Our Little Concordance

‘Bear’ in the Bible – All 115 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Bear’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Bear’ occurs 115 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Table of Contents

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 38:5 Likewise, she bore a third, whom she called Shelah, after whose birth, she ceased to bear any more.Genesis 38:5

Number of the word / term Bear in Genesis: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 18:18 You will be consumed by foolish efforts, both you and this people who are with you. The task is beyond your strength; you will not be able bear it alone.Exodus 18:18

Exodus 38:25 Now it was offered by those who were past the numbering of twenty years and above: from six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty men able to bear arms.Exodus 38:25

Number of the word / term Bear in Exodus: 2

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 12:2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: A woman, if she has received the seed to bear a male, shall be unclean for seven days, just as in the days of separation due to menstruation.Leviticus 12:2

Leviticus 12:5 But if she will bear a female, she shall be unclean for two weeks, according to the custom of her monthly flow, and she shall remain in the blood of her purification for sixty-six days.Leviticus 12:5

Leviticus 13:29 If leprosy will have sprung up in the head or the beard of a man or woman, the priest shall look upon them,Leviticus 13:29

Leviticus 13:30 and if the place is certainly lower than the rest of the flesh, and the hair is golden, and thinner than usual, he shall declare them contaminated, because it is the leprosy of the head and the beard.Leviticus 13:30

Leviticus 14:9 And on the seventh day he shall shave the hair of his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows, as well as the hair of his entire body. And having washed his clothes again, and his body,Leviticus 14:9

Leviticus 17:16 But if he will not wash his clothes and his body, he shall bear his iniquity.Leviticus 17:16

Leviticus 19:8 And he shall bear his iniquity, for he has polluted what is holy to the Lord. And that soul shall perish from his people.Leviticus 19:8

Leviticus 19:27 And you shall not cut the hair of your head circularly, nor shave your beard.Leviticus 19:27

Leviticus 20:17 Whoever will have taken his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother, and will have seen her nakedness, and she will have looked upon her brother’s shame, they have committed a nefarious act. They shall be slain in the sight of their people, because they have uncovered one another’s nakedness. And they shall bear their iniquity.Leviticus 20:17

Leviticus 20:19 You shall not expose the nakedness of your maternal or paternal aunt. Whoever does this has laid bare the shame of his own flesh; both shall bear their iniquity.Leviticus 20:19

Leviticus 20:20 If any man has had sexual intercourse with the wife of his paternal or maternal uncle, and he has uncovered the shame of his close relative, both shall bear their sin. They shall die without children.Leviticus 20:20

Leviticus 21:5 Neither shall they shave their head or their beard, and they shall not make incisions in their flesh.Leviticus 21:5

Leviticus 24:15 And you shall say to the sons of Israel: The man who curses his God shall bear his sin,Leviticus 24:15

Number of the word / term Bear in Leviticus: 13

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 5:28 But if she has not been defiled, she shall be unharmed and she shall bear children.Numbers 5:28

Numbers 5:31 then the husband shall be without guilt, and she shall bear her iniquity.”Numbers 5:31

Numbers 9:13 But if any man was both clean, and not on a journey, and yet he did not observe the Passover, that soul shall be exterminated from among his people, because he did not offer the sacrifice to the Lord in its time. He shall bear his sin.Numbers 9:13

Numbers 14:33 Your sons shall wander in the desert for forty years, and they shall bear your fornication, until the carcasses of their fathers are consumed in the desert.Numbers 14:33

Numbers 15:31 For he has despised the word of the Lord, and he has nullified his precept. For this reason, he shall be destroyed, and he shall bear his iniquity.”Numbers 15:31

Numbers 18:1 And the Lord said to Aaron: “You, and your sons, and the house of your father with you, shall carry the iniquity of the Sanctuary. And you and your sons together shall bear the sins of your priesthood.Numbers 18:1

Numbers 22:3 and that the Moabites had great fear of him, and that they were not able to bear his assault,Numbers 22:3

Numbers 30:15 And if he contradicted it only sometime after he had known about it, he shall bear his iniquity.”Numbers 30:15

