These are 25 christian Quotes on Intercessory Prayer. The following selection of christian quotes contains many different verses on the topic. Each individual christian quote stands on its own and has its own message and/or its own meaning. Have fun with our selection and may God bless you.
Christian Quotes on Intercessory Prayer
The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart hopes in him and I am saved.Psalm 28:7
Cast all your worries on God; for God cares for you.1. Peter 5:7
Thinking is the soul’s soliloquy.Plato
Do nothing out of self-interest or vain honor, but in humility consider one another better than oneself.Philippians 2:3
Only those who believe in miracles experience miracles.Erich Kästner
Spiritual growth is the basis for love.
Because you are so worthy in my sight, you will also be glorified, and I love you.Isaiah 43:4
As love grows in you, so much beauty grows in you. Because love is the beauty of the soul.Augustinus
If someone keeps hurting you, don’t ask why they’re doing it – forgive them and move on without them
But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, lest your alms be hidden; and your father, who sees in secret, will reward you.Matthew 6:3-4
People can show you the way, but you have to walk it yourself.Bruce Lee
Strength does not come from the strength in your arm, but from the scars on your soul.
Spirit is God in us.Aristotle
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.Matthew 28:20b
All things are possible to him that believes.Mark 9:23
But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.Matthew 19:30
God gives me strength and shows me the right path.2. Book of Samuel 22, 3
A man sees what is before his eyes; but the Lord looks at the heart.1. Samuel 16:7
Goodness will embrace those who hope in God.Psalm 32:10b
Put on the armor of God that you may stand against the schemes of the devil.Ephesians 6:11
Rather, remain settled in the spiritual and mental self and know that the supply is from Him – and that it will suffice.Edgar Cayce
If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m going to do today?Steve Jobs
Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Romans 12:21
Remember that sometimes what you don’t get can be a wonderful providence of God.
We hope this list has helped you and will help strengthen your personal relationship with God. Please always remember: Trust in God and His Word.
Remember, even if you don’t realize it, Jesus loves you!