Biblical Meaning of Names

Biblical Meaning of the Name Hannah

The name Hannah holds significant biblical meaning. In the Old Testament, Hannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel. Her name is derived from the Hebrew word “ḥannāh,” which means “grace” or “favor.” Hannah’s story is a testament to the power of prayer and faith, as she fervently prayed for a child and was eventually blessed with Samuel. The name Hannah is often associated with qualities such as grace, favor, and devotion, making it a meaningful choice for many individuals.

The Significance of the Name Hannah in the Bible

The name Hannah holds great significance in the Bible. It is a name that has been passed down through generations, carrying with it a deep meaning and a rich history. In this article, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Hannah and uncover the hidden treasures behind this beloved name.

Hannah, derived from the Hebrew word “Channah,” means “grace” or “favor.” This meaning is beautifully reflected in the story of Hannah found in the book of 1 Samuel. Hannah was a woman who longed for a child but was unable to conceive. She poured out her heart to the Lord, praying fervently for a child. In her desperation, she made a vow to dedicate her child to the service of God if He would grant her the desire of her heart.

God heard Hannah’s prayer and blessed her with a son, whom she named Samuel. The name Samuel means “heard by God,” a testament to the fact that God had indeed heard Hannah’s cry and answered her prayers. This story not only highlights Hannah’s faith and perseverance but also showcases God’s grace and favor upon her life.

The name Hannah also holds significance in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Luke, we encounter another Hannah, known as Anna. Anna was a prophetess who lived in the temple, devoting herself to worship and prayer. She was present when Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated. Anna recognized the significance of this child and praised God, proclaiming the redemption that would come through Him.

Just like the Hannah in the Old Testament, Anna’s name carries the meaning of grace and favor. Her presence in the temple, her devotion to God, and her recognition of Jesus as the Messiah all point to the favor and grace that God bestows upon His people.

The biblical meaning of the name Hannah goes beyond its literal translation. It represents the faith, perseverance, and devotion of two remarkable women who played significant roles in God’s plan. It reminds us of God’s faithfulness in answering prayers and His willingness to pour out His grace upon those who seek Him.

Today, the name Hannah continues to be a popular choice for parents around the world. It serves as a reminder of the biblical stories and the qualities associated with this name. It is a name that carries a sense of hope, faith, and favor.

For those who bear the name Hannah, it can serve as a constant reminder of their own faith journey and the grace that God has bestowed upon them. It can be a source of encouragement and a reminder to seek God’s favor in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, the name Hannah holds great significance in the Bible. It represents grace, favor, and the faithfulness of God. The stories of Hannah and Anna serve as reminders of God’s willingness to answer prayers and pour out His blessings upon His people. Whether you bear the name Hannah or simply appreciate its biblical meaning, may it serve as a reminder of God’s grace and favor in your life.

Hannah: A Woman of Faith and Prayer in Scripture

Biblical Meaning of the Name Hannah
The name Hannah holds a significant place in biblical history. In the Old Testament, Hannah is portrayed as a woman of great faith and devotion to God. Her story serves as an inspiration to believers, highlighting the power of prayer and the rewards of unwavering trust in the Lord.

Hannah’s story is found in the book of 1 Samuel. She was married to Elkanah, but she faced the heart-wrenching challenge of infertility. In those times, being childless was seen as a disgrace and a source of shame for women. Despite this, Hannah never lost hope and continued to pray fervently for a child.

Year after year, Hannah would accompany her husband to the tabernacle in Shiloh to worship and offer sacrifices. It was during one of these visits that she poured out her heart to God in a moment of deep anguish. She made a vow, promising that if God would grant her a son, she would dedicate him to His service.

Eli, the priest at the tabernacle, observed Hannah’s intense prayer and mistook her for a drunkard. However, when Hannah explained her situation, Eli blessed her and assured her that God had heard her prayer. Encouraged by Eli’s words, Hannah left the tabernacle with renewed hope in her heart.

True to His promise, God blessed Hannah with a son whom she named Samuel. The name Samuel means “heard by God,” a fitting tribute to Hannah’s unwavering faith and God’s faithfulness in answering her prayers. Hannah’s joy overflowed as she fulfilled her vow and presented Samuel to Eli, dedicating him to the Lord’s service.

Hannah’s story teaches us several valuable lessons. Firstly, it reminds us of the power of prayer. Despite her circumstances, Hannah never gave up on her faith or stopped seeking God’s intervention. She serves as a reminder that we should bring our desires and burdens before the Lord, trusting that He hears and answers our prayers in His perfect timing.

Secondly, Hannah’s story emphasizes the importance of surrendering our blessings back to God. Hannah could have held onto Samuel, reveling in the joy of finally having a child. However, she recognized that Samuel was a gift from God and willingly gave him back to serve in the Lord’s house. This act of surrender demonstrates Hannah’s deep trust in God’s plan and her willingness to put His purposes above her own.

Lastly, Hannah’s story highlights the faithfulness of God. He not only answered Hannah’s prayer but also blessed her with additional children. This serves as a reminder that God is not only concerned with our immediate needs but also desires to bless us abundantly.

