Biblical Meaning of Names

Bible names with p

The Bible is full of names that hold significant meaning and symbolism. From patriarchs and prophets to kings and disciples, these names often reflect the character or destiny of the individual. In this list, we will explore some of the notable names in the Bible that begin with the letter “P.”

When it comes to choosing a name for your baby boy, there are countless options to consider. One popular source of inspiration for many parents is the Bible, which is filled with timeless and meaningful names. In this article, we will explore some popular Bible names for boys that start with the letter “P.”

One classic Bible name that starts with “P” is Peter. This name holds a special place in Christian tradition as it was the name given to one of Jesus’ closest disciples. Peter is a strong and timeless name that has been popular for centuries. It carries with it connotations of strength, leadership, and faith.

Another popular Bible name for boys that starts with “P” is Paul. This name is derived from the Apostle Paul, who played a significant role in spreading Christianity throughout the ancient world. Paul is a name that exudes intelligence, determination, and passion. It is a name that has stood the test of time and continues to be a popular choice for parents looking for a meaningful and classic name for their son.

One lesser-known but equally meaningful Bible name that starts with “P” is Phinehas. This name is found in the Old Testament and belongs to a priest who showed great zeal for the Lord. Phinehas is a unique and powerful name that carries with it connotations of devotion, courage, and righteousness. It is a name that is sure to make a statement and set your son apart from the crowd.

Another popular Bible name for boys that starts with “P” is Philip. This name is derived from the Apostle Philip, who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Philip is a name that exudes wisdom, humility, and faith. It is a name that has a timeless quality to it and is sure to be a strong and meaningful choice for your son.

One more popular Bible name for boys that starts with “P” is Patrick. While not directly found in the Bible, Patrick is a name that has strong Christian associations due to its connection to Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Patrick is a name that is synonymous with strength, courage, and faith. It is a name that has a rich history and is sure to be a meaningful choice for your son.

In conclusion, there are many popular and meaningful Bible names for boys that start with the letter “P.” Whether you choose a classic name like Peter or Paul, a unique name like Phinehas, or a name with strong Christian associations like Philip or Patrick, you can’t go wrong with a Bible name for your son. These names carry with them a sense of tradition, faith, and meaning that will surely resonate with you and your family for years to come. So why not consider a Bible name for your baby boy and give him a name that is both timeless and meaningful?

Unique Bible Names for Girls

Are you looking for a unique and meaningful name for your baby girl? Look no further than the Bible! The Bible is full of beautiful and timeless names that carry deep significance and symbolism. In this article, we will explore some unique Bible names for girls that start with the letter “P.”

One of the most popular Bible names for girls that start with “P” is Phoebe. Phoebe is a Greek name that means “bright” or “shining one.” In the Bible, Phoebe is mentioned in the book of Romans as a deaconess of the church in Cenchreae. This name has a lovely and ethereal quality to it, making it a perfect choice for a baby girl.

Another beautiful Bible name that starts with “P” is Priscilla. Priscilla is a Latin name that means “ancient” or “venerable.” In the Bible, Priscilla is mentioned as a faithful companion of the apostle Paul, known for her hospitality and teaching abilities. This name exudes strength and wisdom, making it a great choice for a baby girl who is destined for greatness.

If you’re looking for a more unique and unconventional Bible name for your baby girl, consider the name Persis. Persis is a Greek name that means “Persian woman.” In the Bible, Persis is mentioned in the book of Romans as a beloved member of the early Christian community. This name has a mysterious and exotic quality to it, making it a distinctive choice for a baby girl.

For a more modern and trendy Bible name that starts with “P,” consider the name Philemon. Philemon is a Greek name that means “affectionate” or “loving.” In the Bible, Philemon is mentioned in the New Testament as a wealthy Christian who showed kindness and generosity to others. This name has a warm and inviting feel to it, making it a charming choice for a baby girl.

If you’re looking for a name that is both unique and meaningful, consider the name Phebe. Phebe is a variant of the name Phoebe and carries the same meaning of “bright” or “shining one.” In the Bible, Phebe is mentioned in the book of Romans as a deaconess of the church in Cenchreae. This name has a poetic and elegant quality to it, making it a sophisticated choice for a baby girl.

In conclusion, there are many beautiful and unique Bible names for girls that start with the letter “P.” Whether you prefer a classic and timeless name like Phoebe or a more modern and trendy name like Philemon, the Bible offers a wealth of options to choose from. Whichever name you choose, may it bring blessings and joy to your precious baby girl for years to come.

The Meaning Behind Biblical Names

Bible names with p
Have you ever wondered about the significance of names in the Bible? Names in the Bible are not just random labels given to individuals, but they often carry deep meanings and symbolism. In this article, we will explore some biblical names that start with the letter “P” and uncover the rich meanings behind them.

Let’s start with the name Peter. Peter is a well-known name in the Bible, belonging to one of Jesus’ closest disciples. The name Peter means “rock” or “stone” in Greek, symbolizing strength and stability. This name was given to Simon by Jesus himself, signifying his role as a foundational figure in the early Christian church.

Another biblical name that starts with “P” is Paul. Paul, originally known as Saul, was a prominent figure in the New Testament, known for his missionary journeys and letters to various churches. The name Paul means “small” or “humble” in Latin, reflecting his transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a humble servant of God.

Next, we have the name Phoebe. Phoebe is a female name found in the New Testament, belonging to a deaconess in the early Christian church. The name Phoebe means “bright” or “radiant” in Greek, symbolizing her role as a light-bearer in the community and a faithful servant of God.

Moving on, we come to the name Priscilla. Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, played a significant role in the early Christian church, often mentioned alongside the apostle Paul. The name Priscilla means “ancient” or “venerable” in Latin, reflecting her wisdom and maturity in the faith.

