acts with any animal, nor shall you be defiled by it. A woman shall not lie down with a beast, nor commit sexual acts with it; for this is wickedness.Leviticus 18:23

Leviticus 20:15 Whoever will have committed sexual acts with any animal or cattle, he shall die a death. Likewise, you shall slay the beast.Leviticus 20:15

Leviticus 22:8 Whatever dies on its own, and whatever has been seized by a wild beast, they shall not eat, nor shall they be polluted by these. I am the Lord.Leviticus 22:8

Leviticus 24:21 Whoever strikes down a beast, shall repay another. Whoever strikes a man shall be punished.Leviticus 24:21

Leviticus 25:7 all that grows on its own shall provide food for your beasts and cattle.Leviticus 25:7

Leviticus 26:6 I will give peace to your most distant regions. You will sleep, and there will be no one to strike you with terror. I will take away harmful wild beasts, and the sword will not cross your borders.Leviticus 26:6

Leviticus 26:22 And I will send upon you the wild beasts of the field, which will consume you and your cattle, and which will reduce everything to paucity, and cause your roadways to become desolate.Leviticus 26:22

Number of the word / term Beast in Leviticus: 14

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:13 For every firstborn is mine. From the time that I struck the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I have sanctified for myself whatever is born first in Israel. From man, even to beast, they are mine. I am the Lord.”Numbers 3:13

Numbers 8:17 For all the firstborn of the sons of Israel, as much from men as from beasts, are mine. From the day when I struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I have sanctified them to myself.Numbers 8:17

Numbers 22:23 The donkey, discerning that the Angel was standing in the way with a drawn sword, turned herself from the road and went through a field. And when Balaam beat her and intended to return her to the path,Numbers 22:23

Numbers 22:25 And the donkey, seeing this, drew herself close to the wall and scraped the foot of the rider. So he beat her again.Numbers 22:25

Numbers 22:32 And the Angel said to him: “Why did you beat your donkey three times? I have come to be an adversary to you, because your way is perverse and contrary to me.Numbers 22:32

Numbers 31:11 And they carried away prey from everything that they had seized, both of men and of beasts.Numbers 31:11

Numbers 31:26 “Take the sum of those things which were captured, from man even to beast, you and Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of the common people.Numbers 31:26

Numbers 35:3 cities as dwelling places, with their surrounding suburbs, so that they may lodge in the towns, and so that the suburbs may be for cattle and beasts of burden.Numbers 35:3

Number of the word / term Beast in Numbers: 8

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 4:17 a likeness of any of the beasts, which are upon the earth, or of birds, which fly under heaven,Deuteronomy 4:17

Deuteronomy 7:22 He himself will consume these nations in your sight, a little at a time, by degrees. You will not be able to destroy them all at once. Otherwise, the wild beasts of the earth might increase against you.Deuteronomy 7:22

Deuteronomy 14:6 Every beast which has a hoof divided into two parts and which also chews the cud, you shall eat.Deuteronomy 14:6

Deuteronomy 22:18 And the elders of that city shall apprehend that man and beat him.Deuteronomy 22:18

Deuteronomy 27:21 Cursed be he who lies with any beast. And all the people shall say: Amen.Deuteronomy 27:21

Deuteronomy 28:26 And may your carcass be food for all the flying things of the air and the wild beasts of the land, and may there be no one to drive them away.Deuteronomy 28:26

Deuteronomy 32:24 They will be consumed by famine, and birds with a very bitter bite will devour them. I will send forth the teeth of wild beasts among them, along with the fury of creatures that scurry across the ground, and of serpents.Deuteronomy 32:24

Number of the word / term Beast in Deuteronomy: 7

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 14:4 For by succession, the sons of Joseph, in their place, were divided into two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. But the Levites did not receive another portion of land, except cities in which to live, and their suburbs, so as to feed their beasts of burden and cattle.Joshua 14:4

Number of the word / term Beast in Joshua: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 17:44 And he said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth.”1 Samuel 17:44

1 Samuel 17:46 Today, the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down. And I will take your head from you. And today, I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth, so that all the earth may know that God is with Israel.1 Samuel 17:46

Number of the word / term Beast in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 21:10 Then Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah, taking a haircloth, spread it under herself on a rock, from the beginning of the harvest until water dropped from heaven upon them. And she did not permit the birds to tear them by day, nor the beasts by night.2 Samuel 21:10

Number of the word / term Beast in 2 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 4:28 Also, they brought barley and straw for the horses and beasts of burden, to the place where the king was, just as it was appointed to them.1 Kings 4:28

1 Kings 4:33 And he discoursed about trees, from the cedar which is in Lebanon, to the hyssop which grows out from the wall. And he explained about beasts, and birds, and reptiles, and fish.1 Kings 4:33

1 Kings 12:11 And now, my father placed a heavy yoke upon you, but I will add more upon your yoke. My father cut you with whips, but I will beat you with scorpions.’ ”1 Kings 12:11

