Our Little Concordance

‘Aaron’ in the Bible – All 295 Bible verses / Bible passages

Here you will find all biblical passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Aaron’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to find all the verses and occurrences of the Word. his article is part of our small concordance.

The term ‘Aaron’ occurs 295 times in the Bible. Below you will find all matching biblical passages divided according to the corresponding book.

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Exodus

Exodus 4:27 Then the Lord said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet Moses.” And he went directly to meet him on the mountain of God, and he kissed him.Exodus 4:27

Exodus 4:28 And Moses explained to Aaron all the words of the Lord, by which he had sent him, and the signs which he had commanded.Exodus 4:28

Exodus 4:30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had said to Moses. And he accomplished the signs in the sight of the people,Exodus 4:30

Exodus 5:1 After these things, Moses and Aaron entered, and they said to Pharaoh: “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Release my people, so that they may sacrifice to me in the desert.”Exodus 5:1

Exodus 5:4 The king of Egypt said to them: “Why do you, Moses and Aaron, distract the people from their works? Go back to your burdens.”Exodus 5:4

Exodus 5:20 And they met with Moses and Aaron, who stood opposite them as they departed from Pharaoh.Exodus 5:20

Exodus 6:13 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and he gave them a commandment for the sons of Israel, and for Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, that they should lead the sons of Israel away from the land of Egypt.Exodus 6:13

Exodus 6:20 Now Amram took as a wife Jochebed, his paternal aunt, who bore for him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirty-seven.Exodus 6:20

Exodus 6:23 Now Aaron took as a wife Elizabeth, the daughter of Amminadab, sister of Nahshon, who bore for him Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.Exodus 6:23

Exodus 6:25 And truly Eleazar, the son of Aaron, took a wife from the daughters of Putiel. And she bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of the Levitical families by their kindred.Exodus 6:25

Exodus 6:26 These are Aaron and Moses, whom the Lord instructed to lead the sons of Israel away from the land of Egypt by their companies.Exodus 6:26

Exodus 6:27 These are those who speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, in order to lead the sons of Israel out of Egypt. These are Moses and Aaron,Exodus 6:27

Exodus 7:1 And the Lord said to Moses: “Behold, I have appointed you as the god of Pharaoh. And Aaron, your brother, will be your prophet.Exodus 7:1

Exodus 7:6 And so, Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And so it was done.Exodus 7:6

Exodus 7:7 Now Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh.Exodus 7:7

Exodus 7:8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:Exodus 7:8

Exodus 7:9 “When Pharaoh will say to you, ‘Show signs,’ you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff, and cast it down before Pharaoh, and it will be turned into a snake.’ ”Exodus 7:9

Exodus 7:10 And so Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they did just as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron took the staff in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and it was turned into a snake.Exodus 7:10

Exodus 7:12 And each one cast down their staffs, and they were turned into serpents. But the staff of Aaron devoured their staffs.Exodus 7:12

Exodus 7:19 The Lord also said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Take your staff; and extend your hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers and streams and marshes and all the pools of waters, so that they may be turned into blood. And let there be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, as much in vessels of wood as in those of stone.’ ”Exodus 7:19

Exodus 7:20 And Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had instructed. And lifting up the staff, he struck the water of the river in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants. And it was turned into blood.Exodus 7:20

Exodus 8:5 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Extend your hand over the rivers, and also over the streams and the marshes, and bring forth frogs over the land of Egypt.’ ”Exodus 8:5

Exodus 8:6 And Aaron extended his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.Exodus 8:6

Exodus 8:8 But Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “Pray to the Lord, so as to take away the frogs from me and from my people. And I will release the people, so as to sacrifice to the Lord.”Exodus 8:8

Exodus 8:12 And Moses and Aaron departed from Pharaoh. And Moses cried out to the Lord on behalf of the promise that he had made to Pharaoh concerning the frogs.Exodus 8:12

Exodus 8:16 And the Lord said to Moses: “Say to Aaron: ‘Extend your staff and strike the dust of the earth. And let there be stinging insects throughout the entire the land of Egypt.’ ”Exodus 8:16

Exodus 8:17 And they did so. And Aaron extended his hand, holding the staff, and he struck the dust of the earth, and there came stinging insects upon men and upon beasts. All the dust of the earth was turned into stinging insects through all the land of Egypt.Exodus 8:17

Exodus 8:25 And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them, “Go and sacrifice to your God in this land.”Exodus 8:25

Exodus 9:8 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “Take handfuls of ashes from the oven, and let Moses sprinkle it into the air, in the sight of Pharaoh.Exodus 9:8

Exodus 9:27 And Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron, saying to them: “I have sinned even until now. The Lord is just. I and my people are impious.Exodus 9:27

Exodus 10:3 Therefore, Moses and Aaron entered to Pharaoh, and they said to him: “Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: How long will you be unwilling to be subject to me? Release my people to sacrifice to me.Exodus 10:3

Exodus 10:8 And they called back Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh, who said to them: “Go, sacrifice to the Lord your God. Who are they who would go?”Exodus 10:8

Exodus 10:16 For this reason, Pharaoh hurriedly called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “I have sinned against the Lord your God, and against you.Exodus 10:16

Exodus 10:24 And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them: “Go, sacrifice to the Lord. Only let your sheep and herds remain behind. Your little ones may go with you.”Exodus 10:24

Exodus 11:10 Now Moses and Aaron did all the wonders that are written, in the sight of Pharaoh. And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh; neither did he release the sons of Israel from his land.Exodus 11:10

Exodus 12:1 The Lord also said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:Exodus 12:1

Exodus 12:28 And the sons of Israel, departing, did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.Exodus 12:28

Exodus 12:31 And Pharaoh, calling Moses and Aaron in the night, said: “Rise up and go forth from among my people, you and the sons of Israel. Go, sacrifice to the Lord, just as you say.Exodus 12:31

Exodus 12:43 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “This is the religious observance of the Passover. No foreigner shall eat from it.Exodus 12:43

Exodus 12:50 And all the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.Exodus 12:50

Exodus 15:20 And so Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took up a timbrel in her hand. And all the women followed her with timbrels and dancing.Exodus 15:20