Number of the word / term Bear in Numbers: 8

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Judges

Judges 13:3 And an Angel of the Lord appeared to her, and he said: “You are barren and without children. But you shall conceive and bear a son.Judges 13:3

Judges 13:5 For you shall conceive and bear a son, whose head no razor shall touch. For he shall be a Nazirite of God, from his infancy and from his mother’s womb. And he shall begin to free Israel from the hand of the Philistines.”Judges 13:5

Judges 13:7 But he responded: ‘Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. Take care that you do not drink wine or strong drink. And you shall not consume anything unclean. For the boy shall be a Nazirite of God from his infancy, from his mother’s womb, even until the day of his death.’ ”Judges 13:7

Number of the word / term Bear in Judges: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 1:12 Return, my daughters, go forth. For I am now exhausted by old age, and not fit for the bond of marriage. Even if I were to conceive on this night, and bear sons,Ruth 1:12

Ruth 4:13 And so Boaz took Ruth, and received her as his wife, and he went in to her, and the Lord granted to her to conceive and bear a son.Ruth 4:13

Number of the word / term Bear in Ruth: 2

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 15:25 But now, I beg you, to bear my sin, and to return with me, so that I may adore the Lord.”1 Samuel 15:25

1 Samuel 16:16 May our lord order, and your servants, who are before you, will seek a man skillful in playing a stringed instrument, so that when the evil spirit from the Lord assails you, he may play with his hand, and you may bear it more easily.”1 Samuel 16:16

1 Samuel 17:34 And David said to Saul: “Your servant was pasturing the flock of his father. And there approached a lion or a bear, and it took a ram from the midst of the flock.1 Samuel 17:34

1 Samuel 17:36 For I, your servant, have killed both lion and bear. And so this uncircumcised Philistine, too, will be like one of them. Now I will go and take away the reproach of the people. For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, who has dared to curse the army of the living God?”1 Samuel 17:36

1 Samuel 17:37 And David said, “The Lord who rescued me from the hand of the lion, and from the hand of the bear, he himself will free me from the hand of this Philistine.” Then Saul said to David, “Go, and may the Lord be with you.”1 Samuel 17:37

1 Samuel 21:13 And he altered his mouth before them, and he slipped down between their hands. And he stumbled against the doors of the gate. And his spit flowed down his beard.1 Samuel 21:13

Number of the word / term Bear in 1 Samuel: 6

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 13:13 For I will not be able to bear my shame. And you will be like one of the foolish in Israel. For it is better to speak to the king, and he will not deny me to you.”2 Samuel 13:13

2 Samuel 17:8 And again Hushai declared, “You know your father, and the men who are with him, to be very strong and bitter in soul, comparable to a bear raging in the forest when her young have been taken away. Moreover, your father is a man of war, and so he will not live among the people.2 Samuel 17:8

2 Samuel 18:31 Hushai appeared. And approaching, he said: “I bear good news, my lord the king. For today the Lord has judged for you, from the hand of all who had risen up against you.”2 Samuel 18:31

2 Samuel 19:24 And Mephibosheth, the son of Saul, descended to meet the king, with unwashed his feet and uncut beard. And he had not washed his garments from the day that the king had departed, until the day of his return in peace.2 Samuel 19:24

Number of the word / term Bear in 2 Samuel: 4

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 2 Kings

2 Kings 18:14 Then Hezekiah, the king of Judah, sent messengers to the king of the Assyrians at Lachish, saying: “I have offended. Withdraw from me, and all that you will impose upon me, I will bear.” And so the king of the Assyrians levied a tax upon Hezekiah, the king of Judah, of three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold.2 Kings 18:14

2 Kings 19:30 And whatever will have been left behind, from the house of Judah, shall send a root downward, and shall bear fruit upward.2 Kings 19:30

Number of the word / term Bear in 2 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 9:3 And when I had heard this word, I tore my cloak and my tunic, and I pulled out the hairs of my head and beard, and I sat in mourning.Ezra 9:3

Number of the word / term Bear in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Esther

Esther 7:6 And Esther said, “This is our most wicked enemy and foe: Haman!” Hearing this, Haman was suddenly dumbfounded, unable to bear the faces of the king and the queen.Esther 7:6