1 Kings 12:14 And he spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying: “My father weighed down your yoke, but I will add more to your yoke. My father cut you with whips, but I will beat you with scorpions.”1 Kings 12:14

1 Kings 18:5 Then Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go into the land, to all fountains of water, and to all the valleys, for perhaps we will be able to find plants, and save the horses and mules, so that the beasts of burden may not perish entirely.”1 Kings 18:5

Number of the word / term Beast in 1 Kings: 5

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 3:9 Therefore, the king of Israel, and the king of Judah, and the king of Idumea, traveled, and they went by a circuitous path for seven days. But there was no water for the army or for the beasts of burden which were following them.2 Kings 3:9

2 Kings 3:17 For thus says the Lord: You shall not see wind or rain. And yet this channel shall be filled with water. And you shall drink, you and your families, and your beasts of burden.2 Kings 3:17

2 Kings 14:9 And Jehoash, the king of Israel, sent a reply to Amaziah, the king of Judah, saying: “A thistle of Lebanon sent to a cedar, which is in Lebanon, saying: ‘Give your daughter as wife to my son.’ And the beasts of the forest, which are in Lebanon, passed by and trampled the thistle.2 Kings 14:9

Number of the word / term Beast in 2 Kings: 3

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 10:11 My father imposed a heavy yoke upon you, and I will place more weight upon it. My father cut you with whips; truly, I will beat you with scorpions.’ ”2 Chronicles 10:11

2 Chronicles 10:14 And he spoke according to the will of the youths: “My father imposed a heavy yoke upon you, which I will make heavier. My father cut you with whips; truly, I will beat you with scorpions.”2 Chronicles 10:14

2 Chronicles 25:18 But he sent back messengers, saying: “The thistle which is in Lebanon sent to the cedar of Lebanon, saying: ‘Give your daughter to my son as wife.’ And behold, the beasts that were in the forest of Lebanon passed through, and they trampled the thistle.2 Chronicles 25:18

2 Chronicles 28:15 And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives. All those who were naked, they clothed from the spoils. And when they had clothed them, and had given them shoes, and had refreshed them with food and drink, and had anointed them because of the hardship, and had cared for them, whoever was not able to walk and whoever was feeble in body, they set them upon beasts of burden, and they led them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers, and they themselves returned to Samaria.2 Chronicles 28:15

2 Chronicles 32:28 and also repositories of grain, wine, and oil, and stalls for every beast of burden, and fencing for cattle.2 Chronicles 32:28

Number of the word / term Beast in 2 Chronicles: 5

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2:14 And I continued on to the gate of the fountain, and to the aqueduct of the king. And there was no room for the beast on which I was sitting to pass through.Nehemiah 2:14

Number of the word / term Beast in Nehemiah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Job

Job 5:22 In desolation and in famine, you will laugh, and you will not dread the beasts of the earth.Job 5:22

Job 5:23 For you are in harmony with the stones of the land, and the beasts of the earth will make peace with you.Job 5:23

Job 35:11 who teaches us in addition to the beasts of the earth, and who educates us along with the birds of the air?”Job 35:11

Job 37:8 The beast will enter his hiding-place, and he will remain in his cave.Job 37:8

Job 39:15 She forgets that feet may trample them, or that the beasts of the field may shatter them.Job 39:15

Job 40:20 The mountains bring forth grass for him; all the beasts of the field will play there.Job 40:20

Number of the word / term Beast in Job: 6

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 8:7 You have subjected all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and in addition: the beasts of the field,Psalm 8:7

Psalm 22:21 Save me from the mouth of the lion, and my humility from the horns of single-horned beast.Psalm 22:21

Psalm 29:6 And it will break them into pieces, like a calf of Lebanon, and in the same way as the beloved son of the single-horned beast.Psalm 29:6

Psalm 36:6 Your justice is like the mountains of God. Your judgments are a great abyss. Men and beasts, you will save, O Lord.Psalm 36:6

Psalm 49:12 And man, when he was held in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.Psalm 49:12

Psalm 49:20 Man, when he was in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.Psalm 49:20

Psalm 50:10 For all the wild beasts of the forest are mine: the cattle on the hills and the oxen.Psalm 50:10

Psalm 68:30 Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, a congregation of bulls with the cows of the people, for they seek to exclude those who have been tested like silver. Scatter the nations that are pleased by wars.Psalm 68:30

Psalm 73:23 I have become like a beast of burden to you, and I am always with you.Psalm 73:23

Psalm 74:19 Do not hand over to beasts the souls that confess to you; and do not forget the souls of your poor until the end.Psalm 74:19

Psalm 78:50 He made way for the path of his anger. He did not spare their souls from death. And he enclosed their beasts of burden in death.Psalm 78:50

Psalm 78:69 And he built up his sanctuary, like a single-horned beast, in the land that he founded for all ages.Psalm 78:69

Psalm 79:2 They have placed the dead bodies of your servants as food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of your saints for the beasts of the earth.Psalm 79:2

