Here you will find christian Quotes about Life And Love. These christian quotes want to offer different views and ways to approach the topic and help many people. We hope you like our selection and wish you lots of inspiration and success studying this christian quotes in advance. We hope this list can inspire and build you up.
Christian Quotes about Life And Love
wait for the LORD! Be of good courage and courage, and wait for the LORD!Psalm 27:14
But faith is a firm confidence in what is hoped for, and not doubting what is not seen.Hebrews 11:1
fear of man sets a trap; but he who trusts in the LORD is safe.Proverbs 29:25
Therefore, let us approach boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace, and so receive help in due time.Hebrews 4:16
My son, keep your father’s commandments and do not abandon your mother’s law.Proverbs 6:20
Preach the word, stop, in season or out of season; punish, threaten, admonish with all patience and teaching.2. Timothy 4:2
You make known to me the way of life: joy is fullness before you, and delight at your right hand forever.Psalm 16:11
We lie before you with our prayer, trusting not in our righteousness but in your great mercy.Daniel 9:18
Have courage to follow your heart and your intuition. It’s sort of the way to go.Steve Jobs
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.John 8:36
Love isn’t what you expect to receive, it’s what you’re willing to give.Katharine Hepburn
Be brave and strong! So fear not, and do not be afraid; for the Lord your God is with you in whatever you do.Joshua 1:9
The word of Christ dwell richly in you; in all wisdom teach and admonish one another! With psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs sing God in grace in your heart!Colossians 3:16
I find atheism repulsive. The universe just didn’t turn out that way. We need religion.Franz Josef Wagner
Spirit is God in us.Aristotle
I am responsible for what I say. Not for that, what you understand.
Everyone, as he has made up his mind in his heart, not with reluctance or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.2. Corinthians 9:7
Better a little with righteousness than a great deal with injustice.Bible
God lift us up! let your face shine, and we shall be saved.Psalm 80:4
A man sees what is before his eyes; but the Lord looks at the heart.1. Samuel 16:7
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.Psalm 23:1
Mountains may move and hills shake, but my love for you cannot be shaken.Isaiah 54:10
People know the price of everything these days, not the value.Oscar Wilde
Now there is only one thing left to do: take one or two Bible verses and recite them over and over again. That way you or they will internalize the Word of God and walk in the truth.
Be that as it may, God is just a prayer away!