Number of the word / term Bear in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Job

Job 16:8 My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a liar rises up against my face, contradicting me.Job 16:8

Job 24:21 For he has fed on the barren, who does not bear fruit, and he has not done good to the widow.Job 24:21

Job 31:23 For I have always feared God, like waves flowing over me, whose weight I was unable to bear.Job 31:23

Number of the word / term Bear in Job: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 40:15 Let them bear their confusion all at once, who say to me, “Well, well.”Psalm 40:15

Psalm 133:2 It is like the ointment on the head that descended to the beard, the beard of Aaron, which descended to the hem of his garment.Psalm 133:2

Psalm 144:13 Their cupboards are full: overflowing from one thing into another. Their sheep bear young, brought forth in abundance.Psalm 144:13

Number of the word / term Bear in Psalm: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 7:11 unwilling to bear silence, unable to keep her feet at home,Proverbs 7:11

Proverbs 14:35 An intelligent minister is acceptable to the king. Whoever is useless shall bear his wrath.Proverbs 14:35

Proverbs 17:12 It is more expedient to meet a bear robbed of her young, than the foolish trusting in his own folly.Proverbs 17:12

Proverbs 27:4 Anger holds no mercy, nor does fury when it erupts. And who can bear the assault of one who has been provoked?Proverbs 27:4

Proverbs 28:15 An impious leader over a poor people is like a roaring lion and a hungry bear.Proverbs 28:15

Number of the word / term Bear in Proverbs: 5

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Song

Song of Solomon 7:12 Let us go up in the morning to the vineyards; let us see if the vineyard has flourished, if the flowers are ready to bear fruit, if the pomegranates have flourished. There I will give my breasts to you.Song of Solomon 7:12

Number of the word / term Bear in Song: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 7:20 In that day, the Lord will shave with a razor the ones hired by those who are across the river, by the king of the Assyrians, from the head to the hairs of the feet, with the entire beard.Isaiah 7:20

Isaiah 11:7 The calf and the bear will feed together; their young ones will rest together. And the lion will eat straw like the ox.Isaiah 11:7

Isaiah 15:2 The house has ascended with Dibon to the heights, in mourning over Nebo and over Medeba. Moab has wailed. There will be baldness on all of their heads, and every beard will be shaven.Isaiah 15:2

Isaiah 30:27 Behold, the name of the Lord arrives from far away. His fury is burning and heavy to bear. His lips have been filled with indignation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire.Isaiah 30:27

Isaiah 37:31 And what will be saved from the house of Judah, and what is left behind, will form deep roots, and will bear high fruits.Isaiah 37:31

Isaiah 49:22 Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles, and I will exalt my sign before the peoples. And they will carry your sons in their arms, and they will bear your daughters on their shoulders.Isaiah 49:22

Isaiah 52:11 Depart, depart, get out of here! Do not be willing to touch what is polluted. Go out from her midst! Be cleansed, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.Isaiah 52:11

Number of the word / term Bear in Isaiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 2:31 Consider the word of the Lord. Have I become like a wilderness to Israel, or like a land late to bear fruit? Then why have my people said, ‘We are withdrawing; we will no longer approach you’?Jeremiah 2:31

Jeremiah 6:11 For this reason, I have been filled with the fury of the Lord. I labor to bear it. Let it be poured out upon the child outside, or upon a group of young men meeting together. For a man will be taken captive with a woman, an elder will be taken captive with one who is full of days.Jeremiah 6:11

Jeremiah 17:8 And he will be like a tree planted beside waters, which sends out its roots to moist soil. And it will not fear when the heat arrives. And its leaves will be green. And in the time of drought, it will not be anxious, nor will it cease at any time to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17:8

Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said: I will not call him to mind, nor will I speak any longer in his name. And my heart became like a raging fire, enclosed within my bones. And I became weary of continuing to bear it.Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah 29:6 Take wives, and conceive sons and daughters. And give wives to your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, and let them bear sons and daughters. And be multiplied there, and do not choose to be few in number.Jeremiah 29:6