Psalm 80:13 The wild boar of the forest has trampled it, and a single wild beast has laid waste to it.Psalm 80:13

Psalm 92:10 And my horn will be exalted like that of the single-horned beast, and my old age will be exalted in fruitful mercy.Psalm 92:10

Psalm 104:11 All the wild beasts of the field will drink. The wild donkeys will anticipate in their thirst.Psalm 104:11

Psalm 104:20 You appointed darkness, and it has become night; all the beasts of the forest will cross through it.Psalm 104:20

Psalm 107:38 And he blessed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly. And he did not diminish their beasts of burden.Psalm 107:38

Psalm 147:9 He gives their food to beasts of burden and to young ravens that call upon him.Psalm 147:9

Psalm 148:10 wild beasts and all cattle, serpents and feathered flying things,Psalm 148:10

Number of the word / term Beast in Psalm: 20

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 12:10 The just one knows the lives of his beasts. But the inner most parts of the impious are cruel.Proverbs 12:10

Proverbs 30:30 a lion, the strongest of beasts, who fears nothing that he meets,Proverbs 30:30

Number of the word / term Beast in Proverbs: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 3:19 For this reason, the passing away of man and of beasts is one, and the condition of both is equal. For as a man dies, so also do they die. All things breathe similarly, and man has nothing more than beast; for all these are subject to vanity.Ecclesiastes 3:19

Ecclesiastes 3:21 Who knows if the spirit of the sons of Adam ascend upward, and if the spirit of the beasts descend downward?Ecclesiastes 3:21

Number of the word / term Beast in Ecclesiastes: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 13:21 Instead, the wild beasts will rest there, and their houses will be filled with serpents, and ostriches will live there, and the hairy ones will leap about there.Isaiah 13:21

Isaiah 18:6 And together they will be abandoned to the birds of the mountains and to the wild beasts of the earth. And the birds will be continuously on them in the summer, and all the wild beasts of the earth will winter over them.Isaiah 18:6

Isaiah 30:6 The burden of the beasts in the south. In a land of tribulation and anguish, from which go forth the lioness and the lion, the viper and the flying king snake, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of beasts of burden, and their valuables upon the humps of camels, to a people who are not able to offer profit to them.Isaiah 30:6

Isaiah 34:7 And the single-horned beasts will descend with them, and the bulls along with the mighty. Their land will be inebriated by blood, and their ground by the fat of their lazy ones.Isaiah 34:7

Isaiah 43:20 The wild beasts of the field will glorify me, with the serpents and the ostriches. For I have brought waters to the desert, rivers to inaccessible places, in order to give drink to my people, to my elect.Isaiah 43:20

Isaiah 46:1 Bel has been broken. Nebo has been crushed. Their idols have been placed upon beasts and cattle, your grievous heavy burdens, even unto exhaustion.Isaiah 46:1

Isaiah 49:10 They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the heat of the sun beat down upon them. For the one who takes pity on them will rule them, and he will give them to drink from fountains of waters.Isaiah 49:10

Isaiah 56:9 All beasts of the field, all the beasts of the forest: approach and devour!Isaiah 56:9

Number of the word / term Beast in Isaiah: 8

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 7:20 Therefore, thus says the Lord God: “Behold, my fury and my indignation is kindled against this place, over men and over beasts, and over the trees of the countryside and over the fruits of the land, and it will burn and not be extinguished.”Jeremiah 7:20

Jeremiah 7:33 And the corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the air and for the wild beasts of the land, and there will be no one to drive them away.Jeremiah 7:33

Jeremiah 12:9 Is my inheritance to me like a discolored bird? Is it like a bird that has entirely changed color? Approach and assemble, all beasts of the earth! Hurry, so that you may devour!Jeremiah 12:9

Jeremiah 15:3 And I will visit against them in four ways, says the Lord: by the sword, to kill; and by dogs, to tear apart; and by the birds of the air and by the beasts of the earth, to devour and to scatter.Jeremiah 15:3

Jeremiah 16:4 They will die from grievous mortal illnesses. They will not be mourned, and they will not be buried. They will be like manure on the face of the earth. And they will be consumed by sword and by famine. And their dead bodies will be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the land.”Jeremiah 16:4

Jeremiah 19:7 And I will scatter the counsel of Judah and of Jerusalem in this place. And I will overthrow them with the sword, in the sight of their enemies and by the hand of those who seek their lives. And I will give their carcasses to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the land as food.Jeremiah 19:7

Jeremiah 21:6 And I will strike the inhabitants of this city; men and beasts will die from a great pestilence.Jeremiah 21:6

Jeremiah 27:5 I made the earth, and the men and beasts which are upon the face of the earth, by my great strength and by my outstretched arm. And I have given it to whomever it was pleasing in my eyes.Jeremiah 27:5

Jeremiah 27:6 And now, therefore, I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant. Moreover, I have given to him also the beasts of the field, so that they may serve him.Jeremiah 27:6

