Our Little Concordance

‘Amalek’ in the Bible – All 37 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Amalek’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Amalek’ occurs 37 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Genesis

Genesis 36:12 Now Timna was the concubine of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. And she bore him Amalek. These are the sons of Adah, the wife of Esau.Genesis 36:12

Genesis 36:16 leader Korah, leader Gatam, leader Amalek. These are the sons of Eliphaz, in the land of Edom, and these the sons of Adah.Genesis 36:16

Number of the word / term Amalek in Genesis: 2

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 17:8 And Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim.Exodus 17:8

Exodus 17:9 And Moses said to Joshua: “Choose men. And when you go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand.”Exodus 17:9

Exodus 17:10 Joshua did as Moses had spoken, and he fought against Amalek. But Moses and Aaron and Hur ascended to the top of the hill.Exodus 17:10

Exodus 17:11 And when Moses lifted up his hands, Israel prevailed. But when he released them a little while, Amalek overcame.Exodus 17:11

Exodus 17:13 And Joshua put to flight Amalek and his people by the edge of the sword.Exodus 17:13

Exodus 17:14 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Write this, as a memorial in a book, and deliver it to the ears of Joshua. For I will wipe away the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”Exodus 17:14

Exodus 17:16 “The hand of the throne of the Lord, and the war of the Lord, will be against Amalek from generation to generation.”Exodus 17:16

Number of the word / term Amalek in Exodus: 7

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 13:29 Amalek lives in the south. The Hethite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite live in the mountains. And truly, the Canaanite stays near the sea and around the streams of the Jordan.”Numbers 13:29

Numbers 24:20 And when he saw Amalek, taking up his parable, he said: “Amalek, first among the Gentiles, whose very end shall be perdition.”Numbers 24:20

Number of the word / term Amalek in Numbers: 2

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 25:17 Remember what Amalek did to you, along the way, when you were departing from Egypt:Deuteronomy 25:17

Number of the word / term Amalek in Deuteronomy: 1

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Judges

Judges 3:13 And he joined to him the sons of Ammon and the sons of Amalek. And he went forth and struck Israel, and he possessed the City of Palms.Judges 3:13

Judges 5:14 Out of Ephraim, he destroyed those with Amalek, and after him, out of Benjamin, those of your people, O Amalek. From Machir, there descended leaders, and from Zebulun, those who led the army to war.Judges 5:14

Judges 6:3 And when Israel had planted, Midian and Amalek, and the rest of the eastern nations ascended,Judges 6:3

Judges 6:33 And so, all of Midian, and Amalek, and the eastern peoples were gathered together. And crossing the Jordan, they encamped in the valley of Jezreel.Judges 6:33

Judges 7:12 But Midian, and Amalek, and all the eastern peoples lay spread out in the valley, like a multitude of locusts. Their camels, too, were innumerable, like the sand that lies on the shore of the sea.Judges 7:12

Judges 10:12 and also the Sidonians, and Amalek, and Canaan, oppress you, and so you cried out to me, and I rescued you from their hand?Judges 10:12

Judges 12:15 And he died, and he was buried at Pirathon, in the land of Ephraim, on the mountain of Amalek.Judges 12:15

Number of the word / term Amalek in Judges: 7

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 14:48 And gathering together an army, he struck Amalek. And he rescued Israel from the hand of those who would lay waste to them.1 Samuel 14:48

1 Samuel 15:2 ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have taken account of all that Amalek has done to Israel, how he stood against him in the way, when he ascended from Egypt.1 Samuel 15:2

1 Samuel 15:3 Now therefore, go and strike Amalek, and demolish all that is his. You shall not spare him, and you shall not covet anything out of the things that are his. Instead, kill from man even to woman, and little ones as well as infants, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ”1 Samuel 15:3

1 Samuel 15:5 And when Saul had arrived as far as the city of Amalek, he placed ambushes at the torrent.1 Samuel 15:5

1 Samuel 15:6 And Saul said to the Kenite: “Go away, withdraw, and descend from Amalek. Otherwise, I will include you with him. For you showed mercy to all the sons of Israel, when they ascended from Egypt.” And so the Kenite withdrew from the midst of Amalek.1 Samuel 15:6

1 Samuel 15:7 And Saul struck down Amalek, from Havilah even until you arrive at Shur, which is opposite the region of Egypt.1 Samuel 15:7

1 Samuel 15:8 And he apprehended Agag, the king of Amalek, alive. But all the common people he put to death with the edge of the sword.1 Samuel 15:8

1 Samuel 15:12 And when Samuel had risen while it was still dark, so that he might go to Saul in the morning, it was reported to Samuel that Saul had arrived at Carmel, and that he had erected for himself a triumphant arch. And, while returning, he had continued on and descended to Gilgal. Therefore, Samuel went to Saul. And Saul was offering a holocaust to the Lord, from the best of the spoils, which he had brought from Amalek.1 Samuel 15:12

1 Samuel 15:15 And Saul said: “They have brought these from Amalek. For the people spared the best of the sheep and of the herds, so that they might be immolated to the Lord your God. Yet truly, the remainder we have slain.”1 Samuel 15:15

1 Samuel 15:18 And the Lord sent you on the way, and he said: ‘Go and put to death the sinners of Amalek. And you shall fight against them, even unto utter annihilation.’1 Samuel 15:18

1 Samuel 15:20 And Saul said to Samuel: “On the contrary, I did listen to the voice of the Lord, and I walked in the way along which the Lord sent me, and I led back Agag, the king of Amalek, and I put to death Amalek.1 Samuel 15:20

1 Samuel 15:32 And Samuel said, “Bring near to me Agag, the king of Amalek.” And Agag, very fat and trembling, was presented to him. And Agag said, “Does bitter death separate in this manner?”1 Samuel 15:32

1 Samuel 28:18 For you did not obey the voice of the Lord, and you did not carry out the wrath of his fury upon Amalek. For this reason, the Lord has done to you what you are enduring this day.1 Samuel 28:18

Number of the word / term Amalek in 1 Samuel: 13

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 1:1 Now it happened that, after Saul died, David returned from the slaughter of Amalek, and he remained for two days at Ziklag.2 Samuel 1:1

2 Samuel 8:12 from Syria, and Moab, and the sons Ammon, and the Philistines, and Amalek, and from the best spoils of Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, the king of Zobah.2 Samuel 8:12

Number of the word / term Amalek in 2 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 1:36 The sons of Eliphaz: Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenez, and by Timna, Amalek.1 Chronicles 1:36

1 Chronicles 18:11 Moreover, all the vessels of gold and silver and brass king David consecrated to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had taken from all the nations, as much from Idumea, and Moab, and the sons of Ammon, as from the Philistines and Amalek.1 Chronicles 18:11

Number of the word / term Amalek in 1 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Amalek’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 83:7 and Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, the foreigners among the inhabitants of Tyre.Psalm 83:7

Number of the word / term ‘Amalek’ in Psalm: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 37

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