Our Little Concordance

‘Absalom’ in the Bible – All 81 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Absalom’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Absalom’ occurs 81 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Absalom’ in the book 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 3:3 And after him, there was Chileab, from Abigail, the wife of Nabal of Carmel. Then the third was Absalom, the son of Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur.2 Samuel 3:3

2 Samuel 13:1 Now after these things, it happened that Amnon, the son of David, was in love with the very beautiful sister of Absalom, the son of David, and she was called Tamar.2 Samuel 13:1

2 Samuel 13:4 And he said to him: “Why are you becoming so thin from day to day, O son of the king? Why won’t you tell me?” And Amnon said to him, “I am in love with Tamar, the sister of my brother Absalom.”2 Samuel 13:4

2 Samuel 13:20 Then her brother Absalom said to her: “Has your brother Amnon lain with you? But now, sister, be quiet. For he is your brother. And you should not afflict your heart because of this matter.” And so, Tamar remained, wasting away in the house of her brother Absalom.2 Samuel 13:20

2 Samuel 13:22 Yet Absalom did not speak to Amnon, neither good nor evil. For Absalom hated Amnon because he had violated his sister Tamar.2 Samuel 13:22

2 Samuel 13:23 Then, after the time of two years, it happened that the sheep of Absalom were being shorn in Baal-hazor, which is near Ephraim. And Absalom invited all the sons of the king.2 Samuel 13:23

2 Samuel 13:25 And the king said to Absalom: “Do not, my son, do not choose to ask that we may all come and be a burden to you.” Then, after he urged him, and he had refused to go, he blessed him.2 Samuel 13:25

2 Samuel 13:26 And Absalom said, “If you are not willing to come, I beg you, at least let my brother Amnon come with us.” And the king said to him, “It is not necessary that he go with you.”2 Samuel 13:26

2 Samuel 13:27 But Absalom pressed him, and so he sent with him Amnon and all the sons of the king. And Absalom made a feast, like the feast of a king.2 Samuel 13:27

2 Samuel 13:28 Then Absalom commanded his servants, saying: “Observe when Amnon will have become drunk with wine. And when I say to you, ‘Strike and kill him!’ do not be afraid. For it is I who commands you. Be strong and valiant men.”2 Samuel 13:28

2 Samuel 13:29 Therefore, the servants of Absalom acted against Amnon, just as Absalom had commanded them. And all the sons of the king rose up, and each one climbed upon his mule and fled.2 Samuel 13:29

2 Samuel 13:32 But Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David’s brother, responding, said: “My lord the king should not consider that all the sons of the king have been slain. Amnon alone is dead. For he was set against by the mouth of Absalom from the day that he raped his sister Tamar.2 Samuel 13:32

2 Samuel 13:34 Now Absalom fled. And the young man keeping watch, lifted up his eyes and gazed out. And behold, many people were arriving along a remote road at the side of the mountain.2 Samuel 13:34

2 Samuel 13:37 But Absalom, fleeing, went to Talmai, the son of Ammihud, the king of Geshur. Then David mourned for his son every day.2 Samuel 13:37

2 Samuel 13:38 Now after he had fled and had arrived in Geshur, Absalom was in that place for three years.2 Samuel 13:38

2 Samuel 13:39 And king David ceased to pursue Absalom, because he had been consoled over the passing of Amnon.2 Samuel 13:39

2 Samuel 14:1 Now Joab, the son of Zeruiah, understood that the heart of the king had been turned toward Absalom,2 Samuel 14:1

2 Samuel 14:21 And the king said to Joab: “Behold, your word has succeeded in appeasing me. Therefore, go and call back the boy Absalom.”2 Samuel 14:21

2 Samuel 14:23 Then Joab rose up, and he went away to Geshur. And he brought Absalom into Jerusalem.2 Samuel 14:23

2 Samuel 14:24 But the king said, “Let him return to his own house, but let him not see my face.” And so, Absalom returned to his own house, but he did not see the face of the king.2 Samuel 14:24

2 Samuel 14:25 Now in all of Israel, there was no man so handsome, and so very stately as Absalom. From the sole of the foot to the top of the head, there was no blemish in him.2 Samuel 14:25