Jeremiah 28:14 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: I have placed a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, so that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. And they shall serve him. Moreover, I have given to him even the beasts of the earth.”Jeremiah 28:14

Jeremiah 32:43 And fields will be possessed in this land, about which you say that it is desolate because there remains neither man nor beast, and because it has been given into the hands of the Chaldeans.Jeremiah 32:43

Jeremiah 33:10 Thus says the Lord: Still shall there be heard in this place, (which you say is desolate, because there is neither man nor beast,) and in the cities of Judah and outside of Jerusalem, (which are desolate, without man, and without an inhabitant and without cattle,)Jeremiah 33:10

Jeremiah 33:12 Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Still shall there be in this place, (which is desolate without man and without beast,) and in all of its cities: a habitation for the shepherds giving rest to their flocks.Jeremiah 33:12

Jeremiah 34:20 And I will give them into the hands of their enemies and into the hands of those who are seeking their life. And their dead bodies will be food for the birds of the air and for the beasts of the earth.Jeremiah 34:20

Jeremiah 36:29 And you shall say to Jehoiakim, the king of Judah: Thus says the Lord: You have burned that volume, saying: ‘Why have you written in it, announcing that the king of Babylon will advance quickly, and will devastate this land, and will cause both man and beast to cease from it?’Jeremiah 36:29

Jeremiah 37:15 Therefore, the leaders were angry with Jeremiah, and so they beat him and sent him to the prison that was in the house of Jonathan, the scribe. For he was the chief over the prison.Jeremiah 37:15

Jeremiah 50:3 For a nation has ascended against her from the north, which will set her land in desolation. And there will be no one who may live within it, from man even to beast. For they have been removed and have gone away.Jeremiah 50:3

Jeremiah 51:62 you will say: ‘O Lord, you have spoken against this place so that you may destroy it, so that there would not be anyone, from man even to beast, who may live in it, and so that it may be desolate forever.’Jeremiah 51:62

Number of the word / term Beast in Jeremiah: 18

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 4:14 And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Behold, my soul has not been polluted, and from my infancy even until now, I have not eaten anything that has died of itself, nor that which has been torn up by beasts, and no unclean flesh at all has entered into my mouth.”Ezekiel 4:14

Ezekiel 5:17 And I will send among you famine and very harmful beasts, even unto utter ruin. And pestilence and blood shall pass through you. And I will bring the sword over you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”Ezekiel 5:17

Ezekiel 14:13 “Son of man, when a land will have sinned against me, so that it transgresses grievously, I will extend my hand over it, and I will crush the staff of its bread. And I will send a famine upon it, and I will destroy from it both man and beast.Ezekiel 14:13

Ezekiel 14:15 And if I also lead in very harmful beasts upon the land, so that I devastate it, and it becomes impassable, so that no one may cross through it because of the beasts,Ezekiel 14:15

Ezekiel 14:17 Or if I lead in the sword upon that land, and if I say to the sword, ‘Pass through the land,’ and so I destroy from it both man and beast,Ezekiel 14:17

Ezekiel 14:19 Then, if I also send the pestilence upon that land, and I pour out my indignation upon it with blood, so that I take away from it both man and beast,Ezekiel 14:19

Ezekiel 14:21 For thus says the Lord God: Even though I will send upon Jerusalem my four most grievous judgments, sword and famine and harmful beasts and pestilence, so that I destroy from it both man and beast,Ezekiel 14:21

Ezekiel 25:13 therefore, thus says the Lord God: I will extend my hand over Idumea, and I will take from it both man and beast, and I will make it desolate from the south. And those who are in Dedan will fall by the sword.Ezekiel 25:13

Ezekiel 29:5 And I will cast you into the desert, with all the fish of your river. You will fall upon the surface of the earth; you will not be taken up, nor gathered together. I have given you to the beasts of the earth and to the birds of the air, to be devoured.Ezekiel 29:5

Ezekiel 29:8 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will lead the sword over you, and I will destroy both man and beast from among you.Ezekiel 29:8

Ezekiel 31:6 And when he had extended his shadow, all the birds of the air made their nests in his branches, and all the beasts of the forest conceived their young under his foliage, and an assembly of the many peoples lived under his shadow.Ezekiel 31:6

Ezekiel 31:13 All the birds of the air lived upon his ruins, and all the beasts of the countryside were among his branches.Ezekiel 31:13

Ezekiel 32:4 And I will throw you upon the land. I will cast you upon the surface of the field. And I will cause all the birds of the air to live upon you. And I will satiate the beasts of the entire earth with you.Ezekiel 32:4

Ezekiel 33:27 You shall say these things to them: So says the Lord God: As I live, those who live in ruinous ways will fall by the sword. And whoever is in the field will be delivered over to wild beasts to be devoured. But those who are in fortresses and in caves will die of the pestilence.Ezekiel 33:27

Ezekiel 34:5 And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd. And they became devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, and they were dispersed.Ezekiel 34:5