Exodus 16:2 And the entire congregation of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.Exodus 16:2

Exodus 16:6 And Moses and Aaron said to the sons of Israel: “In the evening, you will know that the Lord has led you away from the land of Egypt.Exodus 16:6

Exodus 16:9 Moses also said to Aaron: “Say to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel, ‘Approach before the Lord. For he has heard your murmuring.’ ”Exodus 16:9

Exodus 16:10 And when Aaron spoke to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, they looked out toward the wilderness. And behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud.Exodus 16:10

Exodus 16:33 And Moses said to Aaron, “Take one vessel, and put manna into it, as much as an omer is able to hold. And store it in the sight of the Lord, to keep for your generations,Exodus 16:33

Exodus 16:34 just as the Lord instructed Moses.” And so, Aaron placed it in the tabernacle, in reserve.Exodus 16:34

Exodus 17:10 Joshua did as Moses had spoken, and he fought against Amalek. But Moses and Aaron and Hur ascended to the top of the hill.Exodus 17:10

Exodus 17:12 Then the hands of Moses became heavy. And so, taking a stone, they placed it beneath him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur sustained his hands from both sides. And it happened that his hands did not tire until the setting of the sun.Exodus 17:12

Exodus 18:12 And so Jethro, the kinsman of Moses, offered holocausts and sacrifices to God. And Aaron arrived with all the elders of Israel, in order to eat bread with him in the sight of God.Exodus 18:12

Exodus 19:24 And the Lord said to him, “Go, descend. And you shall ascend, and Aaron with you. But let not the priests or the people transgress the limits, nor ascend to the Lord, lest perhaps he may put them to death.”Exodus 19:24

Exodus 24:1 He also said to Moses: “Ascend to the Lord, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders out of Israel, and adore from a distance.Exodus 24:1

Exodus 24:9 And Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel ascended.Exodus 24:9

Exodus 24:14 said to the elders: “Wait here, until we return to you. You have Aaron and Hur with you. If any question arises, you shall refer it to them.”Exodus 24:14

Exodus 27:21 in the tabernacle of the testimony, outside of the veil that enshrouds the testimony. And Aaron and his sons shall arrange it, so that it may give light in the presence of the Lord, until morning. This shall be a perpetual observance among the sons of Israel, throughout their successions.”Exodus 27:21

Exodus 28:1 “Also, join to yourself your brother Aaron, with his sons from the midst of the sons of Israel, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me: Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.Exodus 28:1

Exodus 28:2 And you shall make a holy vestment for Aaron, your brother, with glory and elegance.Exodus 28:2

Exodus 28:3 And you shall speak to all the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of prudence, so that they may make the vestments of Aaron, in which, having been sanctified, he may minister to me.Exodus 28:3

Exodus 28:4 Now these shall be the vestments that they shall make: A breastplate and an ephod, a tunic and a close-fit linen garment, a headdress and a wide belt. They shall make the holy vestments for your brother Aaron and his sons, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me.Exodus 28:4

Exodus 28:12 And you shall place them on both sides of the ephod, as a memorial to the sons of Israel. And Aaron shall carry their names before the Lord, upon both shoulders, as a remembrance.Exodus 28:12

Exodus 28:29 And Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment upon his chest, when he enters into the Sanctuary, as a memorial in the presence of the Lord in eternity.Exodus 28:29

Exodus 28:35 And Aaron will be vested with it during the office of his ministry, so that the sound may be heard when he enters and exits the Sanctuary, in the sight of the Lord, and so that he may not die.Exodus 28:35

Exodus 28:38 hanging in front of the high priest. And Aaron shall carry the iniquities of that which the sons of Israel have offered and sanctified, in all their gifts and donations. But the plate will always be at his forehead, so that the Lord may be well pleased with them.Exodus 28:38

Exodus 28:40 Furthermore, for the sons of Aaron, you shall prepare linen tunics, and wide belts as well as headdresses, with glory and elegance.Exodus 28:40

Exodus 28:41 And with all these you shall vest your brother Aaron, and his sons with him. And you shall consecrate all their hands, and you shall sanctify them, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me.Exodus 28:41

Exodus 28:43 And Aaron and his sons will use them when they enter the tabernacle of the testimony, and when they approach toward the altar, in order to minister in the sanctuary, lest, being guilty of iniquity, they may die. It shall be a law forever for Aaron, and for his offspring after him.”Exodus 28:43

Exodus 29:4 And you shall bring forward Aaron and his sons, to the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. And when you will have washed the father with his sons in water,Exodus 29:4

Exodus 29:5 you shall clothe Aaron in his vestments, that is, with the linen, and the tunic, and the ephod, and the breastplate, which you shall draw together with the wide belt.Exodus 29:5

Exodus 29:10 you shall bring forward also the calf, in the presence of the tabernacle of the testimony. And Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands upon its head.Exodus 29:10

Exodus 29:15 Likewise, you shall take one ram, and upon its head Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands.Exodus 29:15

Exodus 29:19 Likewise, you shall take the other ram, upon whose head Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands.Exodus 29:19

Exodus 29:20 And when you will have immolated it, you shall take of its blood, and place it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs and big toes of their right hand and right foot, and you shall pour the blood upon the altar, all around.Exodus 29:20

Exodus 29:21 And when you have taken from the blood that is on the altar, and from the oil of unction, you shall sprinkle Aaron and his vestment, his sons and their vestments. And after they and their vestments have been consecrated,Exodus 29:21

Exodus 29:24 And you shall place all these in the hands of Aaron and his sons, and you shall sanctify them, lifting them up in the sight of the Lord.Exodus 29:24

Exodus 29:26 Likewise, you shall take the chest of the ram, with which Aaron was initiated, and you shall sanctify it, lifting it up in the sight of the Lord, and it will fall to your share.Exodus 29:26

Exodus 29:28 with which Aaron was initiated with his sons, and these will fall to the share of Aaron and his sons, as a perpetual oath by the sons of Israel. For these are the greatest and the first of their victims of peace, which they offer to the Lord.Exodus 29:28