Jeremiah 44:22 And the Lord could no longer bear this, because of the evil of your intentions, and because of the abominations that you have done. And so, your land has become a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, and it is without an inhabitant, even to this day.Jeremiah 44:22

Jeremiah 48:37 For every head will be bald, and every beard will be shaved. All the hands will be bound together, and there will be haircloth on every back.Jeremiah 48:37

Number of the word / term Bear in Jeremiah: 7

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 3:10 DALETH. He has become to me like a bear lying in ambush, like a lion in hiding.Lamentations 3:10

Number of the word / term Bear in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 4:5 For I have given to you the years of their iniquity, by the number of the days: three hundred and ninety days. And you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.Ezekiel 4:5

Ezekiel 5:1 “And as for you, son of man, obtain for yourself a sharp knife for shaving hair, and you shall take it and draw it across your head and across your beard. And you shall obtain for yourself a balance for weighing, and you shall divide the hair.Ezekiel 5:1

Ezekiel 14:10 And they shall bear their iniquity. In accord with the iniquity of the one who inquires, so shall the iniquity of the prophet be.Ezekiel 14:10

Ezekiel 14:22 yet still there shall be left within it some who will be saved, who shall lead away their own sons and daughters. Behold, they will enter to you, and you will see their way and their accomplishments. And you shall be consoled concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, concerning all the things that I have brought to bear upon it.Ezekiel 14:22

Ezekiel 16:52 Therefore, you also bear your shame, for you have exceeded your sisters with your sins, acting more wickedly than they did. So they have been justified above you. By this also, you are confounded, and you bear your disgrace, for you have justified your sisters.Ezekiel 16:52

Ezekiel 16:54 So may you bear your disgrace and be confounded over all that you have done, consoling them.Ezekiel 16:54

Ezekiel 17:8 It had been planted in a good land, above many waters, so that it would produce branches and bear fruit, so that it would become a large vine.Ezekiel 17:8

Ezekiel 17:23 On the sublime mountains of Israel, I will plant it. And it shall spring forth in buds and bear fruit, and it shall be a great cedar. And all the birds will live under it, and every bird will make its nest under the shadow of its branches.Ezekiel 17:23

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.Ezekiel 18:20

Ezekiel 23:35 Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have forgotten me, and you have cast me behind your body, so also will you bear your wickedness and your fornications.”Ezekiel 23:35

Ezekiel 23:49 And they will set your own crimes upon you, and you will bear the sins of your idols. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.”Ezekiel 23:49

Ezekiel 36:7 Therefore, thus says the Lord God: I have lifted up my hand, so that the Gentiles, who are all around you, will themselves bear their shame.Ezekiel 36:7

Ezekiel 36:8 But as for you, O mountains of Israel, spring forth your branches, and bear your fruit, to my people Israel. For they are close to their advent.Ezekiel 36:8

Ezekiel 36:15 Neither will I permit men to discover in you the shame of the Gentiles any more. And you shall never again bear the reproach of the peoples. And you shall not send your people away any more, says the Lord God.”Ezekiel 36:15

Ezekiel 36:30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you may no longer bear the disgrace of famine among the nations.Ezekiel 36:30

Ezekiel 39:26 And they shall bear their shame and all their transgression, by which they betrayed me, though they were living in their own land confidently, dreading no one.Ezekiel 39:26

Ezekiel 44:12 But because they ministered to them in the sight their idols, and they became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel, for this reason, I have lifted up my hand against them, says the Lord God, and they will bear their iniquity.Ezekiel 44:12

Ezekiel 44:13 And they shall not draw near to me, so as to exercise the priesthood for me, and they shall not approach to any of my holy things, which are near the Holy of Holies. Instead, they will bear their shame and their wicked deeds, which they committed.Ezekiel 44:13

Number of the word / term Bear in Ezekiel: 18

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Daniel

Daniel 7:5 And behold, another beast, like a bear, stood to one side, and there were three rows in its mouth and in its teeth, and they spoke to it in this way: “Arise, devour much flesh.”Daniel 7:5

Number of the word / term Bear in Daniel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Hosea

Hosea 13:8 I will run to meet them like a bear that has been robbed of her young, and I will split open the middle of their liver. And I will devour them there like a lion; the beast of the field will tear them apart.Hosea 13:8

