Biblical Meaning of Numbers

Biblical Meaning of the Number 480

The number 480 holds significance in the Bible, as it is mentioned in various contexts throughout the scriptures. This number is believed to symbolize completion, fullness, and perfection in the spiritual realm. Let’s explore the biblical meaning of the number 480 in more detail.

Have you ever come across a number in the Bible and wondered what its significance might be? Numbers in the Bible often hold symbolic meanings that can provide insight into the message being conveyed. One such number is 480, which appears in various prophecies throughout the Bible.

In the book of 1 Kings, we find a reference to the number 480 in relation to the construction of Solomon’s temple. According to the Bible, it took Solomon 480 years to build the temple, from the time the Israelites left Egypt to the fourth year of Solomon’s reign. This number is significant because it represents completion and fulfillment of a divine plan.

The number 480 is also mentioned in the book of Ezekiel, where the prophet receives a vision of a new temple. In this vision, Ezekiel is given specific measurements for the temple, including a wall that is 500 cubits long and 500 cubits wide, with a separation of 50 cubits for the inner court. When we add these measurements together, we get a total of 480 cubits, once again emphasizing the theme of completion and perfection.

In the book of Ezra, we find another reference to the number 480 in relation to the rebuilding of the temple. After the Israelites return from exile in Babylon, they begin the process of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. It is said that it took them 480 years to complete the temple, symbolizing the restoration of their relationship with God and the fulfillment of his promises.

The number 480 is also associated with the reign of King Solomon, who ruled over Israel for 40 years. When we multiply 40 by 12 (representing the 12 tribes of Israel), we get a total of 480, once again highlighting the significance of this number in relation to divine rulership and completion.

Overall, the number 480 in the Bible is a powerful symbol of completion, fulfillment, and divine intervention. It is a reminder that God’s plans are always perfect and that everything happens according to his will. So the next time you come across the number 480 in the Bible, remember its significance and trust in God’s perfect timing and plan for your life.

Symbolism of the Number 480 in the Bible

Have you ever come across a number in the Bible and wondered what its significance might be? Numbers in the Bible are often used symbolically to convey deeper meanings and messages. One such number is 480, which appears in various contexts throughout the Bible. Let’s explore the biblical meaning of the number 480 and uncover its symbolism.

In the Bible, the number 480 is often associated with completion, fullness, and perfection. It is a number that signifies the end of a cycle or a period of time. In 1 Kings 6:1, we read that it took Solomon 480 years to build the temple of the Lord. This number represents the completion of a monumental task and the fulfillment of God’s plan.

The number 480 is also linked to the concept of restoration and renewal. In 2 Chronicles 36:21, we learn that the land of Judah lay desolate for 70 years to fulfill the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah. After the completion of this period, King Cyrus of Persia issued a decree allowing the Israelites to return to their land and rebuild the temple. The total time of desolation and restoration adds up to 480 years, symbolizing the completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new chapter for God’s people.

Furthermore, the number 480 can be seen as a symbol of divine intervention and providence. In the book of Judges, we read about the Israelites being oppressed by the Midianites for seven years. God raised up Gideon as a deliverer, and after a series of miraculous events, the Midianites were defeated. The period of oppression and deliverance lasted for 480 years, highlighting God’s sovereignty and his ability to bring about victory in the face of adversity.

Another significant aspect of the number 480 in the Bible is its connection to the concept of judgment and punishment. In 1 Kings 11:42-43, we learn that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem for 40 years before his death. After his reign, the kingdom was divided, and his son Rehoboam ruled over Judah. The combined reigns of Solomon and Rehoboam add up to 480 years, symbolizing the consequences of disobedience and the judgment of God upon the nation of Israel.

Overall, the number 480 in the Bible carries a rich tapestry of meanings and symbolism. It represents completion, restoration, divine intervention, judgment, and providence. As we delve deeper into the biblical text, we can uncover the hidden messages and lessons that these numbers convey.