Another biblical name starting with “P” is Philip. Philip was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus and is known for his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in the book of Acts. The name Philip means “lover of horses” in Greek, symbolizing his swift and faithful obedience to God’s call.

Lastly, we have the name Philemon. Philemon is a lesser-known figure in the New Testament, mentioned in Paul’s letter to him regarding the runaway slave Onesimus. The name Philemon means “affectionate” or “friendly” in Greek, reflecting his loving and hospitable nature.

In conclusion, biblical names are not just labels but carry deep meanings and symbolism that reflect the character and role of the individuals who bear them. Names starting with the letter “P” in the Bible are no exception, each holding a unique significance that adds depth to the stories and teachings found in the scriptures. Whether it’s Peter, Paul, Phoebe, Priscilla, Philip, or Philemon, these names serve as reminders of the faith, strength, humility, and love that are central to the Christian faith. So next time you come across a biblical name, take a moment to reflect on its meaning and the message it conveys about the person behind the name.

Biblical Names with Powerful Meanings

Have you ever wondered about the meanings behind the names in the Bible? Names in the Bible often have powerful meanings that reflect the character or destiny of the person they belong to. In this article, we will explore some Bible names that start with the letter “P” and delve into their significance.

One of the most well-known Bible names that start with “P” is Peter. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and is often referred to as the “rock” on which the Christian church was built. The name Peter means “rock” or “stone” in Greek, which is fitting given Peter’s steadfast faith and leadership within the early Christian community.

Another powerful Bible name that starts with “P” is Paul. Paul, originally known as Saul, was a persecutor of Christians before he experienced a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. The name Paul means “small” or “humble” in Latin, which is ironic considering the significant impact Paul had on spreading the message of Christianity throughout the ancient world.

One lesser-known Bible name that starts with “P” is Phoebe. Phoebe is mentioned in the New Testament as a deaconess in the early Christian church. The name Phoebe means “bright” or “radiant” in Greek, which reflects her role as a shining light within the Christian community.

Another powerful Bible name that starts with “P” is Priscilla. Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, played a significant role in the early Christian church by hosting gatherings and teaching others about the faith. The name Priscilla means “ancient” or “venerable” in Latin, which reflects her wisdom and maturity in the Christian community.

One more Bible name that starts with “P” is Philip. Philip was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus and is known for his role in spreading the gospel to the Samaritans and the Ethiopian eunuch. The name Philip means “lover of horses” in Greek, which may seem unusual at first glance, but could symbolize Philip’s swift and determined nature in carrying out his mission.

In conclusion, Bible names that start with the letter “P” are rich in meaning and significance. From Peter, the rock of the early Christian church, to Phoebe, the radiant deaconess, each name carries with it a powerful message about faith, humility, and service. As we reflect on these names and the stories behind them, we are reminded of the enduring impact that individuals can have when they live out their faith with courage and conviction. So the next time you come across a Bible name that starts with “P,” take a moment to consider the deeper meaning behind it and be inspired by the legacy of faith that it represents.

Old Testament vs. New Testament Names in the Bible

Have you ever noticed how many names are mentioned in the Bible? From Adam and Eve to Jesus and his disciples, the Bible is filled with a wide variety of names that hold significant meaning and importance. In this article, we will explore some of the names that start with the letter “P” in the Bible, and compare names from the Old Testament to those in the New Testament.

Let’s start with some Old Testament names that begin with the letter “P.” One of the most well-known names is “Pharaoh,” which refers to the rulers of ancient Egypt. Pharaohs played a significant role in the history of the Israelites, particularly during the time of Moses and the Exodus. Another Old Testament name is “Perez,” which means “breach” or “burst forth.” Perez was one of the twin sons of Judah and Tamar, and his descendants played a crucial role in the lineage of King David and ultimately Jesus.

Moving on to the New Testament, we encounter names like “Peter” and “Paul.” Peter, whose original name was Simon, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and played a pivotal role in the early Christian church. His name means “rock,” symbolizing his steadfast faith and leadership. Paul, on the other hand, was a prominent figure in the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. His name means “small” or “humble,” reflecting his transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a devoted follower of Christ.

Another notable New Testament name that starts with the letter “P” is “Philip.” Philip was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus and is known for his role in spreading the gospel to the Samaritans and the Ethiopian eunuch. His name means “lover of horses,” which may symbolize his swift and effective communication of the message of Jesus.

In addition to individual names, there are also places in the Bible that start with the letter “P.” One such place is “Philippi,” a city in Macedonia where Paul established a Christian community during his missionary journeys. The letter to the Philippians in the New Testament is addressed to the believers in this city and contains valuable teachings on joy, unity, and humility.

As we compare Old Testament names to New Testament names that start with the letter “P,” we can see a continuity of themes and meanings throughout the Bible. Names like “Peter” and “Paul” reflect qualities of leadership, humility, and faith that are valued in both the Old and New Testaments. Whether it’s a Pharaoh ruling over Egypt or a disciple preaching the gospel, each name in the Bible carries with it a story and a significance that contributes to the overall narrative of God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

In conclusion, names in the Bible are more than just labels – they are symbols of identity, purpose, and destiny. Whether it’s an Old Testament figure like Pharaoh or a New Testament apostle like Peter, each name represents a unique individual who played a role in God’s unfolding story of salvation. So the next time you come across a name that starts with the letter “P” in the Bible, take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind it and how it contributes to the rich tapestry of biblical history.


In conclusion, there are many names in the Bible that start with the letter “P,” such as Peter, Paul, Philip, and Phoebe. These names hold significant meaning and symbolism within the Christian faith.

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