Exodus 29:29 But the holy vestment, which Aaron shall use, his sons shall possess after him, so that they may be anointed in it and their hands may be consecrated.Exodus 29:29

Exodus 29:32 And Aaron and his sons shall feed on it. Likewise, the loaves which are in the basket, they shall consume in the vestibule of the tabernacle of the testimony,Exodus 29:32

Exodus 29:35 All that I have instructed you concerning Aaron and his sons, you shall do. For seven days shall you consecrate their hands,Exodus 29:35

Exodus 29:44 I will also sanctify the tabernacle of the testimony with the altar, and Aaron with his sons, to exercise the priesthood for me.Exodus 29:44

Exodus 30:7 And Aaron shall burn incense upon it, a sweet fragrance, in the morning. When he lights the lamps, he shall burn it.Exodus 30:7

Exodus 30:10 And Aaron shall pray over its horns once a year, with the blood of what was offered for sin. And he shall make atonement over it in your generations. It shall be the Holy of holies to the Lord.”Exodus 30:10

Exodus 30:30 You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and you shall sanctify them, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me.Exodus 30:30

Exodus 31:10 the holy vestments for the ministry of Aaron the priest, and for his sons, so that they may execute their office of sacred rites,Exodus 31:10

Exodus 32:1 Then the people, seeing that Moses made a delay in descending from the mountain, gathered together against Aaron, and said: “Rise up, make us gods, who may go before us. But as for this man Moses, who led us away from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has befallen him.”Exodus 32:1

Exodus 32:2 And Aaron said to them, “Take the golden earrings from the ears of your wives, and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me.”Exodus 32:2

Exodus 32:3 And the people did what he had commanded, carrying the earrings to Aaron.Exodus 32:3

Exodus 32:5 And when Aaron had seen it, he built an altar before it, and he cried out with a voice of proclamation, saying, “Tomorrow is the solemnity of the Lord.”Exodus 32:5

Exodus 32:21 And he said to Aaron, “What has this people done to you, so that you would bring upon them the greatest sin?”Exodus 32:21

Exodus 32:25 Therefore, Moses, seeing that the people were naked (for Aaron had stripped them because of the disgrace of their sordidness, and he had set them naked among their enemies),Exodus 32:25

Exodus 32:35 Therefore, the Lord struck the people for the guilt of the calf, which Aaron had made.Exodus 32:35

Exodus 34:30 Then Aaron and the sons of Israel, seeing that the face of Moses was radiant, were afraid to approach close by.Exodus 34:30

Exodus 34:31 And being called by him, they turned back, both Aaron and the leaders of the assembly. And after he had spoken to them,Exodus 34:31

Exodus 35:19 the vestments, which are to be used in the ministry of the Sanctuary, the vestments of Aaron, the high priest, as well as those of his sons, in order to exercise the priesthood to me.”Exodus 35:19

Exodus 38:21 These are the instruments of the tabernacle of the testimony, which were enumerated according to the instruction of Moses, with the ceremonies of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest,Exodus 38:21

Exodus 39:1 Truly, from hyacinth and purple, vermillion and fine linen, he made the vestments with which Aaron was clothed when he ministered in the holy places, just as the Lord instructed Moses.Exodus 39:1

Exodus 39:25 They also made fine linen tunics with woven work, for Aaron and his sons,Exodus 39:25

Exodus 39:41 Likewise, the vestments, which the priests, namely, Aaron and his sons, make use of use in the Sanctuary,Exodus 39:41

Exodus 40:12 And you shall bring forward Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony, and, having washed them with water,Exodus 40:12

Exodus 40:31 And Moses and Aaron, along with his sons, washed their hands and feet,Exodus 40:31

Number of the word / term Aaron in Exodus: 100

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Leviticus

Leviticus 1:5 And he shall immolate the calf in the sight of the Lord. And the priests, the sons of Aaron, shall offer its blood, pouring it all around the altar, which is before the door of the tabernacle.Leviticus 1:5

Leviticus 1:11 And he shall immolate it at the side of the altar which looks out toward the north, in the sight of the Lord. Yet truly, the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood upon the altar all around.Leviticus 1:11

Leviticus 2:2 and he shall bring it to the sons of Aaron, the priests. One of them shall take a handful of the flour with oil, as well as all the frankincense, and he shall place it as a memorial upon the altar, as a most sweet odor to the Lord.Leviticus 2:2

Leviticus 2:3 Then what will remain of the sacrifice shall be for Aaron and his sons, the Holy of holies from the oblations of the Lord.Leviticus 2:3

Leviticus 2:10 But whatever is left shall be for Aaron and his sons, the Holy of holies from the oblations of the Lord.Leviticus 2:10

Leviticus 3:2 And he shall place his hand upon the head of his victim, which shall be immolated at the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall pour the blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:2

Leviticus 3:8 he shall place his hand upon the head of the victim. And it shall be immolated at the vestibule of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:8

Leviticus 3:13 he shall place his hand upon its head, and he shall immolate it at the entrance of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron shall pour its blood all around the altar.Leviticus 3:13

Leviticus 6:9 Instruct Aaron and his sons: This is the law of a holocaust. It shall be burned upon the altar, all night until morning. The fire shall be from the same altar.Leviticus 6:9

Leviticus 6:14 This is the law of the sacrifice and the libations, which the sons of Aaron shall offer in the sight of the Lord, and before the altar.Leviticus 6:14

Leviticus 6:16 And the remaining portion of the flour, Aaron shall eat with his sons, without leaven. And he shall eat it in the holy place, in the atrium of the tabernacle.Leviticus 6:16

Leviticus 6:18 Only the males of the stock of Aaron shall eat it. This shall be an everlasting ordinance in your generations concerning the sacrifices of the Lord. All who will touch these shall be sanctified.Leviticus 6:18

Leviticus 6:20 This is the oblation of Aaron and of his sons, which they must offer to the Lord in the day of their anointing. They shall offer a tenth part of an ephah of fine wheat flour as a perpetual sacrifice, half of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening.Leviticus 6:20

