Here you will find all Bible passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Nearness’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to really find all the verses and occurrences.
The term ‘Nearness’ comes from 2 times in the Bible. In the following you will find all relevant Bible passages divided according to the corresponding book. Here are the Bible verses about ‘Nearness’:
Table of Contents
Bible passages with ‘Nearness’ in Isaiah
They seek me day by day, claiming to know my ways, as a people who have done righteousness and have not forsaken the justice of their God; they demand well-deserved rights from me, covet the nearness of God:
Isaiah 58:2
Scriptures related to Nearness in the biblical book Isaiah: 1
Bible passages with ‘Nearness’ in Psalms
But I delight in the nearness of God; I have made the LORD God my refuge, to tell all your works.
Psalms 73:28
Number of the word / term ‘Nearness’ in Psalms: 1
These Bible verses are from a 1951 translation of the Royalty Free Schlachter Translation.