Here you will find bible Verses on Marriage in a longer list with 20 bible verses. We sat down to put this 20 bible verses compiled to be a good resource for bible Verses on Marriage . Each bible verse has its individual meaning and may be personal. And now wish you much inspiration with our small selection.
Bible Verses on Marriage
Let my grace be enough for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.2. Corinthians 12:9
The word of Christ dwell richly in you; in all wisdom teach and admonish one another! With psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs sing God in grace in your heart!Colossians 3:16
And that is the confidence with which we speak before him: if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.1. John 5:14
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.Psalm 23:1
Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.John 21:17b
More than anything guard your heart; for from him life proceeds.Proverbs 4:23
Seek good and not evil that you may live; then the LORD will be with youAmos 5:14
Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make his works known among the nations!Psalm 105:1
I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior.Isaiah 43:11
Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.Proverbs 4:24
I have relied on you from the womb; you drew me from my mother’s womb.Psalm 71:6
Do not follow the example of your fathers! The prophets of that time had repeatedly urged them in my name to change their wrong life and put an end to their evil deeds. But your ancestors did not obey at all, they did not even pay attention to me, says the LORD.Zechariah 1:4
For I know well what I have in mind for you, says the LORD: thoughts of peace and not of suffering, giving you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11
Many thoughts are in a man’s heart; but the counsel of the LORD shall stand.Proverbs 19:21
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?Psalm 27:1
But now faith, hope, love remain, these three; But love is the greatest among them.1. Corinthians 13:13
And press on toward that goal, the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.Philippians 3:14
Preach the word, stop, in season or out of season; punish, threaten, admonish with all patience and teaching.2. Timothy 4:2
He will give you what your heart desires and fulfill whatever you set your mind to!Psalm 20:5
Thank you for reading this he will give you what your heart desires and fulfill whatever you set your mind to! to the end. We hope you are now motivated to get up and get going. Remember, God wants to talk to you – so ask Him what He wants to say to you with these verses.
Be that as it may, God bless you!