Leviticus 6:25 Say to Aaron and his sons: This is the law of the victim for sin. In the place where the holocaust is offered, it shall be immolated in the sight of the Lord. It is the Holy of holies.Leviticus 6:25

Leviticus 7:10 Whether these will be sprinkled with oil, or left dry, an equal measure shall be divided to each one of the sons of Aaron.Leviticus 7:10

Leviticus 7:31 who shall burn the fat upon the altar. But the breast shall be for Aaron and his sons.Leviticus 7:31

Leviticus 7:33 Among the sons of Aaron, whoever will have offered the blood and the fat, the same one shall also have the right shoulder for his portion.Leviticus 7:33

Leviticus 7:34 So then, the breast that is lifted up, and the shoulder that is separated, I have taken from the sons of Israel, from their victims of peace offerings, and I have given these to Aaron the priest and to his sons, as a law in perpetuity, from all the people of Israel.Leviticus 7:34

Leviticus 7:35 This is the anointing of Aaron and his sons, by the ceremonies of the Lord, in the day when Moses offered them, so that they may fulfill the priesthood,Leviticus 7:35

Leviticus 8:2 Take Aaron, with his sons, their vestments, and the oil of anointing, a calf for sin, two rams, and a basket with unleavened bread,Leviticus 8:2

Leviticus 8:6 And immediately, he brought forward Aaron and his sons. And when he had washed them,Leviticus 8:6

Leviticus 8:14 He also offered the calf for sin. And when Aaron and his sons had placed their hands upon its head,Leviticus 8:14

Leviticus 8:18 He also offered a ram as a holocaust. And when Aaron and his sons had imposed their hands upon its head,Leviticus 8:18

Leviticus 8:22 He also offered the second ram, as a consecration of priests. And Aaron and his sons placed their hands upon its head.Leviticus 8:22

Leviticus 8:24 He also offered the sons of Aaron. And when, from the blood of the ram which was immolated, he had touched the tip of the right ear of each one, and the thumbs of their right hands, as well as their feet, he poured out the remainder upon the altar all around.Leviticus 8:24

Leviticus 8:27 delivering all these to Aaron and his sons. And when they had lifted them up in the sight of the Lord,Leviticus 8:27

Leviticus 8:30 And taking up the ointment, and the blood that was on the altar, he sprinkled it over Aaron and his vestments, and over his sons and their vestments.Leviticus 8:30

Leviticus 8:36 And Aaron and his sons did everything that the Lord spoke by the hand of Moses.Leviticus 8:36

Leviticus 9:1 Then, the eighth day having arrived, Moses called Aaron and his sons, and those greater by birth from Israel, and he said to Aaron:Leviticus 9:1

Leviticus 9:7 And he said to Aaron: “Approach toward the altar, and immolate on behalf of your sin. Offer the holocaust, and pray for yourself and for the people. And when you have slain the victim for the people, pray for them, just as the Lord has instructed.”Leviticus 9:7

Leviticus 9:8 And immediately Aaron, approaching toward the altar, immolated the calf for his sin.Leviticus 9:8

Leviticus 9:23 Then Moses and Aaron entered the tabernacle of the testimony, and afterwards came out and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to the entire multitude.Leviticus 9:23

Leviticus 10:1 And the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, picking up their censers, placed fire in them and incense upon them, offering in the sight of the Lord a strange fire, such as was not instructed of them.Leviticus 10:1

Leviticus 10:3 And Moses said to Aaron: “This is what the Lord has spoken: ‘I will be sanctified in those who approach me, and I will be glorified in the sight of all the people.’ ” And upon hearing this, Aaron was silent.Leviticus 10:3

Leviticus 10:4 Then Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel, the paternal uncle of Aaron, and he said to them, “Go and take your brothers from the sight of the Sanctuary, and carry them beyond the camp.”Leviticus 10:4

Leviticus 10:6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar: “Do not uncover your heads, and do not rend your garments, lest perhaps you may die, and indignation may rise up over the entire assembly. Let your brothers, and all the house of Israel, bewail the burning that the Lord has kindled.Leviticus 10:6

Leviticus 10:8 The Lord also said to Aaron:Leviticus 10:8

Leviticus 10:12 And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, who were remaining: “Take the sacrifice which remains from the oblation of the Lord, and eat it without leaven next to the altar, because it is the Holy of holies.Leviticus 10:12

Leviticus 10:16 Meanwhile, when Moses was searching for the he-goat, which had been offered for sin, he discovered it burned up. And being angry against Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who were remaining, he said:Leviticus 10:16

Leviticus 11:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 11:1

Leviticus 13:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 13:1

Leviticus 13:2 The man in whose skin or flesh there will have arisen a diverse color, or a pustule, or something that seems to shine, which is the mark of leprosy, shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to anyone you wish among his sons.Leviticus 13:2

Leviticus 14:33 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 14:33

Leviticus 15:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Leviticus 15:1

Leviticus 16:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they were destroyed for offering strange fire.Leviticus 16:1

Leviticus 16:2 And he instructed him, saying: Speak to your brother Aaron, so that he may not, at any time, enter into the Sanctuary, which is within the veil, before the propitiatory by which the ark is covered, so that he may not die, (for I will appear in a cloud above the oracle)Leviticus 16:2

Leviticus 17:2 Speak to Aaron and his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, saying to them: This is the word, which the Lord has commanded, saying:Leviticus 17:2

Leviticus 21:1 The Lord also said to Moses: Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and you shall say to them: Do not allow a priest to be contaminated by the death of his citizens,Leviticus 21:1

Leviticus 21:17 Say to Aaron: A man from your offspring, throughout their families, who has a blemish, shall not offer the bread to his God.Leviticus 21:17

Leviticus 21:21 Anyone from the offspring of Aaron, the priest, who has a blemish, shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor the bread to his God.Leviticus 21:21

Leviticus 21:24 Therefore, Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all of Israel, everything that had been commanded to him.Leviticus 21:24

Leviticus 22:2 Speak to Aaron and to his sons, so that they may be careful of those things which have been consecrated for the sons of Israel, and so that they may not contaminate the name of the things sanctified to me, which they offer. I am the Lord.Leviticus 22:2

