Our Little Concordance

‘Abundantly’ in the Bible – All 13 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Abundantly’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Abundantly’ occurs 13 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 29:21 And they immolated victims to the Lord. And they offered holocausts on the following day: one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, one thousand lambs, with their libations and with every ritual, very abundantly, for all of Israel.1 Chronicles 29:21

Number of the word / term Abundantly in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book Esther

Esther 5:6 And the king said to her, after he had drunk wine abundantly, “What are you asking for that should be given to you? And which things do you require? Even if you request half of my kingdom, you will obtain it.”Esther 5:6

Number of the word / term Abundantly in Esther: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 31:23 Love the Lord, all you his saints. For the Lord will require truth, and he will abundantly repay those who act with arrogance.Psalm 31:23

Psalm 78:38 Yet he is merciful, and he will pardon their sins. And he will not destroy them. And he has abundantly turned aside his own wrath. And he did not enflame his wrath entirely.Psalm 78:38

Number of the word / term Abundantly in Psalm: 2

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book John

John 10:10 The thief does not come, except so that he may steal and slaughter and destroy. I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.John 10:10

Number of the word / term Abundantly in John: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 15:10 But, by the grace of God, I am what I am. And his grace in me has not been empty, since I have labored more abundantly than all of them. Yet it is not I, but the grace of God within me.1 Corinthians 15:10

Number of the word / term Abundantly in 1 Corinthians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1:12 For our glory is this: the testimony of our conscience, which is found in simplicity of heart and in sincerity toward God. And it is not with worldly wisdom, but in the grace of God, that we have conversed with this world, and more abundantly toward you.2 Corinthians 1:12

2 Corinthians 2:4 For with much tribulation and anguish of heart, I wrote to you with many tears: not so that you would be sorrowful, but so that you might know the charity that I have more abundantly toward you.2 Corinthians 2:4

2 Corinthians 7:13 Therefore, we have been consoled. But in our consolation, we have rejoiced even more abundantly over the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by all of you.2 Corinthians 7:13

Number of the word / term Abundantly in 2 Corinthians: 3

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book Ephesians

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do all things, more abundantly than we could ever ask or understand, by means of the virtue which is at work in us:Ephesians 3:20

Number of the word / term Abundantly in Ephesians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 3:10 For night and day, ever more abundantly, we are praying that we may see your face, and that we may complete those things that are lacking in your faith.1 Thessalonians 3:10

Number of the word / term Abundantly in 1 Thessalonians: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book James

James 1:5 But if anyone among you is in need of wisdom, let him petition God, who gives abundantly to all without reproach, and it shall be given to him.James 1:5

Number of the word / term Abundantly in James: 1

Bible passages with ‘Abundantly’ in the book 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:11 For in this way, you shall be provided abundantly with an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.2 Peter 1:11

Number of the word / term ‘Abundantly’ in 2 Peter: 1

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 13

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