In conclusion, the number 480 in the Bible serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, sovereignty, and power. It is a symbol of the cyclical nature of life, the consequences of our actions, and the promise of renewal and restoration. By studying the significance of numbers in the Bible, we can gain a deeper understanding of God’s plan for humanity and the world. So the next time you come across the number 480 in the Bible, remember its profound symbolism and the truths it reveals about God’s character and his relationship with his people.

Historical significance of 480 in Biblical events

Have you ever come across a number in the Bible and wondered what its significance might be? Numbers in the Bible often hold deeper meanings and symbolism that can provide insight into the events and messages conveyed in the scriptures. One such number is 480, which appears in several key events in the Bible. Let’s explore the historical significance of the number 480 in Biblical events.

In the book of 1 Kings, we find the number 480 mentioned in the context of the construction of Solomon’s temple. According to 1 Kings 6:1, it took Solomon 480 years to build the temple. This number is significant because it represents a significant period of time and effort that was dedicated to the worship of God. The temple was a place where the Israelites could come together to worship and offer sacrifices to God, and the fact that it took 480 years to build underscores the importance of this sacred space.

Another significant event in which the number 480 appears is in the book of Judges. In Judges 14:15, Samson poses a riddle to the Philistines, challenging them to solve it within seven days. If they could not solve the riddle, they would have to pay Samson 30 linen garments and 30 sets of clothes. The Philistines were unable to solve the riddle, so they turned to Samson’s wife for help. She eventually persuaded Samson to reveal the answer to the riddle, and he demanded that the Philistines pay him the 30 linen garments and 30 sets of clothes within the seven-day deadline. In Judges 14:19, we are told that Samson killed 30 men in order to fulfill his end of the bargain. The total number of garments and sets of clothes that were exchanged in this event adds up to 480, highlighting the significance of this number in the story of Samson.

The number 480 also appears in the book of Ezra, where we are told that King Artaxerxes of Persia provided Ezra with 480 talents of silver to be used for the service of the temple in Jerusalem. This generous donation from the king enabled Ezra to carry out his mission of restoring the temple and the worship practices of the Israelites. The fact that the king provided exactly 480 talents of silver underscores the importance of this number in the context of the temple and its service.

Overall, the number 480 holds significant meaning in the Bible, representing periods of time, quantities of goods, and acts of worship and service. Whether it is the construction of the temple, the riddle of Samson, or the donation from King Artaxerxes, the number 480 appears in key events that highlight the importance of faith, dedication, and generosity in the lives of the people of God. As we reflect on these stories, may we be inspired to seek a deeper understanding of the numbers and symbols that appear in the Bible, and to draw closer to God through our study and contemplation of his word.

Spiritual interpretations of the Number 480

Have you ever come across a number in the Bible and wondered what its significance might be? Numbers in the Bible often hold symbolic meanings that can provide insight into the spiritual realm. One such number is 480, which appears in various contexts throughout the Bible. Let’s explore the biblical meaning of the number 480 and what it might signify in a spiritual sense.

In the Bible, the number 480 is mentioned in the context of the construction of Solomon’s Temple. According to 1 Kings 6:1, it took Solomon 480 years to build the temple. This number is significant because it represents completion and fulfillment. In biblical numerology, the number 4 symbolizes creation and the material world, while the number 8 represents new beginnings and resurrection. When these two numbers are combined to form 480, it signifies the completion of a divine plan and the beginning of a new chapter.

The number 480 can also be seen as a symbol of divine timing and patience. Building a temple as grand and magnificent as Solomon’s required meticulous planning and attention to detail. It was a laborious process that took time and dedication. In the same way, achieving spiritual growth and enlightenment requires patience and perseverance. The number 480 serves as a reminder that good things come to those who wait and trust in divine timing.