Leviticus 22:4 The man of the offspring of Aaron, who is a leper or who is suffering a flow of seed, shall not eat of those things which have been sanctified to me, until he is healed. Whoever will have touched what is unclean because of the dead, and he whose seed goes out from him, as if from sexual intercourse,Leviticus 22:4

Leviticus 22:18 Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: The man from the house of Israel, or from the newcomers who live with you, who would bring forward his oblation, either fulfilling his vows or offering spontaneously, whatever he brings forward as a holocaust for the Lord,Leviticus 22:18

Leviticus 24:3 outside the veil of the testimony in the tabernacle of the covenant. And Aaron shall place these, from evening until morning, before the Lord, as a perpetual worship and ritual in your generations.Leviticus 24:3

Leviticus 24:9 And they shall be for Aaron and his sons, so that they may eat these in the holy place; for it is the Holy of holies from the sacrifices of the Lord, as a perpetual right.Leviticus 24:9

Number of the word / term Aaron in Leviticus: 56

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Numbers

Numbers 1:3 from twenty years and above, of all the able-bodied men out of Israel, and you shall number them by their companies, you and Aaron.Numbers 1:3

Numbers 1:17 Moses and Aaron took these, with all the multitude of the common people,Numbers 1:17

Numbers 1:44 These are the ones who were numbered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, each one by the houses of their kinships.Numbers 1:44

Numbers 2:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 2:1

Numbers 3:1 These are the generations of Aaron and Moses, in the day when the Lord spoke to Moses on mount Sinai.Numbers 3:1

Numbers 3:2 And these are the names of the sons of Aaron: his firstborn Nadab, then Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.Numbers 3:2

Numbers 3:3 These the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests who were anointed and whose hands were filled and consecrated in order to exercise the priesthood.Numbers 3:3

Numbers 3:4 For Nadab and Abihu died without children, when they offered, in the sight of the Lord, a strange fire, in the desert of Sinai. And so, Eleazar and Ithamar exercised the priesthood in the sight of Aaron, their father.Numbers 3:4

Numbers 3:6 “Bring forward the tribe of Levi, and cause them to stand in the sight of Aaron the priest, in order to minister to him. And let them keep watch outside,Numbers 3:6

Numbers 3:9 And you shall give the Levites as a gift to Aaron and his sons; for they have been delivered to them by the sons of Israel.Numbers 3:9

Numbers 3:10 But you shall appoint Aaron and his sons over the service of priesthood. The outsider who approaches to minister shall be put to death.”Numbers 3:10

Numbers 3:32 But the leader of the leaders of the Levites, Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, shall be over those who watch over the care of the Sanctuary.Numbers 3:32

Numbers 3:38 Moses and Aaron, with their sons, shall make camp before the tabernacle of the covenant, that is, on the east side, holding the custody of the Sanctuary in the midst of the sons of Israel. Whatever foreigner approaches it shall die.Numbers 3:38

Numbers 3:39 All the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered by their families according to the precept of the Lord, of the male gender, from one month and above, were twenty-two thousand.Numbers 3:39

Numbers 3:48 And you shall give the money to Aaron and his sons as the price of those that are in excess.”Numbers 3:48

Numbers 3:51 And he gave it to Aaron and his sons, according to the word by which the Lord had instructed him.Numbers 3:51

Numbers 4:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 4:1

Numbers 4:15 And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped the Sanctuary and its vessels at the dismantling of the camp, then the sons of Kohath shall enter, so as to carry what has been wrapped. And they shall not touch the vessels of the Sanctuary, lest they die. These are the burdens of the sons of Kohath concerning the tabernacle of the covenant.Numbers 4:15

Numbers 4:16 Over them shall be Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, to whom belongs the care of the oil to prepare the lamps, and the incense compound, and the sacrifice, which is offered continually, and the oil of unction, and whatever pertains to the service of the tabernacle, and all the vessels that are in the Sanctuary.”Numbers 4:16

Numbers 4:17 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 4:17

Numbers 4:19 But do this for them, so that they may live, and so that they may not die by touching the Holies of holies. Aaron and his sons shall enter, and they shall assign the work of each one, and they shall determine what each one ought to carry.Numbers 4:19

Numbers 4:27 the sons of Gershon shall carry, under the orders of Aaron and his sons. And so shall each one know to which burden he ought to surrender.Numbers 4:27

Numbers 4:28 This is the service of the family of the Gershonites, in the tabernacle of the covenant, and they shall be under the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.Numbers 4:28

Numbers 4:33 This is the office of the family of the Merarites, and their ministry for the tabernacle of the covenant. And they shall be under the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.”Numbers 4:33

Numbers 4:34 Therefore, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of the assembly, took a census of the sons of Kohath, by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:34

Numbers 4:37 This is the number of the people of Kohath, who enter the tabernacle of the covenant. These Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.Numbers 4:37

Numbers 4:41 This is the people of the Gershonites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord.Numbers 4:41

Numbers 4:45 This is the number of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron counted according to the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses.Numbers 4:45

Numbers 4:46 All who were counted from the Levites, and whom, by name, Moses and Aaron, and the leaders of Israel, counted by the kinships and houses of their fathers,Numbers 4:46

Numbers 6:23 “Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them:Numbers 6:23

Numbers 7:8 The other four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari, according to their offices and service, under the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.Numbers 7:8

Numbers 8:2 “Speak to Aaron, and you shall say to him: When you place the seven lamps, let the lampstand be set up on the south side. Therefore, give this instruction: that the lamps should look out from the region opposite the north, toward the table of the bread of the presence; they shall give light opposite that area, toward the area that the lampstand faces.”Numbers 8:2

Numbers 8:3 And Aaron did so, and he placed the lamps on the lampstand, just as the Lord had instructed Moses.Numbers 8:3

Numbers 8:11 And Aaron shall offer the Levites as a gift in the sight of the Lord, from the sons of Israel, so that they may serve in his ministry.Numbers 8:11

Numbers 8:13 And you shall set the Levites in the sight of Aaron and his sons, and you shall consecrate those being offered to the Lord,Numbers 8:13