Ezekiel 34:8 As I live, says the Lord God, since my flocks have become a prey, and my sheep have been devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, since there was no shepherd, for my shepherds did not seek my flock, but instead the shepherds fed themselves, and they did not feed my flocks:Ezekiel 34:8

Ezekiel 34:25 And I will make a covenant of peace with them. And I will cause the very harmful beasts to cease from the land. And those who are living in the desert will sleep securely in the forests.Ezekiel 34:25

Ezekiel 34:28 And they will no longer be a prey to the Gentiles, nor will the wild beasts of the earth devour them. Instead, they will live in confidence without any terror.Ezekiel 34:28

Ezekiel 38:20 And before my face there shall be stirred up: the fish of the sea, and the flying things of the air, and the beasts of the field, and every crawling thing that moves across the soil, and all the men who are upon the face of the earth. And the mountains will be overturned, and the hedges will fall, and every wall will fall in ruin to the ground.Ezekiel 38:20

Ezekiel 39:4 You will fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your companies, and your peoples who are with you. I have given you over to the wild animals, to the birds, and to every flying thing, and to the beasts of the earth, in order to be devoured.Ezekiel 39:4

Ezekiel 39:17 As for you, then, son of man, thus says the Lord God: Say to every flying thing, and to all the birds, and to all the beasts of the field: Assemble! Hurry! Rush together from every side to my victim, which I have immolated for you, a great victim upon the mountains of Israel, so that you may consume flesh, and drink blood!Ezekiel 39:17

Ezekiel 44:31 The priests shall not consume anything which has died on its own, or which was seized by a beast, whether from the fowl or the cattle.”Ezekiel 44:31

Number of the word / term Beast in Ezekiel: 22

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 2:38 and all the places wherein the sons of men and the beasts of the field dwell. He has likewise given the flying creatures of the air into your hand, and he has placed all things under your realm. Therefore, you are the head of gold.Daniel 2:38

Daniel 3:23 But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire. And they were walking in the midst of the flame, praising God and blessing the Lord. Then Azariah, while standing, prayed in this manner, and opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and your name is praiseworthy and glorious for all ages. For you are just in all the things that you have accomplished for us, and all your works are true, and your ways are right, and all your judgments are true. For you have made equally true judgments in all the things that you have brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our fathers. For in truth and in judgment, you have brought down all these things because of our sins. For we have sinned, and we have committed iniquity in withdrawing from you, and we have offended in all things. And we have not listened to your precepts, nor have we observed or done as you have ordered us, so that it might go well with us. Therefore, everything that you have brought upon us, and all that you have done for us, you have done in true judgment. And you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies: traitors, unjust and most wicked, and to a king, unjust and most wicked, even more so than all others on earth. And now we are not able to open our mouths. We have become a shame and a disgrace to your servants and to those who worship you. Do not hand us over forever, we ask you, because of your name, and do not abolish your covenant. And do not withdraw your mercy from us, because of Abraham, your beloved, and Isaac, your servant, and Israel, your holy one. You have spoken with them, promising that you would multiply their offspring like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than all other peoples, and we are brought low throughout all the earth, this day, because of our sins. Neither is there, at this time, a leader, or a ruler, or a prophet, nor any holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of first fruits, in your eyes, so that we may be able to find your mercy. Nevertheless, with a contrite soul and humble spirit, let us be accepted. Just as in the holocausts of rams and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be in your sight this day, in order to please you. For there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow you wholeheartedly, and we fear you, and we seek your face. Do not put us to shame, but deal with us in agreement with your clemency and according to the multitude of your mercies. And rescue us by your wonders and give glory to your name, O Lord. And let all those be confounded who lead your servants towards evil. May they be confounded by all your power and may their strength be crushed. And may they know that you are the Lord, the only God, and glorious above the world.” And they did not cease, those attendants of the king who had cast them in, to heat the furnace with oil, and flax, and pitch, and brush. And the flame streamed forth above the furnace for forty-nine cubits. And the fire erupted and burnt those of the Chaldeans within its reach near the furnace. But the angel of the Lord descended with Azariah and his companions into the furnace; and he cast the flame of the fire out of the furnace. And he made the middle of the furnace like the blowing of a damp wind, and the fire did not touch them, nor afflict them, nor bother them at all. Then these three, as if with one voice, praised and glorified and blessed God, in the furnace, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers: praiseworthy, and glorious, and exalted above all forever. And blessed is the holy name of your glory: praiseworthy, and exalted above all, for all ages. Blessed are you in the holy temple of your glory: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom: praiseworthy above all and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you who beholds the abyss and sits upon the cherubims: praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven: praiseworthy and glorious forever. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every rain and dew, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Every breath of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fire and steam, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Dews and frost, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sleet and winter, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May the land bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that grow in the land, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Whales and all things that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All things that fly in the heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. May Israel bless the Lord: and praise and exalt him above all forever. Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Those who are holy and humble in heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. For he has delivered us from the underworld, and saved us from the hand of death, and freed us from the midst of the burning flame, and rescued us from the midst of the fire. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good: because his mercy is forever. All those who are pious, bless the Lord, the God of gods: praise him and acknowledge him because his mercy is for all generations.”Daniel 3:23