Number of the word / term Bear in Hosea: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Amos

Amos 5:19 It is as if a man flees from the face of a lion, only to have a bear meet him; or, he enters a house and leans with his hand against the wall, only to have a snake bite him.Amos 5:19

Number of the word / term Bear in Amos: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Mark

Mark 4:20 And there are those who are sown upon good soil, who hear the word and accept it; and these bear fruit: some thirty, some sixty, and some one hundred.”Mark 4:20

Number of the word / term Bear in Mark: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:13 But the Angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth shall bear a son to you. And you shall call his name John.Luke 1:13

Luke 1:31 Behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and you shall bear a son, and you shall call his name: JESUS.Luke 1:31

Luke 11:46 So he said: “And woe to you experts in the law! For you weigh men down with burdens which they are not able to bear, but you yourselves do not touch the weight with even one of your fingers.Luke 11:46

Luke 13:9 And, indeed, it should bear fruit. But if not, in the future, you shall cut it down.’ ”Luke 13:9

Luke 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, is not able to be my disciple.Luke 14:27

Number of the word / term Bear in Luke: 5

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book John

John 15:2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he will take away. And each one that does bear fruit, he will cleanse, so that it may bring forth more fruit.John 15:2

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so also are you unable, unless you abide in me.John 15:4

John 15:16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. And I have appointed you, so that you may go forth and bear fruit, and so that your fruit may last. Then whatever you have asked of the Father in my name, he shall give to you.John 15:16

John 16:12 I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.John 16:12

Number of the word / term Bear in John: 4

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Acts

Acts 22:5 just as the high priest and all those greater by birth bear witness to me. Having received letters from them to the brothers, I journeyed to Damascus, so that I might lead them bound from there to Jerusalem, so that they might be punished.Acts 22:5

Number of the word / term Bear in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Romans

Romans 7:4 And so, my brothers, you also have become dead to the law, through the body of Christ, so that you may be another one who has risen from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.Romans 7:4

Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, which were under the law, operated within our bodies, so as to bear fruit unto death.Romans 7:5

Romans 15:1 But we who are stronger must bear with the feebleness of the weak, and not so as to please ourselves.Romans 15:1

Number of the word / term Bear in Romans: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 9:12 If others are sharers in this authority over you, why are we not more entitled? And yet we have not used this authority. Instead, we bear all things, lest we give any hindrance to the Gospel of Christ.1 Corinthians 9:12

1 Corinthians 10:13 Temptation should not take hold of you, except what is human. For God is faithful, and he will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability. Instead, he will effect his Providence, even during temptation, so that you may be able to bear it.1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Corinthians 16:3 And when I am present, whomever you shall approve through letters, these I shall send to bear your gifts to Jerusalem.1 Corinthians 16:3

Number of the word / term Bear in 1 Corinthians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not choose to bear the yoke with unbelievers. For how can justice be a participant with iniquity? Or how can the fellowship of light be a participant with darkness?2 Corinthians 6:14

2 Corinthians 8:3 And I bear witness to them, that they were willing to accept what was in accord with their ability, and even what was beyond their ability.2 Corinthians 8:3

2 Corinthians 11:1 I wish that you would endure a small amount of my foolishness, so as to bear with me.2 Corinthians 11:1

Number of the word / term Bear in 2 Corinthians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Galatians

Galatians 5:10 I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will accept nothing of the kind. However, he who disturbs you shall bear the judgment, whomever he may be.Galatians 5:10

Number of the word / term Bear in Galatians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 12:20 For they could not bear what was said, and so, if even a beast would have touched the mountain, it would have been stoned.Hebrews 12:20

Number of the word / term Bear in Hebrews: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book 3 John

3 John 1:9 As it happens, I had written to the church. But Diotrephes, who loves to bear the highest rank among them, would not accept us.3 John 1:9

Number of the word / term Bear in 3 John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Bear’ in the book Revelation

Revelation 13:2 And the beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet were like the feet of a bear, and its mouth was like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave his own power and great authority to it.Revelation 13:2

Number of the word / term ‘Bear’ in Revelation: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 115

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