Numbers 8:19 And I have delivered them as a gift to Aaron and his sons, from the midst of the people, in order to serve me, for Israel, in the tabernacle of the covenant, and in order to pray for them, lest there be a scourge among the people, if they were to dare to approach to my Sanctuary.”Numbers 8:19

Numbers 8:20 And Moses and Aaron, and all the multitude of the sons of Israel, accomplished all that the Lord had commanded Moses concerning the Levites.Numbers 8:20

Numbers 8:21 And they were purified, and they washed their garments. And Aaron lifted them up in the sight of the Lord, and he prayed for them,Numbers 8:21

Numbers 8:22 so that, having been purified, they might enter to their duties in the tabernacle of the covenant before Aaron and his sons. Just as the Lord had instructed Moses about the Levites, so was it done.Numbers 8:22

Numbers 9:6 But behold, certain ones, who were not able to observe the Passover on that day, being unclean because of the life of a man, approaching Moses and Aaron,Numbers 9:6

Numbers 10:8 Now it is the sons of Aaron the priest who shall sound the trumpets. And this shall be an everlasting ordinance, in your generations.Numbers 10:8

Numbers 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of his wife, an Ethiopian,Numbers 12:1

Numbers 12:4 immediately he spoke to him, and to Aaron and Miriam, “Go out, you three only, to the tabernacle of the covenant.” And when they had gone out,Numbers 12:4

Numbers 12:5 the Lord descended in a column of cloud, and he stood at the entrance of the tabernacle, calling to Aaron and Miriam. And when they had advanced,Numbers 12:5

Numbers 12:10 Likewise, the cloud which was over the tabernacle withdrew. And behold, Miriam appeared to be white with a leprosy, like snow. And when Aaron had looked upon her, and he had seen the spreading of the leprosy,Numbers 12:10

Numbers 13:26 And they went to Moses and Aaron, and to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel in the desert of Paran, which is in Kadesh. And speaking to them, and to the entire multitude, they showed them the fruits of the land.Numbers 13:26

Numbers 14:2 And all the sons of Israel were murmuring against Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 14:2

Numbers 14:5 And when Moses and Aaron heard this, they fell prone on the ground in the sight of the multitude of the sons of Israel.Numbers 14:5

Numbers 14:26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 14:26

Numbers 15:33 they brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to the whole multitude.Numbers 15:33

Numbers 16:3 And when they had stood against Moses and Aaron, they said: “Let it be sufficient for you that the entire multitude is of holy ones, and that the Lord is among them. Why do you elevate yourselves above the people of the Lord?”Numbers 16:3

Numbers 16:11 and so that your entire group would stand against the Lord? For what is Aaron that you should murmur against him?”Numbers 16:11

Numbers 16:16 And he said to Korah: “You and your congregation, stand alone before the Lord, and apart from Aaron, tomorrow.Numbers 16:16

Numbers 16:17 Let each one of you take censers, and place incense in them, offering to the Lord two hundred fifty censers. Let Aaron also hold his censer.”Numbers 16:17

Numbers 16:18 When they had done this, Moses and Aaron stood up,Numbers 16:18

Numbers 16:20 And the Lord, speaking to Moses and Aaron, said:Numbers 16:20

Numbers 16:37 “Instruct Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, to take up the censers which lie in the burning, and to scatter the fire to one side and another, because they were sanctifiedNumbers 16:37

Numbers 16:40 so that the sons of Israel would have, thereafter, something to admonish them, lest any stranger, or anyone who is not of the offspring of Aaron, might approach to offer incense to the Lord, and lest he endure what happened to Korah, and to all his congregation, when the Lord spoke to Moses.Numbers 16:40

Numbers 16:41 Then, the following day, the entire multitude of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying: “You have put to death the people of the Lord.”Numbers 16:41

Numbers 16:43 Moses and Aaron fled to the tabernacle of the covenant. But after they had entered it, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared.Numbers 16:43

Numbers 16:46 Moses said to Aaron: “Take the censer, and draw fire into it from the altar; place incense upon it, and continue on, quickly, to the people, to pray for them. For already wrath has gone forth from the Lord, and the scourge rages.”Numbers 16:46

Numbers 16:47 When Aaron had done this, and he ran into the midst of the multitude, which the burning fire was now destroying, and he offered the incense.Numbers 16:47

Numbers 16:50 And Aaron returned to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, after the destruction quieted.Numbers 16:50

Numbers 17:3 But the name of Aaron shall be for the tribe of Levi, and one rod separately shall contain all their families.Numbers 17:3

Numbers 17:6 And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel. And all the leaders gave him rods, one for each tribe. And there were twelve rods, aside from the rod of Aaron.Numbers 17:6

Numbers 17:8 returning on the following day, he found that the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi, had germinated, and that the swelling buds had opened into flowers, which, spreading their petals, were formed into those of an almond tree.Numbers 17:8

Numbers 17:10 And the Lord said to Moses: “Carry back the rod of Aaron into the tabernacle of the testimony, so that it may be kept there as a sign of the rebellion of the sons of Israel, and so that their complaints may be quieted before me, lest they die.”Numbers 17:10

Numbers 18:1 And the Lord said to Aaron: “You, and your sons, and the house of your father with you, shall carry the iniquity of the Sanctuary. And you and your sons together shall bear the sins of your priesthood.Numbers 18:1

Numbers 18:8 And the Lord said to Aaron: “Behold, I have given you custody of my first-fruits. Everything that is sanctified by the sons of Israel I have delivered to you and your sons, for the office of the priesthood, by everlasting ordinances.Numbers 18:8

Numbers 18:20 And the Lord said to Aaron: “In their land, you shall possess nothing; neither shall you have a portion among them. I am your portion and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.Numbers 18:20

Numbers 18:28 And offer the first-fruits of everything, from which you receive tithes, to the Lord, and give them to Aaron the priest.Numbers 18:28

Numbers 19:1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:Numbers 19:1

Numbers 20:2 And when the people were in need of water, they came together against Moses and Aaron.Numbers 20:2