In conclusion, the biblical meaning of the name Hannah goes beyond its literal translation. It represents a woman of faith and prayer, whose story continues to inspire believers today. Hannah’s unwavering trust in God, her dedication to prayer, and her willingness to surrender her blessings back to Him serve as valuable lessons for us all. May we strive to emulate Hannah’s faith and find comfort in knowing that God hears our prayers and remains faithful to His promises.

Exploring the Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of Hannah’s Name

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names hold a special significance in many cultures, and the Bible is no exception. In this article, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Hannah and delve into the symbolism and spiritual significance it carries.

The name Hannah has Hebrew origins and is derived from the word “channah,” which means “grace” or “favor.” In the Bible, Hannah is a prominent figure in the Old Testament. She is known for her fervent prayers and her unwavering faith in God. Hannah’s story can be found in the book of 1 Samuel.

Hannah’s name reflects her character and the favor she found in the eyes of God. Despite facing the heartache of infertility, Hannah remained faithful and turned to God in prayer. She sought His grace and favor, and her prayers were eventually answered when she conceived and gave birth to a son, Samuel.

The name Hannah serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and the importance of seeking God’s favor. It symbolizes the strength and resilience of a woman who never lost hope, even in the face of adversity. Hannah’s story teaches us that God hears our prayers and grants us favor when we approach Him with a humble and sincere heart.

Furthermore, the name Hannah also carries a deeper spiritual meaning. It represents the concept of surrendering oneself to God’s will. Hannah’s act of dedicating her son Samuel to the service of God in the temple is a testament to her complete trust in God’s plan for her life. She willingly gave up her most precious possession, her child, to serve God’s purpose.

In this sense, the name Hannah embodies the idea of selflessness and surrendering to God’s divine plan. It encourages us to let go of our own desires and submit ourselves to God’s will, knowing that His plans are always greater than our own.

The biblical meaning of the name Hannah extends beyond her personal story. It serves as a reminder of the grace and favor that God bestows upon His people. Just as Hannah found favor in God’s eyes, we too can experience His grace and blessings when we seek Him wholeheartedly.

The name Hannah is a beautiful reminder of the power of faith and the importance of prayer. It encourages us to approach God with confidence, knowing that He hears our prayers and grants us favor according to His perfect timing. It also reminds us to surrender ourselves to God’s will, trusting that His plans for our lives are always for our ultimate good.

So, the next time you come across someone named Hannah, remember the biblical meaning behind their name. It represents grace, favor, and the power of surrendering to God’s will. Let it serve as a reminder of the incredible faith and resilience displayed by Hannah, and may it inspire you to seek God’s favor in your own life.

Hannah’s Name: Unveiling the Divine Purpose and Destiny

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names hold a special significance in our lives, as they often reflect our identity and purpose. In the Bible, names are given with great intention and carry deep meaning. One such name is Hannah, a name that holds a rich biblical significance.

The name Hannah is of Hebrew origin and means “grace” or “favor.” In the Old Testament, we encounter a woman named Hannah who exemplifies the essence of her name. Hannah was the wife of Elkanah and the mother of the prophet Samuel. Her story is one of faith, perseverance, and the fulfillment of divine purpose.

Hannah’s journey begins with a deep longing for a child. However, she faced the heart-wrenching reality of infertility. Year after year, Hannah would go up to the house of the Lord and pour out her soul in prayer, seeking God’s favor. Her desire for a child was not merely for personal fulfillment but also for the fulfillment of God’s plan.

In her desperation, Hannah made a vow to the Lord, promising that if He would grant her a son, she would dedicate him to His service. Hannah’s prayer was heard, and she conceived and gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel. True to her word, Hannah presented Samuel to the Lord and entrusted him to the care of Eli, the priest.

The name Samuel means “heard by God,” which perfectly encapsulates the circumstances of his birth. Samuel would go on to become one of the greatest prophets in Israel’s history, playing a pivotal role in anointing kings and guiding the nation. Hannah’s faith and sacrifice paved the way for Samuel’s divine purpose to unfold.

Hannah’s story teaches us the power of persistence in prayer and the importance of surrendering our desires to God’s will. She did not allow her circumstances to define her, but instead, she turned to God in faith and trusted in His plan. Hannah’s name, meaning “grace” or “favor,” reflects the abundant grace she received from God, not only in the form of a son but also in the fulfillment of her purpose.

As we reflect on the biblical meaning of the name Hannah, we are reminded of the divine purpose and destiny that each of us carries. Just as Hannah’s name reflected her identity and purpose, our names also hold significance in God’s eyes. We are called to seek His favor and grace, trusting that He has a unique plan for our lives.

In conclusion, the name Hannah carries a profound biblical meaning. It represents grace, favor, and the fulfillment of divine purpose. Hannah’s story reminds us of the power of prayer, faith, and surrendering our desires to God. Just as Hannah’s name reflected her identity and purpose, our names also hold significance in God’s eyes. May we embrace our names and seek God’s favor, trusting in His plan for our lives.


The name Hannah has biblical origins and holds significant meaning. In the Bible, Hannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel. Her name means “grace” or “favor” in Hebrew. Hannah’s story is a testament to the power of prayer and faith, as she fervently prayed for a child and was eventually blessed with Samuel. The name Hannah is often associated with qualities such as strength, resilience, and devotion. It serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking God’s favor and trusting in His plans.

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