Daniel 4:12 Its leaves were very beautiful, and its fruit was very abundant, and in it was food for the whole world. Under it, animals and beasts were dwelling, and in its branches, the birds of the sky were sheltered, and from it, all flesh was fed.Daniel 4:12

Daniel 4:14 He cried out loudly, and he said this: “Cut down the tree and prune its branches; shake off its leaves and scatter its fruits; let flee the beasts, which are under it, and the birds from its branches.Daniel 4:14

Daniel 4:21 And its branches were very beautiful, and its fruit very abundant, and in it was food for all. Under it, dwelt the beasts of the field, and in its branches, the birds of the air stayed.Daniel 4:21

Daniel 4:23 Yet the king also saw a watcher and a holy one descend from heaven and say: ‘Cut down the tree and scatter it; however, leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and let it be bound with iron and brass, among the surrounding plants, and let it be sprinkled with the dew of heaven, and let his feeding be with the wild beasts, until seven periods of time pass over him.’Daniel 4:23

Daniel 4:25 They will expel you from among men, and your dwelling will be with the beasts and the wild animals, and you will eat hay like an ox, and you will be drenched with the dew of heaven. Likewise, seven periods of time will pass over you, until you know that the Supreme One rules over the kingdom of men, and he gives it to whomever he wills.Daniel 4:25

Daniel 4:32 and they will expel you from among men, and your dwelling will be with the beasts and the wild animals. You will eat hay like an ox, and seven times will pass over you, until you know that the Supreme One rules in the kingdom of men, and he gives it to whomever he wills.’ ”Daniel 4:32

Daniel 5:21 And he was expelled from the sons of men, and so his heart was placed with the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys, and he ate hay like an ox, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he realized that the Most High holds power over the kingdom of men, and that whoever he wishes, he will set over it.Daniel 5:21

Daniel 7:3 And four great beasts, different from one another, ascended from the sea.Daniel 7:3

Daniel 7:5 And behold, another beast, like a bear, stood to one side, and there were three rows in its mouth and in its teeth, and they spoke to it in this way: “Arise, devour much flesh.”Daniel 7:5

Daniel 7:6 After this, I watched, and behold, another like a leopard, and it had wings like a bird, four upon it, and four heads were on the beast, and power was given to it.Daniel 7:6

Daniel 7:7 After this, I watched in the vision of the night, and behold, a fourth beast, terrible yet wondrous, and exceedingly strong; it had great iron teeth, eating yet crushing, and trampling down the remainder with his feet, but it was unlike the other beasts, which I had seen before it, and it had ten horns.Daniel 7:7

Daniel 7:11 I watched because of the voice of the great words which that horn was speaking, and I saw that the beast had been destroyed, and its body was ruined and had been handed over to be burnt with fire.Daniel 7:11

Daniel 7:12 Likewise, the power of the other beasts was taken away, and a limited time of life was appointed to them, until one time and another.Daniel 7:12

Daniel 7:17 “These four great beasts are four kingdoms, which will rise from the earth.Daniel 7:17

Daniel 7:19 After this, I wanted to learn diligently about the fourth beast, which was very different from all, and exceedingly terrible; his teeth and claws were of iron; he devoured and crushed, and the remainder he trampled with his feet;Daniel 7:19

Daniel 7:23 And thus he said, “The fourth beast will be the fourth kingdom on earth, which will be greater than all the kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth, and will trample and crush it.Daniel 7:23

Daniel 8:4 After this, I saw the ram brandishing his horns against the West, and against the North, and against the Meridian, and all the beasts could not withstand him, nor be freed from his hand, and he did according to his own will, and he became great.Daniel 8:4

Number of the word / term Beast in Daniel: 19

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 2:12 And I will corrupt her vines and her fig trees, about which she said, ‘These rewards, they are mine, my lovers have given them to me.’ And I will place her in a narrow forest, and the beasts of the field will devour her.Hosea 2:12

Hosea 2:18 And in that day, I will strike a deal with them, with the beasts of the field, and with the birds of the sky, and with the creatures of the earth. And I will crush the bow and the sword, and I will wipe away war from the earth. And I will let them sleep securely.Hosea 2:18

Hosea 4:3 Because of this, the land will mourn, and all who dwell in it will languish, with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. And the fishes of the sea also will be gathered together.Hosea 4:3

Hosea 13:8 I will run to meet them like a bear that has been robbed of her young, and I will split open the middle of their liver. And I will devour them there like a lion; the beast of the field will tear them apart.Hosea 13:8

Number of the word / term Beast in Hosea: 4

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Joel

Joel 1:20 Yes, and even the beasts of the field have gazed up at you, like the dry ground thirsting for rain, because the fountains of waters have dried up, and fire has devoured the beauty of the wilderness.Joel 1:20

