Our Little Concordance

‘Barns’ in the Bible – All 71 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Barns’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Barns’ occurs 71 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 25:13 Likewise, you shall make bars of setim wood and cover them with gold.Exodus 25:13

Exodus 25:27 Under the crown, there shall be gold rings, so that the bars may be put through them and the table may be carried.Exodus 25:27

Exodus 25:28 Likewise, the bars themselves you shall make of setim wood, and surround them with gold, to lift up the table.Exodus 25:28

Exodus 26:26 You shall also make five bars of setim wood, to connect the panels on one side of the tabernacle,Exodus 26:26

Exodus 26:29 Likewise, the panels themselves you shall overlay with gold, and you shall establish rings of gold in them, by which the bars of the panels may be connected. These you shall cover with layers of gold.Exodus 26:29

Exodus 27:6 You shall also make, for the altar, two bars of setim wood, which you shall cover with layers of brass.Exodus 27:6

Exodus 30:4 and two gold rings under the crown on each side, so that the bars may be set in them and the altar may be carried.Exodus 30:4

Exodus 30:5 Also, you shall make its bars of setim wood, and you shall overlay them with gold.Exodus 30:5

Exodus 35:11 the tabernacle, certainly, and its roof, and also the covering, the rings, and the panels with the bars, the tent pegs and the bases,Exodus 35:11

Exodus 35:12 the ark and its bars, the propitiatory, and the veil that is drawn before it,Exodus 35:12

Exodus 35:13 the table with its bars and vessels, and the bread of the presence,Exodus 35:13

Exodus 35:15 the altar of incense and its bars, and the oil of unction, and the incense of aromatics, the tent at the door of the tabernacle,Exodus 35:15

Exodus 35:16 the altar of holocaust and its grate of brass, with the bars and vessels, the washtub and its base,Exodus 35:16

Exodus 36:31 He also made bars from setim wood: five to hold together the panels at one side of the tabernacle,Exodus 36:31

Exodus 36:32 and five others to fit together the panels of the other side, and, in addition to these, five other bars toward the western area of the tabernacle, opposite the sea.Exodus 36:32

Exodus 36:34 But the panels themselves he overlaid with gold, casting silver bases for them. And he made their rings from gold, through which the bars might be able to be drawn. And he covered the bars themselves with layers of gold.Exodus 36:34

Exodus 37:4 Likewise, he made bars from setim wood, which he clothed with gold,Exodus 37:4

Exodus 37:14 opposite the crown. And he placed the bars into them, so that the table could be carried.Exodus 37:14

Exodus 37:15 Likewise, the bars themselves he made from setim wood, and he surrounded them with gold.Exodus 37:15

Exodus 37:27 And for it he made a crown of gold all around, and two gold rings under the crown at each side, so that the bars might be put into them, and the altar could be carried.Exodus 37:27

Exodus 37:28 Now the bars themselves he also made from setim wood, and he covered them with layers of gold.Exodus 37:28

Exodus 38:5 casting four rings at the four ends of the net in order to set the bars, so as to carry it.Exodus 38:5

Exodus 38:6 These bars he also made of setim wood, and he covered them with layers of brass.Exodus 38:6

Exodus 39:32 And they offered the tabernacle, and the covering, and all of the articles: the rings, the panels, the bars, the columns and bases,Exodus 39:32

Exodus 39:34 the veil, the ark, the bars, the propitiatory,Exodus 39:34

Exodus 39:39 the altar of brass, the grating, the bars, and all of its vessels, the washtub with its base, the hangings of the atrium, and the columns with their bases,Exodus 39:39

Exodus 40:18 And Moses raised it up, and he positioned the panels as well as the bases and the bars, and he set up the columns,Exodus 40:18

Exodus 40:20 And he placed the testimony in the ark, applying the bars beneath, and the oracle above.Exodus 40:20

Number of the word / term Barns in Exodus: 28

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 3:36 Under their care shall be the panels of the tabernacle, and the bars, and the columns with their bases, and all the things which pertain to service of this kind,Numbers 3:36

