Biblical Meaning of Names

Bible names with n

Names in the Bible hold significant meaning and symbolism. From Noah to Naomi, each name carries a unique story and message. Let’s explore some of the notable names in the Bible that start with the letter “N.”

Names of Women in the Bible

When it comes to names in the Bible, there are so many to choose from. From Adam to Zechariah, each name holds its own significance and meaning. In this article, we’ll be focusing on names that start with the letter “N” and the women in the Bible who bear them.

One of the most well-known women in the Bible with a name starting with “N” is Naomi. Naomi is a central figure in the Book of Ruth, where she plays a crucial role in the story of Ruth and Boaz. Her name means “pleasant” or “sweetness,” which is fitting given her kind and nurturing nature throughout the narrative.

Another notable woman with a name starting with “N” is Noah’s wife. While her name is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, she is often referred to as Naamah or Naamah in Jewish tradition. She is known for her faithfulness and obedience to God during the flood, standing by her husband as they weathered the storm together.

Next, we have Nehushta, the wife of King Jehoiakim of Judah. Nehushta is mentioned in the Book of Kings as a queen who played a significant role in the political and religious affairs of the kingdom. Her name means “brass” or “bronze,” symbolizing strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Moving on, we come to Noadiah, a prophetess mentioned in the Book of Nehemiah. Noadiah is described as a false prophet who sought to undermine Nehemiah’s leadership and discourage the people from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Despite her negative portrayal in the Bible, Noadiah’s name means “meeting with God,” reminding us of the importance of discerning true from false prophets.

Lastly, we have Nympha, a woman mentioned in the New Testament in the Book of Colossians. Nympha is described as a prominent figure in the early Christian community, hosting gatherings and worship services in her home. Her name means “bride” or “nymph,” symbolizing purity and beauty in her devotion to God and service to others.

In conclusion, the women in the Bible with names starting with “N” each bring their own unique qualities and contributions to the stories in which they appear. From Naomi’s kindness to Nehushta’s strength, these women serve as examples of faith, courage, and perseverance for readers to emulate. Whether known by name or by their deeds, these women leave a lasting impact on the pages of Scripture and in the hearts of believers today.

Notable Men in the Bible

When it comes to notable men in the Bible, there are countless names that come to mind. From Adam to Zechariah, the Bible is filled with stories of men who played important roles in the history of Christianity. In this article, we will focus on some of the lesser-known names that start with the letter “N.”

One such name is Nahum, a prophet who lived in the 7th century BC. Nahum’s book in the Old Testament is a powerful message of judgment against the city of Nineveh. Despite the destruction he prophesied, Nahum also spoke of God’s mercy and compassion. His name means “comforter” or “consolation,” which is fitting given the message he delivered.

Another notable man in the Bible whose name starts with “N” is Nathan. Nathan was a prophet during the reign of King David and played a key role in David’s life. He confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba and delivered a powerful message from God. Nathan’s name means “he gave” or “gift of God,” which reflects his role as a messenger of God’s word.

Nebuchadnezzar is a name that is more well-known, but still worth mentioning. He was the king of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem and took the Israelites into captivity. Despite his pride and arrogance, Nebuchadnezzar eventually came to acknowledge the power and sovereignty of God. His name means “Nebo, protect my boundary,” which is a reference to the Babylonian god Nebo.

Nehemiah is another important figure in the Bible whose name starts with “N.” He was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia and played a key role in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s name means “comforted by the Lord,” which is fitting given the challenges he faced and the comfort he found in God’s presence.

Nethaniah is a name that may not be as familiar to many, but he was a captain in the army of Judah during the time of Jeremiah the prophet. Nethaniah was involved in a plot to assassinate Gedaliah, the governor appointed by the Babylonians, which ultimately led to the downfall of Judah. His name means “given by the Lord,” which is a reminder that even those who act in disobedience are still under God’s sovereignty.

Lastly, we have Nicodemus, a Pharisee who came to Jesus by night seeking answers to his questions. Nicodemus played a key role in the Gospel of John, where he is mentioned several times. Despite his initial skepticism, Nicodemus eventually became a follower of Jesus. His name means “victory of the people,” which is a fitting description of his journey from doubt to faith.

In conclusion, the Bible is filled with names that carry deep meaning and significance. The men mentioned in this article may not be as well-known as some of the more prominent figures, but their stories are just as important. Whether they were prophets, kings, or ordinary men seeking answers, each of these individuals played a role in God’s plan. Their names serve as a reminder of the power and presence of God in the lives of His people.

Names of Places in the Bible

Bible names with n
Have you ever wondered about the significance of names in the Bible? Names in the Bible are not just random labels; they often carry deep meanings and tell stories of the people, places, and events they are associated with. In this article, we will explore some of the names of places in the Bible that start with the letter “N.”

One of the most well-known places in the Bible that starts with the letter “N” is Nazareth. Nazareth was the hometown of Jesus and is mentioned numerous times in the New Testament. The name Nazareth is believed to mean “branch” or “shoot,” which is fitting considering Jesus is often referred to as the “Branch” in the Old Testament prophecies.

Another significant place in the Bible that starts with the letter “N” is Nineveh. Nineveh was the capital of the ancient Assyrian Empire and is famously known for the story of Jonah and the whale. The name Nineveh is thought to mean “abode of Ninus,” referring to the legendary founder of the city.