Number of the word / term Beast in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 3:7 And he cried out and spoke: “In Nineveh, from the mouth of the king and of his princes, let it be said: Men and beasts and oxen and sheep may not taste anything. Neither shall they feed or drink water.Jonah 3:7

Jonah 3:8 And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry out to the Lord with strength, and may man be converted from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands.Jonah 3:8

Jonah 4:8 And when the sun had risen, the Lord ordered a hot and burning wind. And the sun beat down on the head of Jonah, and he burned. And he petitioned for his soul that he might die, and he said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”Jonah 4:8

Number of the word / term Beast in Jonah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Micah

Micah 5:8 And there will be a remnant of Jacob within the Gentiles, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forests, and like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, when he will pass through and trample down and seize, there is none who can rescue.Micah 5:8

Number of the word / term Beast in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Zephaniah

Zephaniah 2:14 And flocks will lie down in its midst, all the beasts of the Gentiles. And the pelican and the hedgehog will stay at its threshold; the voice of the singing bird will be at the window, with the crow above its threshold, for I will diminish her strength.Zephaniah 2:14

Zephaniah 2:15 This is the glorious city, dwelling in trust, which said in her heart, “I am and there is no one other than me.” How has she become a lair for beasts in the desert? All who pass through her will hiss and wag their hand.Zephaniah 2:15

Number of the word / term Beast in Zephaniah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Haggai

Haggai 1:11 And I called a drought over the land, and over the mountains, and over the wheat, and over the wine, and over the oil, and whatever the soil would bring forth, and over men, and over beasts of burden, and over all the labor of hands.Haggai 1:11

Number of the word / term Beast in Haggai: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Zechariah

Zechariah 2:4 And he said to him: Hurry, speak to this young man, saying: Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls, because of the multitude of men and beasts of burden in its midst.Zechariah 2:4

Zechariah 8:10 Indeed, before those days, there was no pay for men, nor was there pay for beasts of burden, and neither was there peace for those entering, nor for those exiting, because of the tribulation. And I had dismissed all men, each one against his neighbor.Zechariah 8:10

Zechariah 14:15 And, like the ruin of the horse, and the mule, and the camel, and the donkey, and all the beasts of burden, which will have been in those encampments, so will be this ruination.Zechariah 14:15

Number of the word / term Beast in Zechariah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Mark

Mark 12:3 But they, having apprehended him, beat him and sent him away empty.Mark 12:3

Mark 12:5 And again, he sent another, and him they killed, and many others: some they beat, but others they killed.Mark 12:5

Number of the word / term Beast in Mark: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Luke

Luke 20:10 And in due time, he sent a servant to the farmers, so that they would give to him from the fruit of the vineyard. And they beat him and drove him away, empty-handed.Luke 20:10

Luke 22:63 And the men who were holding him ridiculed him and beat him.Luke 22:63

Number of the word / term Beast in Luke: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Acts

Acts 10:12 on which were all four-footed beasts, and the crawling things of the earth and the flying things of the air.Acts 10:12

Acts 11:6 And looking into it, I considered and saw the four-footed beasts of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the flying things of the air.Acts 11:6

Acts 18:17 But they, apprehending Sosthenes, a leader of the synagogue, beat him in front of the tribunal. And Gallio showed no concern for these things.Acts 18:17

Acts 23:24 And prepare beasts of burden to carry Paul, so that they may lead him safely to Felix, the governor.”Acts 23:24

Acts 28:4 And truly, when the natives saw the beast hanging from his hand, they were saying to one another: “Certainly, this man must be a murderer, for though he escaped from the sea, vengeance will not permit him to live.”Acts 28:4

Number of the word / term Beast in Acts: 5

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Romans

Romans 1:23 And they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of flying things, and of four-legged beasts, and of serpents.Romans 1:23

Number of the word / term Beast in Romans: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 15:32 If, according to man, I fought with the beasts at Ephesus, how would that benefit me, if the dead do not rise again? “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.”1 Corinthians 15:32

1 Corinthians 15:39 Not all flesh is the same flesh. But one is indeed of men, another truly is of beasts, another is of birds, and another is of fish.1 Corinthians 15:39

Number of the word / term Beast in 1 Corinthians: 2

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Titus

Titus 1:12 A certain one of these, a prophet of their own kind, said: “The Cretans are ever liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”Titus 1:12

Number of the word / term Beast in Titus: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 12:20 For they could not bear what was said, and so, if even a beast would have touched the mountain, it would have been stoned.Hebrews 12:20

Number of the word / term Beast in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book James

James 3:7 For the nature of all beasts and birds and serpents and others is ruled over, and has been ruled over, by human nature.James 3:7

Number of the word / term Beast in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 2:12 Yet truly, these others, like irrational beasts, naturally fall into traps and into ruin by blaspheming whatever they do not understand, and so they shall perish in their corruption,2 Peter 2:12