Numbers 4:6 and they shall cover it further with a veil of violet skins, and they shall extend over it a cloth made entirely of hyacinth, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:6

Numbers 4:8 And they shall extend over it a cloth of scarlet, which they shall further cover with a veil of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:8

Numbers 4:10 And over all this they shall place a covering of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:10

Numbers 4:11 And certainly they shall wrap the golden altar in a hyacinth garment, and they shall extend over it a covering of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:11

Numbers 4:12 All the vessels with which they minister in the Sanctuary they shall wrap in a cloth of hyacinth, and they shall extend over it a covering of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:12

Numbers 4:14 and they shall place it with all the vessels which they use in its ministry, that is, receptacles for fire, small hooks as well as forks, larger hooks and shovels. They shall cover all the vessels of the altar together with a veil of violet skins, and they shall draw in the bars.Numbers 4:14

Numbers 4:31 These are their burdens: They shall carry the panels of the tabernacle and its bars, the columns and their bases,Numbers 4:31

Number of the word / term Barns in Numbers: 8

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 3:5 All the cities were fortified with very high walls, and with gates and bars, in addition to innumerable villages which had no walls.Deuteronomy 3:5

Deuteronomy 28:5 Blessed shall be your barns, and blessed your storehouses.Deuteronomy 28:5

Number of the word / term Barns in Deuteronomy: 2

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Judges

Judges 3:23 Then Ehud carefully closed the doors of the upper room. And securing the bars,Judges 3:23

Judges 16:3 But Samson slept until the middle of the night, and rising up from there, he took both doors from the gate, with their posts and bars. And laying them upon his shoulders, he carried them to the top of the hill that looks toward Hebron.Judges 16:3

Number of the word / term Barns in Judges: 2

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Ruth

Ruth 2:23 And so, she joined with the young women of Boaz, and from then on reaped with them, until the barley and the wheat were stored in the barns.Ruth 2:23

Number of the word / term Barns in Ruth: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 23:7 Then it was reported to Saul that David had gone to Keilah. And Saul said: “The Lord has delivered him into my hands. For he is enclosed, having entered into a city which has gates and bars.”1 Samuel 23:7

Number of the word / term Barns in 1 Samuel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 4:13 Bengeber, in Ramoth Gilead, who had the town of Jair, the son of Manasseh, in Gilead; the same was first in the entire region of Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great cities with walls that had bronze bars;1 Kings 4:13

1 Kings 8:7 For indeed, the cherubim extended their wings over the place of the ark, and they protected the ark and its bars from above.1 Kings 8:7

1 Kings 8:8 And since the bars projected outward, their ends were visible from without, in the Sanctuary before the oracle; but they were not visible farther outward. And they have been in that place even to the present day.1 Kings 8:8

Number of the word / term Barns in 1 Kings: 3

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 15:15 And the sons of Levi took the ark of God, just as Moses had instructed, in accord with the word of the Lord, upon their shoulders by the bars.1 Chronicles 15:15

Number of the word / term Barns in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 5:8 so that the cherubim extended their wings over the place where the ark was positioned, and they covered the ark itself and its bars.2 Chronicles 5:8

2 Chronicles 5:9 But concerning the bars by which the ark was carried, because they were a little longer, the ends were able to be seen before the oracle. Yet truly, if anyone were a little ways toward the exterior, he would not be able to see them. And so the ark has been in that place, even to the present day.2 Chronicles 5:9

2 Chronicles 8:5 And he built upper Beth-horon and lower Beth-horon, as walled cities, having gates and bars and locks,2 Chronicles 8:5

2 Chronicles 14:7 Then he said to Judah: “Let us build these cities, and strengthen them with walls, and fortify them with towers and gates and bars, while all things are at rest from wars. For we have sought the Lord, the God of our fathers, and he has granted to us peace on every side.” And so they built, and there was nothing to impede them from building.2 Chronicles 14:7

Number of the word / term Barns in 2 Chronicles: 4

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 3:3 But the sons of Hassenaah built the fish gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars. And beside them, Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, built.Nehemiah 3:3