Another interpretation of the number 480 in a spiritual context is that of abundance and blessings. In the Bible, the number 4 is often associated with the four corners of the earth and the four elements (earth, air, fire, water). When multiplied by the number 10, which represents completeness and perfection, the number 40 signifies abundance and blessings. Therefore, when we see the number 480, we can interpret it as a sign that abundance and blessings are on the horizon.

Furthermore, the number 480 can be seen as a call to action and service. In the Bible, the number 8 is often associated with Jesus Christ and his resurrection. When combined with the number 4, which represents creation and the material world, the number 480 can be interpreted as a reminder to serve others and spread the message of Christ’s love and salvation. It is a call to action to use our gifts and talents for the betterment of humanity and the glorification of God.

In conclusion, the biblical meaning of the number 480 is rich with symbolism and significance. It represents completion, divine timing, abundance, blessings, and a call to action. When we encounter this number in the Bible, we can take it as a sign from the divine that our efforts are being recognized and that blessings are on the way. It serves as a reminder to trust in God’s plan, be patient, and use our gifts for the betterment of others. So, the next time you come across the number 480 in the Bible, remember its spiritual significance and let it guide you on your spiritual journey.

Lessons we can learn from the Number 480 in the Bible

Have you ever come across a number in the Bible and wondered what its significance might be? Numbers in the Bible are often used symbolically to convey deeper meanings and messages. One such number is 480, which appears in various contexts throughout the Bible. Let’s explore the biblical meaning of the number 480 and the lessons we can learn from it.

In the Bible, the number 480 is often associated with completion and fulfillment. It is a number that signifies the end of a cycle or period of time. One notable instance of the number 480 in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 6:1, where it is mentioned in relation to the construction of Solomon’s temple. The verse states, “In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord.”

This passage highlights the completion of a significant project – the building of the temple – after a period of waiting and preparation. The number 480 in this context symbolizes the fulfillment of God’s promise and the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Israel. It serves as a reminder that God’s timing is perfect and that He is faithful to fulfill His promises in His own time.

Another instance of the number 480 in the Bible is found in 2 Chronicles 9:13, which describes the amount of gold that King Solomon received in one year. The verse states, “The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.” The total amount of gold received by Solomon in a year was 480 talents, which was a symbol of his wealth and prosperity.

The number 480 in this context serves as a reminder of God’s provision and blessings. It shows that when we are faithful and obedient to God, He will bless us abundantly and provide for all our needs. It also teaches us the importance of stewardship and using our resources wisely for the glory of God.

In addition to symbolizing completion and fulfillment, the number 480 in the Bible can also represent restoration and renewal. In Ezekiel 45:18-20, the prophet describes the offerings that are to be made for the people of Israel during the feast of Passover. The verse states, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: In the first month on the first day you are to take a young bull without defect and purify the sanctuary. The priest is to take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the temple, on the four corners of the upper ledge of the altar and on the gateposts of the inner court. You are to do the same on the seventh day of the month for anyone who sins unintentionally or through ignorance; so you are to make atonement for the temple.”

The number 480 in this passage symbolizes the restoration and renewal of the people of Israel through the atoning sacrifices made during the feast of Passover. It serves as a reminder of God’s mercy and grace, and His desire to forgive and restore His people when they repent and turn back to Him.

In conclusion, the number 480 in the Bible carries significant symbolism and meaning. It represents completion, fulfillment, restoration, and renewal. It reminds us of God’s faithfulness, provision, and blessings, and His desire to bring about new beginnings in our lives. As we reflect on the biblical meaning of the number 480, may we be encouraged to trust in God’s perfect timing and His promises, knowing that He is always working for our good and His glory.


The number 480 in the Bible symbolizes completion, fullness, and perfection. It is often associated with the idea of a full measure of time or a complete cycle. In the Bible, the number 480 is mentioned in reference to the construction of Solomon’s temple, which took 480 years to complete. This number is also seen as a representation of God’s faithfulness and the fulfillment of His promises. Overall, the Biblical meaning of the number 480 signifies divine order and completion in God’s plan.

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