Number of the word / term Beast in 2 Peter: 1

Bible passages with ‘Beast’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 7:16 They shall not hunger, nor shall they thirst, anymore. Neither shall the sun beat down upon them, nor any heat.Revelation 7:16

Revelation 11:7 And when they will have finished their testimony, the beast that ascended from the abyss will make war against them, and will overcome them, and will kill them.Revelation 11:7

Revelation 13:1 And he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast ascending from the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon its horns were ten diadems, and upon its heads were names of blasphemy.Revelation 13:1

Revelation 13:2 And the beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet were like the feet of a bear, and its mouth was like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave his own power and great authority to it.Revelation 13:2

Revelation 13:3 And I saw that one of its heads seemed to be slain unto death, but his deadly wound was healed. And the entire world was in wonder following the beast.Revelation 13:3

Revelation 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon, who gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying: “Who is like the beast? And who would be able to fight with it?”Revelation 13:4

Revelation 13:8 And all who inhabit the earth worshiped the beast, those whose names have not been written, from the origin of the world, in the Book of Life of the Lamb who was slain.Revelation 13:8

Revelation 13:11 And I saw another beast ascending from the land. And she had two horns like the Lamb, but she was speaking like the dragon.Revelation 13:11

Revelation 13:12 And she acted with all the authority of the first beast in his sight. And she caused the earth, and those dwelling in it, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.Revelation 13:12

Revelation 13:14 And she seduced those living on the earth, by means of the signs that were given to her to perform in the sight of the beast, saying to those dwelling on the earth that they should make an image of the beast who had a wound of the sword and yet lived.Revelation 13:14

Revelation 13:15 And it was given to her to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would speak. And she acted so that whoever would not worship the image of the beast would be slain.Revelation 13:15

Revelation 13:17 so that no one may buy or sell, unless he has the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.Revelation 13:17

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Whoever has intelligence, let him determine the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.Revelation 13:18

Revelation 14:9 And the third Angel followed them, saying with a great voice: “If anyone has worshiped the beast, or his image, or has received his character on his forehead or on his hand,Revelation 14:9

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torments shall ascend forever and ever. And they shall have no rest, day or night, those who have worshiped the beast or his image, or who have received the character of his name.”Revelation 14:11

Revelation 15:2 And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire. And those who had overcome the beast and his image and the number of his name, were standing upon the sea of glass, holding the harps of God,Revelation 15:2

Revelation 16:2 And the first Angel went forth and poured out his bowl upon the earth. And a severe and most grievous wound occurred upon the men who had the character of the beast, and upon those who adored the beast or its image.Revelation 16:2

Revelation 16:10 And the fifth Angel poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast. And his kingdom became darkened, and they gnawed at their tongues out of anguish.Revelation 16:10

Revelation 16:13 And I saw, from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophetess, three unclean spirits go out in the manner of frogs.Revelation 16:13

Revelation 17:3 And he carried me away in spirit to the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, filled with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.Revelation 17:3

Revelation 17:7 And the Angel said to me: “Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has seven heads and ten horns.Revelation 17:7

Revelation 17:8 The beast that you saw, was, and is not, and is soon to ascend from the abyss. And he goes forth unto destruction. And the inhabitants upon the earth (those whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world) shall be amazed upon seeing the beast who was and is not.Revelation 17:8

Revelation 17:11 And the beast who was, and is not, the same is also the eighth, and he is of the seven, and he goes forth unto destruction.Revelation 17:11

Revelation 17:12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings; these have not yet received a kingdom, but they shall receive authority, as if they were kings, for one hour, after the beast.Revelation 17:12

Revelation 17:13 These hold to one plan, and they shall hand over their power and authority to the beast.Revelation 17:13

Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns that you saw on the beast, these shall hate the woman who fornicates, and they shall make her desolate and naked, and they shall chew her flesh, and they shall burn her completely with fire.Revelation 17:16

Revelation 17:17 For God has granted to their hearts that they may do to her whatever is pleasing, so that they may give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God may be completed.Revelation 17:17

Revelation 18:13 and of cinnamon and black cardamom, and of fragrances and ointments and incense, and of wine and oil and fine flour and wheat, and of beasts of burden and sheep and horses and four-wheeled wagons, and of slaves and the souls of men.Revelation 18:13

Revelation 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, having been gathered together to do battle against him who was sitting upon the horse, and against his army.Revelation 19:19

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was apprehended, and with him the false prophetess, who in his presence caused the signs, by which she seduced those who accepted the character of the beast and who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with sulphur.Revelation 19:20

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones. And they sat upon them. And judgment was given to them. And the souls of those beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the Word of God, and who did not adore the beast, nor his image, nor accept his character on their foreheads or on their hands: they lived and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.Revelation 20:4

Revelation 20:10 where both the beast and the false prophetess shall be tortured, day and night, forever and ever.Revelation 20:10

Number of the word / term ‘Beast’ in Revelation: 32

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 239

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