Numbers 20:6 And Moses and Aaron, dismissing the multitude, entered the tabernacle of the covenant, and they fell prone on the ground, and they cried out to the Lord, and they said: “O Lord God, listen to the outcry of this people, and open for them, from your storehouse, a fountain of living water, so that, being satisfied, their murmuring may cease.” And the glory of the Lord appeared over them.Numbers 20:6

Numbers 20:8 “Take the rod, and gather the people, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock before them, and it shall bestow waters. And when you have brought forth water from the rock, the entire multitude and their cattle shall drink.”Numbers 20:8

Numbers 20:12 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe me, so as to sanctify me before the sons of Israel, you shall not lead this people into the land, which I will give to them.”Numbers 20:12

Numbers 20:24 “Let Aaron,” he said, “go to his people. For he shall not enter into the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because he did not believe my mouth at the Waters of Contradiction.Numbers 20:24

Numbers 20:25 Take Aaron, and his son with him, and lead them on to mount Hor.Numbers 20:25

Numbers 20:26 And when you have stripped the father of his vestments, you shall put them on Eleazar, his son. Aaron shall be gathered and shall die there.”Numbers 20:26

Numbers 20:28 And when he had despoiled Aaron of his vestments, he clothed his son Eleazar with them. And when Aaron had died at the top of the mountain, Moses came down with Eleazar.Numbers 20:28

Numbers 20:29 And the entire multitude, seeing that Aaron lay dead, wept over him for thirty days, throughout all their families.Numbers 20:29

Numbers 25:7 And when Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, had seen it, he rose up from the midst of the multitude, and, seizing a dagger,Numbers 25:7

Numbers 25:11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has averted my wrath from the sons of Israel. For he was moved against them by my zeal, so that I myself, in my zeal, might not wipe away the sons of Israel.Numbers 25:11

Numbers 26:1 After the blood of the guilty was shed, the Lord said to Moses, and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest:Numbers 26:1

Numbers 26:9 his sons, Nemuel and Dathan and Abiram. These are Dathan and Abiram, the leaders of the people, who rose up against Moses and Aaron in the sedition at Korah, when they rebelled against the Lord.Numbers 26:9

Numbers 26:59 who had a wife, Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to him in Egypt. She bore, to her husband Amram: sons, Aaron and Moses, as well as their sister, Miriam.Numbers 26:59

Numbers 26:60 From Aaron were born Nadab and Abihu, and Eleazar and Ithamar.Numbers 26:60

Numbers 26:64 Among these, not one of them was numbered before, by Moses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai.Numbers 26:64

Numbers 27:13 And when you have seen it, you shall then go to your people, just as your brother Aaron went.Numbers 27:13

Numbers 33:1 These are the lodging places of the sons of Israel, who departed from Egypt by their companies under the hand of Moses and Aaron,Numbers 33:1

Numbers 33:38 And Aaron the priest ascended onto mount Hor, by the order of the Lord. And there he died, in the fortieth year of the departure of the sons of Israel from Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first day of the month,Numbers 33:38

Number of the word / term Aaron in Numbers: 91

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 9:20 Likewise, he became vehemently angry against Aaron, and he was willing to destroy him, and I prayed for him similarly.Deuteronomy 9:20

Deuteronomy 10:6 Then the sons of Israel moved their camp, from Beeroth among the sons of Jaakan, into Moserah, where Aaron died and was buried, and where his son Eleazar was installed in the priesthood in his place.Deuteronomy 10:6

Deuteronomy 32:50 After climbing it, you will be joined to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor, and was placed with his people.Deuteronomy 32:50

Number of the word / term Aaron in Deuteronomy: 3

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Joshua

Joshua 21:4 And the lot went out for the family of Kohath, of the sons of Aaron, the priest, from the tribes of Judah and Simeon and Benjamin: thirteen cities.Joshua 21:4

Joshua 21:10 to the sons of Aaron, of the families of Kohath of the stock of Levi, (for the first lot went out for them,)Joshua 21:10

Joshua 21:13 Therefore, he gave to the sons of Aaron the priest, Hebron as a city of refuge, as well as its suburbs, and Libnah, with its suburbs,Joshua 21:13

Joshua 21:19 All the cities together of the sons of Aaron, the priest, were thirteen, with their suburbs.Joshua 21:19

Joshua 24:5 And I sent Moses and Aaron, and I struck Egypt with many signs and portents.Joshua 24:5

Joshua 24:33 Likewise, Eleazar, the son of Aaron, died. And they buried him at Gibeah, which belongs to Phinehas, his son, and which was given to him on mount Ephraim.Joshua 24:33

Number of the word / term Aaron in Joshua: 6

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Judges

Judges 20:28 And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, was the first ruler of the house. And so, they consulted the Lord, and they said, “Should we continue to go forth in battle against the sons of Benjamin, our brothers, or should we cease?” And the Lord said to them: “Ascend. For tomorrow, I will deliver them into your hands.”Judges 20:28

Number of the word / term Aaron in Judges: 1

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 12:6 And Samuel said to the people: “It is the Lord who appointed Moses and Aaron, and who led our fathers away from the land of Egypt.1 Samuel 12:6

1 Samuel 12:8 How Jacob entered into Egypt, and your fathers cried out to the Lord. And the Lord sent Moses and Aaron, and he led your fathers away from Egypt, and he transferred them to this place.1 Samuel 12:8

Number of the word / term Aaron in 1 Samuel: 2

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book 1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 6:3 The sons of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.1 Chronicles 6:3

1 Chronicles 6:49 Truly, Aaron and his sons were burning offerings upon the altar of holocausts and upon the altar of incense, for the entire work of the Holy of Holies, and to pray on behalf of Israel, in accord with all the things that Moses, the servant of God, had instructed.1 Chronicles 6:49

1 Chronicles 6:50 Now these are the sons of Aaron: Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his son,1 Chronicles 6:50

1 Chronicles 6:54 And these are their habitations according to the villages and confines, specifically of the sons of Aaron, according to the kindred of the Kohathites. For it fell to them by lot.1 Chronicles 6:54

1 Chronicles 6:57 Then, to the sons of Aaron, they gave the cities of refuge: Hebron, and Libnah with its suburbs,1 Chronicles 6:57