2 Samuel 14:27 Then three sons were born to Absalom, and one daughter, of elegant form, whose name was Tamar.2 Samuel 14:27

2 Samuel 14:28 And Absalom remained for two years in Jerusalem, and he did not see the face of the king.2 Samuel 14:28

2 Samuel 14:30 he said to his servants: “You know that the field of Joab, the one that is near my field, has a harvest of barley. Therefore, go and set it on fire.” And so, the servants of Absalom set fire to the grain field. And the servants of Joab, arriving with their garments torn, said, “The servants of Absalom have set fire to part of the field!”2 Samuel 14:30

2 Samuel 14:31 And Joab rose up, and he went to Absalom at his house, and he said, “Why have your servants set fire to my grain field?”2 Samuel 14:31

2 Samuel 14:32 And Absalom responded to Joab: “I sent to you, begging that you might come to me, and that I might send you to the king, and that you might say to him: ‘Why was I brought from Geshur? It would have been better for me to be there.’ I beg you, therefore, that I may see the face of the king. And if he is mindful of my iniquity, let him put me to death.”2 Samuel 14:32

2 Samuel 14:33 And so, Joab, entering to the king, reported everything to him. And Absalom was summoned. And he entered to the king, and he reverenced on the face of the earth. And the king kissed Absalom.2 Samuel 14:33

2 Samuel 15:1 Then, after these things, Absalom obtained for himself chariots, and horsemen, and fifty men who went before him.2 Samuel 15:1

2 Samuel 15:2 And rising up in the morning, Absalom was standing beside the entrance of the gate. And when there was any man who had a dispute that might go before the king’s judgment, Absalom would call him to him, and would say, “Which city are you from?” And responding, he would say, “I am your servant, from a certain tribe of Israel.”2 Samuel 15:2

2 Samuel 15:3 And Absalom would answer him: “Your words seem good and just to me. But there is no one appointed by the king to hear you.” And Absalom would say:2 Samuel 15:3

2 Samuel 15:7 Then, after forty years, Absalom said to king David: “I should go and pay my vows, which I have vowed to the Lord at Hebron.2 Samuel 15:7

2 Samuel 15:10 They Absalom sent scouts into all the tribes of Israel, saying: “As soon as you hear the blare of the trumpet, say: ‘Absalom reigns in Hebron.’ ”2 Samuel 15:10

2 Samuel 15:11 Now having been called, two hundred men from Jerusalem went forth with Absalom, going in simplicity of heart and being entirely ignorant of the plan.2 Samuel 15:11

2 Samuel 15:12 Absalom also summoned Ahithophel the Gilonite, a counselor of David, from his city, Giloh. And when he was immolating victims, a very strong oath was sworn, and the people, hurrying together, joined with Absalom.2 Samuel 15:12

2 Samuel 15:13 Then a messenger went to David, saying, “With their whole heart, all of Israel is following Absalom.”2 Samuel 15:13

2 Samuel 15:14 And David said to his servants, who were with him in Jerusalem: “Rise up, let us flee! For otherwise there will be no escape for us from the face of Absalom. Hurry to depart, lest perhaps, upon arriving, he may seize us, and force ruin upon us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword.”2 Samuel 15:14

2 Samuel 15:31 Then it was reported to David that Ahithophel also had joined in swearing with Absalom. And David said, “ O Lord, I beg you, to uncover the foolishness of the counsel of Ahithophel.”2 Samuel 15:31

2 Samuel 15:34 But if you return to the city, and you say to Absalom, ‘I am your servant, O king; just as I have been the servant of your father, so too will I be your servant,’ you will destroy the counsel of Ahithophel2 Samuel 15:34

2 Samuel 15:37 Therefore, Hushai, the friend of David, went into the city. And Absalom also entered into Jerusalem.2 Samuel 15:37

2 Samuel 16:8 The Lord has repaid you for all the blood of the house of Saul. For you have usurped the kingdom in place of him. And so, the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom, your son. And behold, your evils press close upon you, because you are a man of blood.”2 Samuel 16:8

