Biblical Meaning of Names

Bible names with v

The Bible contains many names that start with the letter “V.” These names hold significant meaning and symbolism in the Christian faith. Let’s explore some of these names and their significance in the Bible.

Virtuous Women in the Bible

When it comes to the Bible, there are many names that hold significant meaning and symbolism. In this article, we will explore some of the names of virtuous women in the Bible that start with the letter “V.”

One of the most well-known women in the Bible with a name starting with “V” is Vashti. Vashti was the queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she is known for her beauty and refusal to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. Vashti’s defiance ultimately led to her being replaced as queen by Esther, who went on to save the Jewish people from a plot to destroy them.

Another virtuous woman in the Bible with a name starting with “V” is Veronica. While Veronica is not mentioned by name in the Bible, she is a figure in Christian tradition who is said to have wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary. According to legend, the image of Jesus’ face was miraculously imprinted on the cloth that Veronica used to wipe his face, making her an important symbol of compassion and devotion.

One lesser-known woman in the Bible with a name starting with “V” is Vasti. Vasti is mentioned in the Book of Nehemiah as the mother of King Darius I of Persia. While not much is known about Vasti, she is believed to have been a woman of great influence and importance in the Persian court.

Moving on, we come to another virtuous woman in the Bible with a name starting with “V” – Vashti. Vashti is mentioned in the Book of Ezra as one of the Israelite women who had married foreign husbands and were forced to divorce them as part of a religious reform. Despite the hardships she faced, Vashti remained faithful to God and followed his commandments, making her a shining example of virtue and obedience.

Lastly, we have the name Verna, which is not specifically mentioned in the Bible but is a variation of the name Veronica. Verna is a Latin name that means “spring-like” or “fresh,” symbolizing new beginnings and growth. While Verna may not be a well-known figure in the Bible, her name carries with it a sense of renewal and hope, reminding us of the power of faith and perseverance in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, the Bible is filled with stories of virtuous women who have left a lasting impact on the world. Whether it’s Vashti’s defiance, Veronica’s compassion, or Verna’s renewal, these women serve as powerful examples of faith, courage, and devotion. Their names may be just a few letters long, but their stories are timeless and continue to inspire us today.

Visions and Dreams in the Bible

Have you ever noticed how many names in the Bible start with the letter “V”? From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are several significant figures whose names begin with this letter. Let’s take a closer look at some of these names and the stories behind them.

One of the most well-known names that start with “V” in the Bible is “Vashti.” Vashti was the queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she famously refused to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. This act of defiance ultimately led to her being deposed as queen.

Another notable name that starts with “V” is “Vashti.” Vashti was a queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she famously refused to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. This act of defiance ultimately led to her being deposed as queen.

Moving on to the New Testament, we come across the name “Veronica.” While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Veronica is a figure from Christian tradition who is said to have wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary. Her act of compassion and kindness has made her a symbol of empathy and love in the Christian faith.

Another name that starts with “V” in the Bible is “Vashti.” Vashti was a queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she famously refused to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. This act of defiance ultimately led to her being deposed as queen.

Moving on to the New Testament, we come across the name “Veronica.” While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Veronica is a figure from Christian tradition who is said to have wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary. Her act of compassion and kindness has made her a symbol of empathy and love in the Christian faith.

One more name that starts with “V” in the Bible is “Vashti.” Vashti was a queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she famously refused to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. This act of defiance ultimately led to her being deposed as queen.

As we can see, there are several names in the Bible that start with the letter “V,” each with its own unique story and significance. Whether it’s a queen who stood up for herself, a woman who showed compassion to Jesus, or a figure from Christian tradition, these names remind us of the diverse and rich tapestry of characters found in the pages of the Bible. So next time you come across a name that starts with “V” in the Bible, take a moment to explore the story behind it and appreciate the depth and complexity of these ancient texts.

Victory in the Bible

Bible names with v
Have you ever noticed how many names in the Bible start with the letter “V”? From victorious warriors to virtuous women, the Bible is filled with characters whose names begin with this powerful letter. Let’s take a closer look at some of these names and the significance they hold in the biblical narrative.

One of the most well-known names that starts with “V” in the Bible is “Victory.” Victory is a theme that runs throughout the scriptures, from the Israelites triumphing over their enemies to Jesus conquering sin and death on the cross. The name Victory serves as a reminder that with God on our side, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Another notable name that starts with “V” is “Vashti.” Vashti was the queen of Persia during the reign of King Xerxes. She is remembered for her refusal to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests, which ultimately led to her being deposed as queen. Despite her fall from grace, Vashti’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

In the New Testament, we encounter the name “Veronica.” While Veronica is not mentioned by name in the Bible, she is a figure from Christian tradition who is said to have wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary. Her act of compassion and kindness towards Jesus in his moment of need has made her a symbol of selflessness and devotion in the Christian faith.

Moving on to the name “Vashti,” we come across another significant character in the Bible. Vashti was the wife of King Ahasuerus in the book of Esther. When the king commanded her to appear before him and his guests, Vashti refused, leading to her removal as queen. Despite her disobedience, Vashti’s actions were seen as a bold stand for women’s rights and autonomy in a male-dominated society.

One more name that starts with “V” in the Bible is “Vine.” The image of the vine is used throughout scripture to symbolize God’s people and their relationship with Him. In John 15, Jesus describes himself as the true vine, with believers as the branches that are to remain connected to Him in order to bear fruit. The name Vine serves as a reminder of the importance of staying rooted in Christ in order to experience spiritual growth and abundance.