1 Chronicles 12:27 as well as Jehoiada, a leader from the stock of Aaron, and with him three thousand seven hundred;1 Chronicles 12:27

1 Chronicles 15:4 Certainly, there were both the sons of Aaron and the Levites:1 Chronicles 15:4

1 Chronicles 23:13 The sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. Now Aaron was separated so that he might minister in the Holy of Holies, he and his sons forever, and so that he might burn incense to the Lord, according to his rite, and so that he might bless his name in perpetuity.1 Chronicles 23:13

1 Chronicles 23:28 And they shall be under the hand of the sons of Aaron, in the care of the house of the Lord, in the vestibule, and in the chambers, and in the place of purification, and in the sanctuary, and in all the works of the ministry of the temple of the Lord.1 Chronicles 23:28

1 Chronicles 23:32 And let them keep the observances of the tabernacle of the covenant, and the rituals of the sanctuary, and the observance of the sons of Aaron, their brothers, so that they may minister in the house of the Lord.1 Chronicles 23:32

1 Chronicles 24:1 Now these were the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.1 Chronicles 24:1

1 Chronicles 24:19 These were their courses according to their ministries, so that they would enter into the house of the Lord in accord with their practice, under the hand of Aaron, their father, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had instructed.1 Chronicles 24:19

1 Chronicles 24:31 And they also cast lots concerning their brothers, the sons of Aaron, before David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the leaders of the priestly and Levitical families, as much concerning the elder as the younger. The lot divided all things equitably.1 Chronicles 24:31

Number of the word / term Aaron in 1 Chronicles: 13

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 13:9 And you have cast out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, as well as the Levites. And like all the peoples of the lands, you have made priests for yourselves. Anyone who is willing to come and perform the ritual by his hand, with a bull from the herd and with seven rams, is made a priest of those who are not gods.2 Chronicles 13:9

2 Chronicles 13:10 But the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him. And the priests who minister to the Lord are from the sons of Aaron. And the Levites are in their proper order.2 Chronicles 13:10

2 Chronicles 26:18 withstood the king, and they said: “It is not your office, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord; rather, it is the office of the priests, that is, of the sons of Aaron, who have been consecrated for this same ministry. Depart from the sanctuary, otherwise you will be in contempt. For this act will not be reputed to you for your glory by the Lord God.”2 Chronicles 26:18

2 Chronicles 29:21 And together they offered seven bulls and seven rams, seven lambs and seven he-goats, for sin, for the kingdom, for the Sanctuary, for Judah. And he spoke to the priests, the sons of Aaron, so that they would offer these upon the altar of the Lord.2 Chronicles 29:21

2 Chronicles 31:19 Then too, men were appointed of the sons of Aaron, throughout the fields and the suburbs of each city, who would distribute portions to all the males among the priests and Levites.2 Chronicles 31:19

2 Chronicles 35:14 Then afterward, they made preparations for themselves and for the priests. Indeed, the priests had been occupied in the oblations of the holocausts and the fat offerings, even until night. Therefore, the Levites made preparations for themselves and for the priests, the sons of Aaron, last.2 Chronicles 35:14

Number of the word / term Aaron in 2 Chronicles: 6

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Ezra

Ezra 7:5 the son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, priest from the beginning,Ezra 7:5

Number of the word / term Aaron in Ezra: 1

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Nehemiah

Nehemiah 10:38 Now the priest, the son of Aaron, shall be with the Levites in the tithes of the Levites, and the Levites shall offer a tenth part of their tithes in the house of our God, to the storeroom in the house of the treasury.Nehemiah 10:38

Nehemiah 12:47 And all of Israel, in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave portions to the singing men and to the gatekeepers, for each day, and they sanctified the Levites, and the Levites sanctified the sons of Aaron.Nehemiah 12:47

Number of the word / term Aaron in Nehemiah: 2

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Psalm

Psalm 77:20 You have conducted your people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.Psalm 77:20

Psalm 99:6 Moses and Aaron are among his priests, and Samuel is among those who call upon his name. They called upon the Lord, and he heeded them.Psalm 99:6

Psalm 105:26 He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, the one whom he chose.Psalm 105:26

Psalm 106:16 And they provoked Moses in the camp, and Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.Psalm 106:16

Psalm 115:10 The house of Aaron has hoped in the Lord. He is their helper and their protector.Psalm 115:10

Psalm 115:12 The Lord has been mindful of us, and he has blessed us. He has blessed the house of Israel. He has blessed the house of Aaron.Psalm 115:12

Psalm 118:3 Let the house of Aaron now say: For his mercy is forever.Psalm 118:3

Psalm 133:2 It is like the ointment on the head that descended to the beard, the beard of Aaron, which descended to the hem of his garment.Psalm 133:2

Psalm 135:19 Bless the Lord, O house of Israel. Bless the Lord, O house of Aaron.Psalm 135:19

Number of the word / term Aaron in Psalm: 9

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Micah

Micah 6:4 For I led you out of the land of Egypt, and I freed you from the house of servitude, and I sent before your face Moses, and Aaron, and Miriam.Micah 6:4

Number of the word / term Aaron in Micah: 1

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Luke

Luke 1:5 There was, in the days of Herod, king of Judea, a certain priest named Zechariah, of the section of Abijah, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.Luke 1:5

Number of the word / term Aaron in Luke: 1

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Acts

Acts 7:40 saying to Aaron: ‘Make gods for us, which may go before us. For this Moses, who led us away from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.’Acts 7:40

Number of the word / term Aaron in Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Aaron’ in the book Hebrews

Hebrews 5:4 Neither does anyone take up this honor himself, but rather he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.Hebrews 5:4

Hebrews 9:4 having a golden censer, and the ark of the testament, covered all around and on every part with gold, in which was a golden urn containing manna, and the rod of Aaron which had blossomed, and the tablets of the testament.Hebrews 9:4

Number of the word / term ‘Aaron’ in Hebrews: 2

These texts are taken from the following version: Catholic Public Domain Version.

Number of Bible Verses found on the topic: 295

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