2 Samuel 16:15 But Absalom and all his people entered into Jerusalem. Moreover, Ahithophel was with him.2 Samuel 16:15

2 Samuel 16:16 And when Hushai the Archite, David’s friend, had gone to Absalom, he said to him: “May you be well, O king! May you be well, O king!”2 Samuel 16:16

2 Samuel 16:17 And Absalom said to him: “Is this your kindness to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?”2 Samuel 16:17

2 Samuel 16:18 And Hushai responded to Absalom: “By no means! For I will be his, whom the Lord has chosen. And I, and all this people, and all of Israel, will remain with him.2 Samuel 16:18

2 Samuel 16:20 Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, “Present a counsel as to what we ought to do.”2 Samuel 16:20

2 Samuel 16:21 And Ahithophel said to Absalom: “Enter to the concubines of your father, whom he left behind in order to care for the house. Thus, when all of Israel will hear that you disgraced your father, their hands may be strengthened with you.”2 Samuel 16:21

2 Samuel 16:22 Therefore, they spread a tent for Absalom on the rooftop. And he entered to the concubines of his father in the sight of all Israel.2 Samuel 16:22

2 Samuel 16:23 Now the counsel of Ahithophel, which he gave in those days, was treated as if one were consulting God. So was every counsel of Ahithophel, both when he was with David, and when he was with Absalom.2 Samuel 16:23

2 Samuel 17:1 Then Ahithophel said to Absalom: “I will choose for myself twelve thousand men, and rising up, I will pursue David this night.2 Samuel 17:1

2 Samuel 17:4 And this word pleased Absalom and all those greater by birth of Israel.2 Samuel 17:4

2 Samuel 17:5 But Absalom said, “Summon Hushai the Archite, and let us hear what he also may say.”2 Samuel 17:5

2 Samuel 17:6 And when Hushai had gone to Absalom, Absalom said to him: “Ahithophel has spoken a word in this manner. Should we do it or not? What counsel do you give?”2 Samuel 17:6

2 Samuel 17:7 And Hushai said to Absalom, “The counsel that Ahithophel has given at this time is not good.”2 Samuel 17:7

2 Samuel 17:9 Perhaps now he hides in pits, or in another place, wherever he wills. And if by chance, in the beginning, anyone may fall, whoever hears about it, no matter what he has heard, will say, ‘There is a slaughter among the people who were following Absalom.’2 Samuel 17:9

2 Samuel 17:14 And Absalom, with all the men of Israel, said: “The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel.” So, by an act of the Lord, the useful counsel of Ahithophel was defeated, in order that the Lord might lead evil over Absalom.2 Samuel 17:14

2 Samuel 17:15 And Hushai said to the priests, Zadok and Abiathar: “Ahithophel gave counsel to Absalom and to the elders of Israel in this and that manner. And I gave counsel in such and such a manner.2 Samuel 17:15

2 Samuel 17:18 But a certain young man saw them, and he revealed it to Absalom. Yet truly, they traveled quickly and entered into the house of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, and they descended into it.2 Samuel 17:18

2 Samuel 17:20 And when the servants of Absalom had entered into the house, they said to the woman, “Where is Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” And the woman responded to them, “They passed through hurriedly, after they had taken a little water.” But those who were seeking them, when they had not found them, returned to Jerusalem.2 Samuel 17:20

2 Samuel 17:24 Then David went to the encampment, and Absalom crossed over the Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.2 Samuel 17:24

2 Samuel 17:25 Truly, Absalom appointed Amasa in place of Joab over the army. Now Amasa was the son of a man who was called Ithra of Jezrael, who entered to Abigail, the daughter of Nahash, the sister of Zeruiah, who was the mother of Joab.2 Samuel 17:25

2 Samuel 17:26 And Israel made camp with Absalom in the land of Gilead.2 Samuel 17:26

2 Samuel 18:5 And the king ordered Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, “Preserve for me the boy Absalom.” And all the people heard the king commanding all the leaders on behalf of Absalom.2 Samuel 18:5

2 Samuel 18:9 Then it happened that Absalom, riding on a mule, met the servants of David. And when the mule had entered under a thick and large oak tree, his head became trapped in the oak. And while he was suspended between heaven and earth, the mule on which he had been sitting continued on.2 Samuel 18:9