Nehemiah 3:6 And Joiada, the son of Paseah, and Meshullam, the son of Besodeiah, built the old gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars.Nehemiah 3:6

Nehemiah 3:13 And Hanun built the gate of the valley, with the inhabitants of Zanoah. They built it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars, with one thousand cubits of the wall, as far as the gate of the dunghill.Nehemiah 3:13

Nehemiah 3:14 And Malchijah, the son of Rechab, the leader of the street of Beth-haccherem, built the gate of the dunghill. He built it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars.Nehemiah 3:14

Nehemiah 3:15 And Shallum, the son of Colhozeh, the leader of the district of Mizpah, built the gate of the fountain. He built it, and he covered it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars, and the walls of the pool of Shelah at the garden of the king, and as far as the steps that descend from the City of David.Nehemiah 3:15

Number of the word / term Barns in Nehemiah: 5

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Job

Job 38:10 I encircled it with my limits, and I positioned its bars and doors.Job 38:10

Number of the word / term Barns in Job: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 107:16 For he has crushed the gates of brass and broken the iron bars.Psalm 107:16

Psalm 147:13 For he has reinforced the bars of your gates. He has blessed your sons within you.Psalm 147:13

Number of the word / term Barns in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Proverbs

Proverbs 18:19 A brother who is helped by a brother is like a reinforced city, and judgments are like the bars of cities.Proverbs 18:19

Number of the word / term Barns in Proverbs: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Isaiah

Isaiah 15:5 My heart will cry out to Moab; its bars will cry out even to Zoar, like a three-year-old calf. For they will ascend weeping, by way of the ascent of Luhith. And along the way of Horonaim, they will lift up a cry of contrition.Isaiah 15:5

Isaiah 43:14 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake, I sent to Babylon, and tore down all their bars, with the Chaldeans who glory in their ships.Isaiah 43:14

Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you. And I will humble the glorious ones of the earth. I will shatter the gates of brass, and I will break apart the bars of iron.Isaiah 45:2

Number of the word / term Barns in Isaiah: 3

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Jeremiah

Jeremiah 49:31 Rise up, and ascend to a nation that is quiet and lives in confidence, says the Lord. They have neither gates nor bars. They dwell alone.Jeremiah 49:31

Jeremiah 51:30 The strong ones of Babylon have ceased to do battle. They have lived in fortresses. Their health has been devoured, and they have become like women. Her tabernacles have been set ablaze; her bars have been broken.Jeremiah 51:30

Number of the word / term Barns in Jeremiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Lamentations

Lamentations 2:9 TETH. Her gates have been buried in the ground. He has ruined and crushed its bars. Her king and her princes are with the Gentiles. There is no law, and her prophets have found no vision from the Lord.Lamentations 2:9

Number of the word / term Barns in Lamentations: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Ezekiel

Ezekiel 38:11 And you will say: ‘I will ascend to the land without a wall. I will go to those who are resting and dwelling securely. All these live without a wall; they have no bars or gates.’Ezekiel 38:11

Number of the word / term Barns in Ezekiel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Joel

Joel 1:17 The mules have rotted in their own manure, the barns have been demolished, the wine cellars have been destroyed, because the grain has been ruined.Joel 1:17

Number of the word / term Barns in Joel: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Jonah

Jonah 2:6 I descended to the base of the mountains. The bars of the earth have enclosed me forever. And you will raise up my life from corruption, Lord, my God.Jonah 2:6

Number of the word / term Barns in Jonah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Nahum

Nahum 3:13 Behold, women are at the center of your people. The gates of your land will be opened wide for your enemies; fire will devour your bars.Nahum 3:13

Number of the word / term Barns in Nahum: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Matthew

Matthew 6:26 Consider the birds of the air, how they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of much greater value than they are?Matthew 6:26

Number of the word / term Barns in Matthew: 1

Bible passages with ‘Barns’ in the book Luke

Luke 12:18 And he said: ‘This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build larger ones. And into these, I will gather all the things that have been grown for me, as well as my goods.Luke 12:18

Number of the word / term ‘Barns’ in Luke: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 71

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