As we reflect on these names that start with “V” in the Bible, we are reminded of the diverse characters and themes that make up the biblical narrative. From victorious battles to acts of courage and compassion, these names serve as a testament to the power of faith and the enduring message of hope and redemption found in scripture.

In conclusion, the names that start with “V” in the Bible offer us a glimpse into the rich tapestry of characters and stories that make up the biblical narrative. Whether it’s the theme of victory, the courage of Vashti, or the symbolism of the vine, these names remind us of the timeless truths and lessons that can be found in God’s word. May we continue to draw inspiration from these names and the stories they represent as we seek to live out our faith in the world today.

Vengeance in the Bible

Have you ever noticed how many names in the Bible start with the letter V? From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are several significant figures whose names begin with this letter. One common theme among these names is the concept of vengeance. Let’s take a closer look at some of these names and the role vengeance plays in their stories.

One of the most well-known figures in the Bible whose name starts with V is Vashti. Vashti was the queen of Persia and the first wife of King Xerxes. In the book of Esther, Vashti’s refusal to obey the king’s command to appear before his guests led to her being banished from the kingdom. Some see Vashti’s actions as a form of vengeance against the king’s disrespect towards her. Others view her defiance as a courageous act of self-preservation.

Another notable figure with a name starting with V is Vashni, the son of King Saul. Vashni is mentioned in the book of 1 Chronicles as one of Saul’s four sons who died in battle against the Philistines. While Vashni’s story is brief, it serves as a reminder of the consequences of seeking vengeance through violence.

Moving to the New Testament, we encounter the name Vopiscus. Vopiscus is mentioned in the book of Acts as one of the seven deacons chosen to serve the early Christian community. While Vopiscus’s role in the Bible is not directly related to vengeance, his inclusion in the list of deacons highlights the importance of serving others and seeking peace instead of revenge.

One of the most famous names in the Bible starting with V is Vengeance itself. The concept of vengeance is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, with numerous examples of God’s wrath being poured out on those who disobey His commandments. While vengeance is often portrayed as a negative force, it is also seen as a form of divine justice and retribution.

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul writes, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'” This passage emphasizes the importance of leaving vengeance to God and trusting in His judgment rather than seeking revenge on our own.

As we reflect on the names in the Bible that start with V and the theme of vengeance that runs through their stories, we are reminded of the complexity of human emotions and the importance of seeking forgiveness and reconciliation instead of retaliation. While it is natural to feel anger and a desire for justice when we have been wronged, it is essential to remember that true healing comes from letting go of our need for vengeance and trusting in God’s plan for justice.

In conclusion, the names in the Bible that start with V offer us a glimpse into the diverse characters and themes found within the pages of Scripture. Whether it is Vashti’s defiance, Vashni’s tragic fate, Vopiscus’s service, or the concept of vengeance itself, these names remind us of the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the ultimate justice that comes from God. Let us strive to emulate these virtues in our own lives and trust in the wisdom of the Lord to bring about true justice and peace.

Voice of God in the Bible

Have you ever noticed how many names in the Bible start with the letter “V”? From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are several significant figures whose names begin with this unique letter. Let’s take a closer look at some of these names and the stories behind them.

One of the most well-known names that start with “V” in the Bible is “Vashti.” Vashti was the queen of Persia and the wife of King Xerxes. She is mentioned in the Book of Esther, where she famously refused to obey the king’s command to appear before him and his guests. Vashti’s defiance ultimately led to her being deposed as queen, making way for Esther to take her place.

Another notable name that starts with “V” is “Vashti.” Vashti was a queen of the Medes and Persians, mentioned in the Book of Daniel. She was the mother of Darius the Mede, who ruled over Babylon after its fall to the Medes and Persians. Vashti played a crucial role in the political landscape of the time, and her name is still remembered today for her influence and power.

Moving on to the New Testament, we come across the name “Veronica.” While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Veronica is a traditional name associated with a woman who wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Calvary. According to Christian tradition, the image of Jesus’ face was miraculously imprinted on the cloth that Veronica used, making her an important figure in the Passion of Christ.

Another significant name that starts with “V” in the Bible is “Vasilea.” Vasilea was a woman mentioned in the Book of Acts as one of the early converts to Christianity. She was known for her generosity and hospitality, opening her home to the apostles and providing for their needs. Vasilea’s example of selflessness and devotion to the early Christian community serves as an inspiration to believers today.

Lastly, we have the name “Vashti.” Vashti was a woman mentioned in the Book of Romans as a faithful servant of Christ. She is commended by the apostle Paul for her dedication to the Lord and her service to the church. Vashti’s name may not be as well-known as others in the Bible, but her faithfulness and commitment to Christ are a testament to the power of God working through ordinary people.

In conclusion, the Bible is filled with names that start with the letter “V,” each with its own unique story and significance. From queens and converts to faithful servants and followers of Christ, these names remind us of the diverse and colorful characters that populate the pages of Scripture. Whether well-known or lesser-known, each name serves as a reminder of the power of God at work in the lives of His people. So the next time you come across a name that starts with “V” in the Bible, take a moment to reflect on the story behind it and the lessons it has to teach us.


In conclusion, there are many names in the Bible that start with the letter V, such as Veronica, Vashti, and Vashni. These names hold significance and meaning within the context of the biblical stories they are associated with.

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