2 Samuel 18:10 Then a certain one saw this and reported it to Joab, saying, “I saw Absalom hanging from an oak.”2 Samuel 18:10

2 Samuel 18:12 And he said to Joab: “Even if you weighed out to my hands one thousand silver coins, I would never lay my hands on the son of the king. For in our hearing the king ordered you and Abishai and Ittai, saying, ‘Keep for me the boy Absalom.’2 Samuel 18:12

2 Samuel 18:14 And Joab said, “It will not be as you wish. Instead, I will be assailing him in your sight.” Then he took three lances in his hand, and he fixed them in the heart of Absalom. And while he was still clinging to life upon the oak,2 Samuel 18:14

2 Samuel 18:17 And they took Absalom, and they threw him into a great pit in the forest. And they piled an exceedingly great heap of stones over him. But all of Israel fled to their own tents.2 Samuel 18:17

2 Samuel 18:18 Now Absalom had raised up for himself, when he was still alive, a monument, which is in the Valley of the King. For he said, “I have no son, and so this shall be the memorial to my name.” And he called the monument by his own name. And it is called the Hand of Absalom, even to this day.2 Samuel 18:18

2 Samuel 18:33 And so the king, being greatly saddened, ascended to the upper room of the gate, and he wept. And as he went, he was speaking in this manner: “My son Absalom! Absalom my son! Who can grant to me that I may die on your behalf? Absalom, my son! My son, Absalom!”2 Samuel 18:33

2 Samuel 19:4 And the king covered his head, and he was crying out in a great voice: “My son, Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!”2 Samuel 19:4

2 Samuel 19:6 You love those who hate you, and you hate those who love you. And you have revealed this day that you have no concern for your leaders and for your servants. And truly, I know now that if Absalom had lived, and if we all had been killed, then it would have pleased you.2 Samuel 19:6

2 Samuel 19:9 And all the people were conflicted, in all the tribes of Israel, saying: “The king has freed us from the hand of our enemies. He himself saved us from the hand of the Philistines. But now he flees from the land for the sake of Absalom.2 Samuel 19:9

2 Samuel 19:10 But Absalom, whom we anointed over us, has died in the war. How long will you be silent, and not lead back the king?”2 Samuel 19:10

2 Samuel 20:6 And David said to Abishai: “Now Sheba, the son of Bichri, will afflict us more so than Absalom did. Therefore, take the servants of your lord, and pursue him, otherwise he may find fortified cities, and escape from us.”2 Samuel 20:6

Number of the word / term Absalom in 2 Samuel: 74

Bible passages with ‘Absalom’ in the book 1 Kings

1 Kings 1:6 Neither did his father chastise him at any time, saying, “Why have you done this?” Now he, too, was very beautiful, the second in birth, after Absalom.1 Kings 1:6

1 Kings 2:7 Then, too, repay grace to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite. And you shall allow them to eat at your table. For they met me when I fled from the face of Absalom, your brother.1 Kings 2:7

Number of the word / term Absalom in 1 Kings: 2

Bible passages with ‘Absalom’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 3:2 the third Absalom, the son of Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur; the fourth Adonijah, the son of Haggith;1 Chronicles 3:2

Number of the word / term Absalom in 1 Chronicles: 1

Bible passages with ‘Absalom’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 11:20 And also after her, he married Maacah, the daughter of Absalom, who bore for him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith.2 Chronicles 11:20

2 Chronicles 11:21 But Rehoboam loved Maacah, the daughter of Absalom, above all his wives and concubines. For he had taken eighteen wives and sixty concubines. And he conceived twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.2 Chronicles 11:21

Number of the word / term Absalom in 2 Chronicles: 2

Bible passages with ‘Absalom’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 3:1 A Psalm of David. When he fled from the face of his son, Absalom. Lord, why have those who trouble me been multiplied? Many rise up against me.Psalm 3:1

Psalm 143:1 A Psalm of David, when his son Absalom was pursuing him. O Lord, hear my prayer. Incline your ear to my supplication in your truth. Heed me according to your justice.Psalm 143:1

Number of the word / term ‘Absalom’ in Psalm: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 81

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