Moving on, we come to Nain, a small village in Galilee where Jesus performed one of his most famous miracles – raising a widow’s son from the dead. The name Nain is believed to mean “green pastures” or “pleasantness,” which is a fitting description for the village where Jesus brought joy and hope to a grieving mother.

Next, we have the city of Nod, mentioned in the book of Genesis as the place where Cain settled after he was banished from the presence of God. The name Nod is thought to mean “wandering” or “exile,” reflecting Cain’s state of being cast out and forced to roam the earth.

Lastly, we have the city of Nebo, mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy as the mountain where Moses went to view the Promised Land before he died. The name Nebo is believed to mean “proclaimer” or “speaker,” which is fitting considering Moses was a great prophet and leader who spoke on behalf of God to the Israelites.

In conclusion, the names of places in the Bible that start with the letter “N” are rich in meaning and significance. From Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, to Nineveh, the capital of a mighty empire, each name tells a story and carries a message that is still relevant to us today. Whether it’s a place of joy and hope like Nain or a place of exile and wandering like Nod, these names remind us of the power of God’s presence and the importance of faith and obedience in our lives. So the next time you come across a name in the Bible that starts with the letter “N,” take a moment to reflect on its meaning and significance – you may be surprised by what you discover.

Names of Angels in the Bible

Have you ever wondered about the names of angels mentioned in the Bible? These celestial beings play a significant role in the spiritual realm and are often depicted as messengers of God. In this article, we will explore some of the most well-known angelic names that start with the letter “N.”

One of the most famous angels in the Bible is Gabriel. This name means “God is my strength” or “hero of God.” Gabriel is known for delivering important messages from God to various individuals, including the announcement of the birth of Jesus to Mary. His presence is often associated with bringing good news and blessings to those he encounters.

Another angelic name that starts with the letter “N” is Nathanael. This name means “gift of God” or “God has given.” Nathanael is not as well-known as some of the other angels in the Bible, but he is mentioned in the Gospel of John as one of the disciples of Jesus. He is known for his sincerity and honesty, as well as his willingness to follow Jesus despite his initial doubts.

One of the most powerful angels in the Bible is Michael. This name means “who is like God” or “one who is like God.” Michael is often depicted as a warrior angel who fights against evil forces and protects God’s people. He is mentioned in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation as a powerful and mighty angel who leads the heavenly armies in battle against the forces of darkness.

Another angelic name that starts with the letter “N” is Nuriel. This name means “fire of God” or “light of God.” Nuriel is not as well-known as some of the other angels in the Bible, but he is mentioned in various Jewish mystical texts as a guardian angel who watches over the earth and its inhabitants. He is often associated with bringing light and illumination to those in need.

One of the most mysterious angels in the Bible is Nuriel. This name means “light of God” or “fire of God.” Nuriel is often depicted as a powerful and radiant angel who brings light and wisdom to those he encounters. He is mentioned in various Jewish mystical texts as a guardian angel who watches over the earth and its inhabitants, guiding them towards spiritual enlightenment.

In conclusion, the names of angels in the Bible that start with the letter “N” are filled with meaning and significance. From the powerful warrior angel Michael to the mysterious and illuminating Nuriel, these celestial beings play a crucial role in the spiritual realm. Whether they are delivering messages from God, protecting His people, or bringing light and wisdom to those in need, angels are a powerful and awe-inspiring presence in the Bible.

Names of Prophets in the Bible

When it comes to names in the Bible, there are so many to choose from. From Adam to Zechariah, each name holds a special significance and meaning. In this article, we will focus on names that start with the letter “N” and explore the stories of the prophets who bore these names.

One of the most well-known prophets in the Bible is Nathan. Nathan was a prophet during the reign of King David and played a crucial role in David’s life. He was the one who confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba and delivered a powerful message from God. Nathan’s name means “he gave” or “gift of God,” which is fitting considering the important role he played in David’s life.

Another prophet with a name starting with “N” is Nahum. Nahum was a prophet who delivered a message of judgment against the city of Nineveh. His name means “comforter” or “consolation,” which is ironic considering the harsh message he delivered. Despite the severity of his message, Nahum’s name serves as a reminder that even in times of judgment, there is still comfort to be found in God.

Nehemiah is another prophet whose name starts with “N.” Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the king of Persia before he was called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. His name means “comforted by the Lord,” which is fitting considering the comfort and strength he found in God as he undertook the monumental task of rebuilding the city walls.

One lesser-known prophet with a name starting with “N” is Nethaniah. Nethaniah was a false prophet who opposed the prophet Jeremiah and led a rebellion against him. His name means “given by the Lord,” which is a stark contrast to his actions as a false prophet. Nethaniah serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of false prophets and the importance of discerning true messages from God.

Lastly, we have the prophet Nahor. Nahor was the grandfather of Abraham and is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. His name means “snorting” or “panting,” which may seem like an unusual name for a prophet. However, Nahor’s name serves as a reminder that God can use anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, to fulfill His purposes.

In conclusion, the names of the prophets in the Bible starting with the letter “N” each hold a unique significance and meaning. From Nathan, the faithful messenger of God, to Nethaniah, the false prophet who led others astray, each name serves as a reminder of the complexities of human nature and the importance of staying true to God’s word. As we reflect on these names and the stories of the prophets who bore them, may we be inspired to seek God’s guidance and wisdom in all that we do.


Some Bible names that start with the letter “N” include Nathan, Naomi, Noah, and Nehemiah. These names hold significant meaning and symbolism in the Christian faith.

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